Chapter 12: The Rating Game Begins

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 12 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"(Y/N) is in his room lifting weights as he gets ready for the Rating Game in one hour, he is determined not to give up so Rias doesn't marry Riser. He remembers what Rias told them about the House of Phoenix......................
Rias 'echoing flashback': "The House of Phoenix has no respect for us, let's give em a taste of how strong the House of Gremory truly is. They will receive no mercy from us!"
.....................he places the weights down and looks at his left hand, he balls it into a fist......................
(Y/N): "I've been training for the past ten days like my life is depending on it, I will never let them win. Never!"
.....................his hand glows which his Sacred Gear activates, he sees the crystal glowing along with a vivid glow under the armored part of his Sacred Gear. He gets confused why that's happening, it dims down which he unequips it, he hears a knock at his door causing him to look at the door......................
Asia: "(Y/N), are you there? Do you mind if I come in?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. You can come in."
......................the door opens and Asia walks in, he sees her wearing an outfit that he hasn't seen her wear before......................
(Y/N): "Wow, what's that you're wearing?"
Asia: "Before I became a devil I wore this when I arrived here, I thought my habit might make me feel more confident. Rias said she was okay with it, as long as I felt comfortable. So, I just wanted to know what you thought."
(Y/N): *looks at her smiling* "I think that outfit looks really cute on you."
Asia: "You're sweet, I'd like to stay here with you. Do you mind?"
(Y/N): "Of course you can."
......................she walks to him and sits on his bed next to him, she wraps her arms around his arm as she leaned in......................
(Y/N): "Is something wrong?"
Asia: "Oh nothing, I'm just a little bit nervous about the battle. Still as long as I have you here next to me, I know everything'll be fine."
(Y/N): "Yeah."
Asia: "Is it alright with you (Y/N), if I just stay here with you for a while?"
(Y/N): "Yes, of course you can, it's perfect."
Asia: *looks at him surprised, smiles at him* "Issei is really lucky he had you as a friend, I don't know how it would be if he was still alive and you here. If you joined when he was alive, then everything would be better."
(Y/N): *nods* "Yeah. Everything will be better now."
......................they look at each other in the eyes as they smiled, the door opens to reveal Shoutaru with determination on his face as he walked in.......................
Shoutaru: "It's time. You two ready?"
(Y/N): "Let's do this."
......................everyone is at the O.R.C room getting ready with (Y/N) focusing his power with the Sacred Gears he has, a knock is heard which gets everyone's attention to see Sona and Tsubaki coming in.......................
Sona: "Sorry if I'm interrupting."
Rias: "No please, come on in, Sona. I'm glad you can make it."
(Y/N): "I didn't expect you two to be here, is there a reason?"
Rias: "There's a live broadcast of the competition so family members can watch. Sona and Tsubaki are here to help out with that."
(Y/N): "Now that's awesome."
Sona: "And besides its her first Rating Game, I wouldn't miss an event like this for anything."
Rias: "Well, I promise to do everything in my power to make it interesting for you."
.....................a glyph appears behind Sona and Tsubaki which (Y/N) recognizes it as a Transportation Circle with Grayfia appearing from it......................
Grayfia: "It's almost time, I hope you're ready for this, my lady."
Rias: "Yes. We're ready whenever you are."
Grayfia: "In a few moments we'll use is magic circle to transport you and the rest of your team to the battlefield."
(Y/N): "Where would this be if it's okay to ask?"
Akeno: "In a neutral alternate space, created just for the game. Because it's not real, we have a full license to do some damage, even burn it to the ground if we want."
(Y/N): "Alright then, I won't be holding back then."
Sona: "I'll be in the Student Council broadcast booth calling the game, we'll be cheering you on. Good luck."
Rias: "Thanks a lot. Just try to keep the play-by-play fair."
Sona: "Oh, I'll keep it clean. Though if I was a betting girl, I'd say you're going to beat that scumbag seven ways from Sunday."
......................they walk out the room closing the door......................
Grayfia: "There's something I forgot to tell you, I thought you'd like to know the Great Devil Lucifer will be watching the Game."
Rias: "Oh, brother dearest"
(Y/N): "Wait, you're brother is The Devil? Or am I hearing this wrong?"
Kiba: "No, Rias's brother is Lucifer, the King of the Devils."
Shoutaru: "Woah."
(Y/N): "Oh damn, the Lucifer. He's your big brother?"
Rias: "That's right."
Kiba: "His name is Sir Zechs. Although he has been known by many names, during the Great War our leader died. Sir Zechs took over the throne and lead us through a dark time, he saved the devil kingdom from ruin."
Asia: "Well, that explains why Rias is the next heir to the House of Gremory."
Shoutaru: "Incredible."
(Y/N): "I had no idea."
.....................he remembers what she said about the House of Gremory, how it comes first before her. A red glyph appears as a transportation circle is seen......................
Grayfia: "It's time, everyone."
Rias: *stands up* "Then let's go."
......................they stood there as they slowly teleport to where they're headed for the Rating Game, they arrive as (Y/N) looks around to see they're in the room still......................
(Y/N): "Uh, what's going on?"
Asia: "I think our magic circle is broken."
(Y/N): "Yeah. Why are we still here?"
Grayfia: "Your attention please. My name is Grayfia, I am a servant of the House of Gremory. I will be your referee during today's match. To create the battlefield you'll be competing in, I took suggestions from Lady Rias and Lord Riser. You may recognize this place, as it's an exact replica of Kuo Academy, an educational institution in the human world."
(Y/N): "Wait, what does that mean?"
Rias: "Just take a look outside."
.....................(Y/N), Asia, and Shoutaru open the window as they look in the sky to see a halo light over them which surprised all three of them......................
Asia: "They sky!"
(Y/N): "This is an alternate space."
Shoutaru: "Why does everything look the same?"
Rias: "It might look like it, but trust me we're not at school anymore."
(Y/N): "Alright, I guess there's no need to be worried."
Grayfia: "Each team has been given an area that will serve as its home base. Lady Rias, your team will be in the Occult Research Club headquarters in the old schoolhouse. Lord Riser's home base will be located in the principal's office in the new schoolhouse. Pawns will be promoted if they can make their way of the home base of the opposing team. Good luck to all."
(Y/N): "Alright. I got this, all we have to do is win and that asshole shall add another loss to his Rating Game Streak. So, what should we do now?"
Akeno: "Well, I would tell you not to get your ass handed to you, but with you I'm sure it will be different now."
Kiba: "Just be smart dude, odds are Riser's gonna wanna move his Pawns into our territory right away. We need to keep enough players nearby to make sure that doesn't happen."
(Y/N): "Got it. *loos to see Koneko giving him a small red orb* Oh thanks, what's this?"
Rias: "These'll help us communicate during the battle."
(Y/N): "Alright then, we got this."
......................a sound is heard which gets their attention......................
Grayfia: "All right Devils. Let the games begin!"

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