t w e n t y - t h r e e

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third person's pov :

nova watches as people enjoy themselves on the dance floor and she turns her head to see tyler grinning at her.

"wanna dance?" he asks

"tyler, you know i don't dance." she chuckles

he whines in frustration and nova chuckles, punching his bicep teasingly.

ethan watches them both bitterly and grayson just snickers at ethan's reaction, chugging down a water bottle before ethan could look in his direction and glare.

"what are you laughing at?" ethan asks with a glare

"you obviously." grayson admits

ethan just rolls his eyes and plays with the food set on the table in front of him and grayson sighs deeply, setting his bulky hand on his shoulder.

"e, you gotta tell her sooner or later. she has to know now i mean... you're leaving soon-"

"shut up gray! she doesn't know that." ethan murmurs

"great. two things she doesn't know and to make it even better, she has a fucking boyfriend! fabulous." grayson sarcastically grins

ethan looks at grayson with no emotion and grayson just sighs and let's his head drop.

"i'm sorry e. i didn't mean it like that."

"it's fine. i'm a coward anyway. i haven't told her how i've felt and i've just been pushing her away since high school."

"you do know she was like... in love with you right?" a voice asks

grayson shushes perla as she takes a seat next to the two boys and ethan's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"w-what do you mean?" ethan nervously chuckles

"you're such an idiot." another voice says

"why are you guys showing up just now?" grayson asks, staring at pal and bri as they drag over seats to sit next to perla

"also not was. she probably still is." pal smirks, twirling her hair with her index finger

"oh shut up. you guys probably just want to get my hopes up." ethan glares

"ok e. whatever you believe. but you need to talk to her soon." bri confesses

shouts and arguments are heard from the other side of the room and ethan's eyebrows furrow in confusion as he turns around.

grayson chokes on his water as he sees the two figures in the back of the room and everyone glares as they see who is causing all the ruckus.

"now, why the hell are you two here?!" nova asks

"aw... we just wanted to stop by nova. we saw perla's name on the sign outside with someone else's. we're just being good friends." a high pitched voice says

nova just chuckles and her grip on her water filled with glass gets harder.

"get out of here alison. you too anthony. before i do something i'll regret."

"oh please! like you'll do anything." alison shrieks

nova just smirks and drops her head for a second and catches alison eyes.

"don't say i didn't warn you."

alison gasps and yells as nova's ice cold water seeps through her dress and she begins to shudder as the water creates goosebumps on her skin.

"you shouldn't have done that nova." anthony glares

"and you shouldn't have stepped foot here. guess we both did something wrong, didn't we?" nova hisses

anthony takes a step towards nova's direction but her arm immediately gets tugged on gently and ethan steps in front of her.

"think twice before you go in her direction anthony."

"oh would you look at who it is?! it's dolan! how've you been hm? how are you and your best friend." anthony smirks, knowing his words got to ethan

ethan just rolls his eyes and his jaw clenches as he takes a step toward anthony.

"just leave before i beat your ass like last time. you're making a fucking scene."

tyler grabs onto nova's hand and tugs her towards him gently and he sends her a reassuring smile, pulling out a chair for her to sit down in.

"aw. so nova got a boyfriend and you're all lonely. isn't that so sad." anthony chuckles

ethan's nostrils flare and he takes a deep breath as he punches anthony square in the jaw.

gasps are heard from all over the room and nova quickly stands up to run to the scene.

"i would be punching you repeatedly but... i already did that last time and this is my friend's wedding. so grab your shit and get. out." ethan spits

anthony holds onto his bloody chin and alison glares at ethan and nova.

all eyes are set on anthony and alison and they finally give in and huff as they storm towards the front doors and give everyone one last glare.


- this was a dramatic chapter but that's besides the point. i hope you're all staying safe with everything that's happening. it's crazy to think that 2020 is ending up like this. if you're participating in protests, please make sure to stay safe. and just so you all know, my account is a total safe place for all of you guys. i welcome any of you guys and i love you all so so much. also happy pride month to any of you babies. have a great month and love who you want to. my dm's are always open for any of you guys. i understand that everything happening around the world is such a hard time for everyone and i'm here if you need a distraction or just someone to talk to. also make sure you guys are signing any petitions or texting "FLOYD" to 55156. i swear one person can make a huge change. stay safe and healthy guys, i love you guys and thank you so much for all of the support and love <3

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