e l e v e n

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third person's pov :

"holy shit! that light is so bright!" ethan chuckles to himself, scrunching up his eyes and staring at the bright lights set up on the stages

he pops his head back out and turns around to see his two friends staring at him, arms crossed across their chests.

"you're up." pal smirks

ethan's eyes widen but he flashes on a smile, taking a deep breath. bri chuckles and pats his back, trying to give him some source of comfort.

he hear's his twin brother yell for his name while people roar and perla yells a, 'go ethan!' he chuckles softly and drops his head, heading out of the black curtains.

the bright lights shines onto his tan, chiseled face and he immediately brings his hand up to block out some light from his view.

his brother hands him the microphone and pats his back, smiling softly and walking back and disappearing into the black curtains.

everyone's claps' die down and they all stare at ethan, waiting for even just a single word to come out of him.

"wow. you guys are ready." ethan teases, chuckling softly

the audience starts laughing softly and he smiles to himself, happy they weren't so uptight or more sophisticated than he thought they were.

"well, hi. i'm ethan. as my obvious twin brother, grayson stated." he teases

they chuckle once again and he clears his throat, bringing the microphone down to block out the noise.

"i'm from the bride's side. i'm one of perla's best friends. she has multiple. she's pretty famous." he winks, pointing at the soon to be wife

she rolls her eyes at him and flips him off secretly, waving him off and urging to continue.

"well, i've known perla since high school. i uhm..." he clears his throat quickly and smiles awkwardly at the crowd, earning a soft and concerning smile back

"i had a best friend who introduced me to perla. it's really sad that she couldn't make it but uhm... we're thinking about her." his voice cracks slightly

he brings the microphone down again, flashbacks flooding his brain about the small kiss and the last, tiny conversation he had with his best friend. he shakes his head and chuckles lightly, a tear dropping down onto his black dress shoes.

"ok, ok! i won't get sappy on you guys." he smiles

the audience chuckles again and he smiles to himself; happy he didn't make the audience feel awkward or uncomfortable.

"but back to perla, she's been one of my best friends since high school. and you know what? i never ever, even thought she was going to get married!"

everyone erupts in a fit of laughter and perla groans in embarrassment. her fiancé chuckles and wraps an arm around her, kissing her cheek lovingly.

"she never had a boyfriend in high school. yes, she was a party animal and an average high school girl but, never had a boyfriend." he laughs

"i moved with my brother for college and honestly thought i would never even see her again but when she sent me that video, inviting me? i just got this... giddy feeling inside of me." he croaks

perla softly smiles and feels her eyes tear up and curses under her breath, quickly getting a napkin that was set out on the table.

"she's honestly like a sister to me. another older sister. i love her and this is a really, really big chapter into her life. so hayes, if you hurt her..." he quirks his eyebrows up and points at the bride and groom's table, making everyone laugh and spin around in their chairs to face them

"you're dead man." he chuckles

hayes raises his glass in his air and so does everyone else, yelling and clapping for ethan.

he looks around the stage, expecting to see grayson but he doesn't see him, making his eyebrows furrow in confusion. the audience's claps die down and they start whispering also, confused as to where grayson might be.

"is this even working?" a soft voice asks, echoing throughout the party room

everyone's eyes look up to the ceiling, confused as to where this sound was coming from.

"grayson! you gave me the wrong microphone!"

the crowd starts to laugh quietly and the soft voice gasps in shock, realizing everyone else can hear.

ethan chuckles to himself and his eyebrows furrow, confused as to why that voice sounded so familiar.

"ok well, i'll just do my speech backstage then." the soft voice speaks

they take a deep breath and clear their throat, shy and nervous.

"uhm. i'm kind of a special guest? i'm not exposing myself yet but, only two people know i'm here. but anyway, hi perla. i missed you like hell and now you're getting married? honest to god, never thought this was going to happen but, here we are."

the audience laughs again and the soft voice also laughs silently.

ethan laughs along, still on the stage but faced to the black curtains. he shoves his hands into his dress pants and quirks his right eyebrow up, trying to figure out who is behind those curtains.

"i really hope everyone is even happy to see me. i kind of disappeared and just, didn't speak to anyone. i'm so mean, i'm sorry!" she squeals

ethan's eyes widen in shock, realizing who it is and his eyes stare deep into the curtains.

"grayson! why did you open the cur-"

the girl's eyes widen in shock and she drops her microphone in shock, grinning and laughing like a maniac.

half of the audience erupts in soft gasps and ethan's heart begins to race and flutter. nova tucks loose pieces of hair behind her ear and her cheeks blush that crimson red.

like old times.

both of the best friends stare at each other intensely but they soon break out of their gaze, hearing loud sequels and yells from perla, who was behind ethan.

she runs up to nova and smoothers her in kisses and hugs. nova chuckles and digs her head into perla's neck, smiling and grinning. they rock each other back and forth and pull back, smiling at each other.

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