Now ...

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"Dean, Dean .. I need him to be okay .." I mumbled lolling my head over in Sam's chest. He rubbed my hair as he looked up toward the exit of the library.

"Dean!" I heard Sam's frantic voice shout as Evelynn had a wash rag on my forehead as I forced my mouth shut with each scream that wanted to escape. "Dean! We need you!"

"I'm busy, Sammy!" I heard grunts escape Dean's mouth as he fought off who I assumed had to have been Joshua. I heard wings flutter and hovering over me was now Castiel.

"I'm so sorry," he muttered as Evelynn rubbed my bicep in a comforting way. I didn't figure what he exactly meant as I tried to keep myself awake. "Stay awake, Dillon, please. I have her, Sam, go help Dean. Jody tell me when I need to help her push."

I was finding it hard to keep myself propped up much longer. I was feeling tired and weak.

"Cas, I'm tired .. I can't do this .. "

"No, Dillon, you're strong. You have got this."

I let out a breath as Jody began to count me off to push. As soon as she went to say push a ripping sensation came over my body making me let out a scream as I pushed.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I screamed as I squeezed the edges of the table. I heard Joshua laugh as a grunt came from my brothers.

"Dillon!" Jody shouted. "He's crowning!"

I gave a soft smile with being alive still as he was crowning. That has to be a good si -

A blinding light made its way to my eyes as I gave another big push feeling his shoulders slip out. There was a blinding light that came to my eyes as I felt myself going into unconsciousness. I tried to call out to Cas but I saw darkness creeping in.

The last thing I heard was a wailing sound as my face fell into Castiel's arm.

"Dillon?! Dillon!" Castiel had screamed as he took either of Dillon's cheeks into his hands to examine her face. Dean had snapped his head up from after being knocked to the ground by Joshua. He had seen the lopped sided head of his sister's as she had become unconscious.

Lucas's wailing had filled the quiet room in Jody's arms as she had joyful tears welled in her eyes. Joshua had been coming up behind her, but just as he had almost went in for an attack, Sam had thrown an angel blade into the back side of the nephilum.

Another blinding light had filled the room making Lucas's wails even louder at the uncomforting sight for his eyes. Although glad his nephew had been in the world finally, Dean had felt a deeper concern for his little sister at the moment, so he ran to where Castiel had been standing and pushed him away.

"Dilly? Dill Pickle! Dillon, wake up!" he screamed as he lightly patted her cheeks. "You can't die! You're not dying on me! Not yet!" he continued screaming as real tears had started to wet his vision. It was rare you see Dean cry.


A knock at my little apartment door had pulled me away from staring at the two silly pictures I had of my older brothers sitting in my mirror vanity. I hadn't seen my brothers in two years since I managed to escape the hunting life with Lucas who is now seven. I hadn't even got to see him when he was born.

By the time I had come back to consciousness, Luke had already been to the stopping age of five and since then, he's been growing at normal human rate.

As I made my way toward the apartment door — which had another rough knock on it — I stopped at Luke's room where he had been napping since I picked him up from school. I got out of the life for the safety of Lucas and myself, but mainly for Lucas since many hunters probably know of his existence. They'll probably want to kill him, and that's something I wanted to prevent at all cost.

I nearly lost the ability to be with him once .. I didn't want to risk it again.

The only way I knew I would be able to stay completely away from it is if I had moved far away and completely cut Sam, Dean, Castiel and Evelynn out of our lives. He still knows who his Uncle Sam and Uncle Dean are, and we always talk about them, but we never see them and as far as Luke is concerned it's because they're always too busy to visit or for us to visit.

I smiled down at him, careful not to step on any of the Ninja Turtle action figures on the ground and give him a gentle kiss to the forehead, feeling his warmth overtake my body. I smile as I brush is dirty blond (it was kind of like Dean's) locks from his eyes as another rough bang had erupted through apartment.

"Sheesh, I'm coming, I'm coming," I muttered as I took a glance at his window to make sure the salt line was still intacked.

I made my way carefully out of his room as I lightly pulled the door slightly so whoever this person is wouldn't wake him up. They began banging on the damned thing again until I threw it open angrily, but then my face dropped at whom it had been banging on my door.

I thought we were doing good.

I was beginning to get comfortable with our new lives. I was beginning to like what we had going on here for the two of us, but now this ... this can't be okay.

"No," I shook my head as I went to shut the door, but his forearm and foot stopped it from shutting as I felt my throat getting tight. I felt the tears welling and it's not like I had been meaning to start crying, I just couldn't seem to help it.

Hell, I wasn't even sure why I had been starting to cry.

"Dill, c'mon now. You know I wouldn't have come searching for you if it wasn't important. I know how important it is for you and Luke to stay away from us and the life," and it was like his voice cut through the gate that had been holding back the welled up tears, because they just came flowing.

I wasn't sure if I was crying because I had missed him over the passed two years or if that deep down, I knew something terrible was wrong because he was here or if I was irritated that I wasn't going to feel comfortable with anything for a little while. Maybe it had been a little bit of everything.

I wiped at my under eyes as I slowly pulled the door back to get an actual look at him standing in my door way. He looked stressed beyond belief, he looked scared, he looked tired and downright like crap, but he also had a sense of happiness that seemed to wash over him as he got a full glimpse at me.

"Although, you are a sight for sore eyes. I am glad I'm seeing ya again," he let out a breathy laugh as a small smile tugged at his lips. As I breathed in, I had breathed in a little too sharp, and I couldn't help the actions my body had been doing.

I jumped into his chest, wrapping my arms around him so tight that I thought that I was going to break him. He let out a small chuckle as he hugged me back super tight as my noise came out as a mixture of a sob/laugh.

This ... This felt nice ... and it was something I had been needing for a very long time.

He pulled back from me as both of his hands went on either of my cheeks and he examined me. He wiped the tears with the pads of his thumbs.

"I have missed you so much," I lightly sobbed out.

"I've missed you, too," he gave me a small smile as he left a small kiss to my forehead. Our moment had been quietly interrupted by a soft, tired voice.

"Uncle Dean?"


All righty!
I know quite a few of you have missed this story, and there have been quite a few people asking me about the sequel so here it finally is! It's just been a rough time and I'm sorry it's just now getting up!
I hope you all enjoy and remember ::

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