Chapter Six

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The sudden concern on Castiel's face had told the Winchester brothers that suddenly he had felt something was wrong. It was the look of pure fear in his eyes and it was a look they only saw when one or the other had been hurt and he had just known it. Seeing this look made them concerned that something happened to their sister and nephew on their way home from the junkyard. 

"Castiel, what is it? Is it Dillon?"

"I don't feel Lucas," Castiel said gruffly before disappearing with the whoosh of his wings and that was when Dean screamed a few curse words due to the angel up and leaving. He rushed out to the impala followed by Sam as they both drove on the road as they searched for a car rolled off the edge of the road.

"Dean, what if she already got out of the state? What if someone finds her before we do?"

"Hopefully Cas has a general area. She's fine, Sam."

But Dean hadn't really believed himself, he wasn't sure how okay she may or may not be but that was only because of the fear that was plastered on the angel's face.

"WHOA, whoa, Dean!" Sam held his hand up as he spotted the car Dillon had drove off in from Bobby's. Dean quickly pulled the impala off to the side skidding the tires as he had done so and both brothers were out before it could completely stop. Sam ran down the hill regretting being angry with her when she left. What if she was dead? What if someone had gotten ahold of her? What about Lucas?

As that question went through his head, that's when he noticed the back door ripped off and a missing child. He looked into the driver seat to see Dillon's body had been twisted every which way with blood coming from more places than he could count.



I began moving as little as my body would allow me to move, feeling a pain shooting everywhere with the tiniest of movements. I felt my arm wrapped in something as it was clung to my chest in an L shape and it hurt to try and open my eyes. I slowly but surely fluttered them open only causing an extreme pain to go through my head at the excess movement of my eyes. I felt like shit to say the least. It was almost like a very rough hangover. 

"Oh god, you're okay," Sam held my uninjured had tightly as he had been squatting next to me. I was on a couch and it smelt of woods, smoke and beer, I was back at Bobby's.

"Where's Luke?" I muttered trying to sit up but immediately wincing at the extreme pain going through my body. Sam immediately place a hand on my shoulder to try and relax me and put me back in my laying position.

"Whoa, relax. Dean and I found you in a serious car wreck. Do you remember what happened?"

The panic began settling in as I did recall the figure in the road and it had began to give me a headache at the thought of the figure in the road. Evelynn walked in with something that smelled like herbal tea probably intended for the pain. I began to sit up despite the pain it was causing me and Sam didn't bother the stop me probably due to the look on my face. 

"Where is he, Sam?"

The worse began going through my head like what if he was dead or what if the person in the road had got him? The person in the road was obviously not human by the way they were able to flip the car by flicking their hand up. It had to have been a demon. Oh god.

"There was a figure," I stood up wincing as I began pacing in front of Sam and I saw the horror on his face as he realized what was running through my mind. "Samuel, where is Lucas!"

"He ... He wasn't in the car when we found you."

"Oh my god," my voice broke as my free hand cupped my temple in panic. But I knew Sam needed to know all of the details before I began panicking too much. "There -- There was a figure ... Luke and I were talking about how he didn't get to see Castiel and he went to look at me and that's when he screamed. Oh god the terror in his voice," I sobbed out continuing to pace but Sam had grabbed my free hand stopping me to looking down at him as he saw the fear on my face. I could see his heart break through his eyes.

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