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~a/n: everyone is now in college and in between the ages of 21-24 so... welcome back to 'best friends' guys :)))
ethan's pov :

"grayson turn your music down! i'm trying to study for tomorrow!"

i clench my jaw in anticipation and anger, waiting for him to turn it down. i tap my black pen on my desk, waiting and listening for any movements from his room.

not hearing any change of volume, i groan in irritation and place my hands on my wood desk, pushing myself away from the desk; up from my navy, blue chair.

"grayson. i'm walking into your room right now and if your music isn't turned down before i get there, i swear to god i will-"

"shhhh!" he whisper yells

my eyebrows furrow and i cross my arms across my chest, about to say something but he shushes me again by placing his index finger on my lips.

"shut up! i'm on the phone!" he whispers

i roll my eyes and wack his finger off my lips, earning a dirty glare from grayson. he sticks his tongue out at me and i stick mine out, walking away and plopping onto his bed.

"grab my laptop!"

he jumps onto his bed but lands on me instead and i groan in pain, my hands immediately going to my stomach.

"you fucking punched my abdomen, gray!"

"well... your fault for being on my-"

"shut up and get your laptop." i hiss

he sighs deeply and grabs the laptop placed next to me and cuddles into his blankets, patting the open spot next to him.

"it's a video... for both of us." he grins

i chuckle to myself and drop my head, playing with his silky burgundy sheets.

i give in after a few seconds and crawl toward his headboard, getting into his sheets and crossing my bulky arms across my chest.

"perla left me a voicemail. said it was important." he murmurs, looking through his files on his laptop

"perla? we haven't talked to her since..."

my throat tightens and i clear my throat, trying to forget the memory that kept replaying in my head.

at the corner of my eye i see a playful smirk plastered onto grayson's face but he still continues to type away on his laptop, searching through everything. i punch his arm, making him hiss and cradle his bicep.

"shut up fuckface." i chuckle, shaking my head slightly

"anyway, perla said she sent me a video. i just can't find... aha!"

he points at the laptop and i chuckle, shaking my head.

"i see your laptop gray." i laugh

"shut the fuck up and look at who she's with, in the thumbnail of the video!"

my jaw drops and i chuckle, not believing what i saw.

"is that..."

"a guy!" grayson laughs

"she has a boyfriend!" i yell, throwing my hands up

"finally!" grayson yells with me

"we're such assholes." i laugh

grayson nods his head, agreeing with me and clicks on the video, starting it.

perla's pov (during the filming of the video) :

"uhm... this is really fucking weird." i chuckle

i turn around for a brief moment, looking at hayes and he flashes me a smile, motioning with his hands for me to continue.


i clear my throat and look around my colorful room, trying to calm myself down.

"don't know, why i'm so nervous... i mean this video is going to like... the three most important people in my life."

i turn around seeing hayes with his jaw dropped wide open, teasing me.

"you too!" i shout

"shhh!" he whisper yells

"oh ya... you're not supposed to be seen nor mentioned." i chuckle nervously

he shakes his head at me, chuckling a bit and turns back around, walking out of our room.

"uhm... ok i'm just going to get straight to the point... i'm getting... married."

right as those words slipped out my mouth, i start laughing in disbelief and i shake my head, staring at the ground.

"i just uhm... i really want you guys to be there. i know, i know! that... ethan and grayson, you guys are just so busy with college and stuff and... nova! gosh! you- you! you're like... i don't even know how to express how busy you are. pal and bri told me that you just... you go to standford and then the rest of the day you work at a hospital. you literally get no sleep." i pout

"ok, this is getting off track... the point is! i miss you guys. like a lot. it's been years and we all fell off, which i hate. i'm just... i'm really hoping for you guys to show up." my voice cracks

"god! i told myself i wouldn't cry! see guys?! i never cry! i'm crying now!" i laugh, wiping my tears away

i sniffle up the rest of my tears and breath deeply, smiling at the macbook placed in front of me.

"just uh... try your best to make it."

ethan's pov (present time) :

"she's getting..."

"married." i whisper

grayson stares at me with his jaw wide open in shock. i laugh in disbelief and start jumping on his bed.

"she's getting married gray! our girl is getting married!" i yell

grayson laughs and shakes his head, agreeing.

"i'm just... i'm in shock. and no-"


"e. we're gonna see her at perl's wedding."

"you... you don't know that." i gulp

grayson places his hand on my shoulder and gives me a weak smile, setting his head on my shoulder.

"something's telling me that she's gonna be there, e."

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