t h i r t y

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song : golden hour by kacey musgraves

third person's pov :

ethan clutches onto nova's waist as she runs her fingers through his soft hair, keeping her head in the crook of his neck.

"i don't wanna go back in." ethan mutters

nova chuckles a bit and blushes as she meets his hazel eyes, while ethan brings up his hand to run his thumb across her warm cheek.

"bub, we have to." nova persists

a wide smile cascades ethan's face and he peppers small kisses all around nova's face, as she chuckles at the ticklish feeling.

"why the sudden burst of affection?" she laughs

ethan pecks her soft lips and looks into her eyes, holding both of her cheeks in his hands.

"i've just... been waiting for you to say that."

"say what?" nova asks, completely oblivious

"bub. i've missed it, you know?"

she smiles uncontrollably and nods her head, resting her head on his chest and listening to the sound of his racing heart.

"you heart is racing, e." she chuckles

the vibrations of her laugh course through ethan's body making him smile and he looks down at the girl once again.

"well, obviously. my dream girl is cuddling with me right now."

a deep blush paints over nova's cheeks and she groans, smushing her face into ethan's shirt.

"why do you have to be so god, damn good with your words?!" she whines

"i'm just a catch."

she smiles once again and lifts her head up to see her best friend's house in view. although, her eyebrows furrow incoherently as she scans the other cars that are parked around ethan's, his parent's, and grayson's.


ethan immediately lifts his head up to her calling and his grip on her waist tightens even more as he sits up and she wraps her legs around his waist.

"do you see those other cars?" she asks, her fingers touching the glass as she points to the other cars

ethan just watches her, her words flying over his head as he watches her cute, confused reaction.

her eyebrows are still furrowed and she keeps licking her plump, rosy lips out of nervousness.

he can't hold himself back as he grabs onto her wrist gently and spins her around, gently grabbing her left cheek and he meets his lips with her's, smiling into the kiss.

his heart automatically starts to race even more as the two practically make out in the backseat of his car and nova pulls back, chuckling to herself and furrowing her eyebrows once again in confusion.

"what was that about?" she asks

"just haven't kissed you in a while." ethan responds smoothly, tucking a piece of her fallen hair behind her ear

she smiles once again at his words but a frown quickly plasters onto her face, as she looks down and plays with the bangle set on her wrist.

"hey, hey? what's wrong?" ethan asks, clutching onto her hands and deeply staring into her eyes

"i just forgot to tell you. tyler and i broke up."

a smirk finds its way onto ethan's face and he quirks his right eyebrow up, leaning back and wrapping his arms around the black leather seats of his car.

"well, i mean it's pretty obvious. you're making out with me in the backseat of my car." he cockily replies

"ethan!" she screeches, punching his chest lightly and digging her face into his chest to prevent him from seeing her tainted red cheeks

a loud laugh falls out of his lips and he grabs her chin, meeting her brown eyes with his hazel ones.

"i obviously knew, n. no matter what, you would never cheat on another person. i know you much more than you know you."

nova can't help herself as she wraps her tiny arms around ethan's torso and she digs her head into his chest, sighing in relief as her muscles immediately relax.

"i don't know what i did to deserve you, but i hope this feeling never goes away." she mutters

now it's ethan's turn to blush and he wraps his bulky arms around her body, resting his chin atop her head.

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