Chapter 43: Grand Scale Mail

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 43 of this story and by the title of this chapter along with the ending to the previous chapter. You should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with all that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"Everyone looks at (Y/N) as he is now using the Grand Scale Mail version of his Balance Breaker, for the second time he is using the armor as he felt the power of every dragon going through his body. Cao Cao and the others were shocked at what they are seeing, A Balance Breaker they have never seen before, and the first to see something that has been achieved......................
Heracles: " How is this possible? I never seen that before."
Jeanne: "How does he have this power?"
Cao Cao: "Don't know, it is a beautiful sight to see a different Balance Breaker that we haven't seen before. He truly is amazing, I guess I can spare a little bit more time."
(Y/N): "It won't make a difference Cao Cao, I'll take all of you bastards on!"
Heracles: "All right then! Bring it on!"
......................he rushes towards (Y/N) getting ready go punch him, but he fist gets grabbed which shocked everyone that be was quick go react......................

(A/N: Battle Music starts here.)

Heracles: *eyes widen* "What?!"
(Y/N): "Hmph, pretty easy. My turn!"
......................he punches him so hard he coughs up blood, be follows up with a elbow to the face along with a knee to the gut making him fly away towards the mountain going across the ground to collide with rocks  breaking everywhere with everyone looking at him shocked......................
Siegfried: "Impossible!"
Cao Cao: "Such strength!"
(Y/N): "Who's next? Or are the rest of you little bitches to fight?"
Siegfried: *gets angry, equips his swords* "How dare you!"
......................he rushes at him to deliver slash attacks, but he swiftly dodged them despite having six arms. He blocks an attack to follow you with back handing him which busts open his lip making him turn around. He gets punched in the head three times with makes a cut on his head, (Y/N) grabs his fake arms as he pulled them off making Siegfried scream in absolute pain......................
Jeanne: "Siegfried!"
Cao Cao: *shivers in fear* "How is he so strong?"
......................(Y/N) slams his fists on his back making him cough, he grabs the other fake arms to rip them off as he screams. (Y/N) places the swords in an orb as they float......................
(Y/N): "I'm taking these."
......................he stomps on his head which he goes unconscious, Jeanne does her sword summoning attack, but gets blocked which shocked her. He uses the powers if the Bladed Dragon Emperor which he did his own summoning and they cut her which she screams in pain. He opens his hand charging an attack and he throws it at her which h she flies back in more pain than what she felt, Heracles rushes at him yelling in anger getting ready to strike (Y/N). But, he was too fast he kicks him in the gut which he coughs more blood along with his kick that cuts his stomach as he flies away crashing into Jeanne......................
Cao Cao: "I-Is this- the Ohma dragon's true power?"
(Y/N): *looks at him* "You're next, Cao Cao."
......................he goes to react, but his spear gets grabbed and he gets punched in the face as he groans in pain, he knees him in the gut four times. He swings him around to throw him in the air, he flies towards him to deliver a non-stop beat down as Cao Cao screams, after that he grabs him by the neck......................
(Y/N): "You and those bastards hurt my friends, now you're going to pay! Everyone of you. *kicks him as he hurdles to the ground* Dragon Cannon!"
......................he summons cannons behind his back as he points them to Cao Cao, he charges the power and he shoots a laser like attack towards him. He gets hit and he plummets to the ground with an explosion happening on impact. (A/N: End the music here.) He slowly lands on the ground as he looks at the crater, Cao Cao walks out as he is injured with bruises and cuts on his body.....................
Cao Cao: "Well, you certainly are stronger than I thought when you pulled that trick out of the hat at the last minute. I probably would have died if it weren't for this spear. However, your armor is definitely interesting, using the power of the dragons you possess in one armor."
(Y/N): *laughs* "Something you can't achieve."
Cao Cao: "True. Grand Scale Mail, such a mysterious name for a Balance Breaker that looks beyond normal."
(Y/N): "Don't sell me shirt Cao Cao, I feel like this isn't the first time I used this armor. But, the power is incredible, every dragon I possess is giving their power to me along with their support. So, in small terms; you're fucked! So, are we going to continue fighting, or are you going to chicken out?"
Cao Cao: "Well, I would, but there's not much time."
......................something is seen in the sky which looks like a portal opening which reveals to be one from the Dimensonal Gap......................
(Y/N): "Oh no!"
Cao Cao: "It seems our guest has finally arrived. Hey Georg! Be a dear and prepare to summon the Dragon Eater. *gasps in shock* Wait, this isn't right! This Chi. It's the Michevous Dragon, Yu-Long!"
(Y/N): "Yu-Long? One of the Five Dragon Kings?"
Sun Wukong: "Geronimo! *lands on the ground* Ho-ho! If it isn't the young spear-wielding whipper snapper!"
Cao Cao: "Oh, and if it isn't the Great Victorious Fighting Buddha. Pray tell, to what do I owe this pleasure?"
Sun Wukong: "Don't play dumb, you know why I'm here you little shit-stain. This prank of yours has gone too far, and while some heroes rise up to become deities, others end up becoming the poison that gives everyone else a bad name. Did that answer your question or should I use smaller words? Well sonny?"
Cao Cao: "Poison'? I see. If you're the one labeling me as poison, then I think I'll take that as a compliment."
Sun Wukong: "Hm! Leave the rest to me. I'm the first-generation Sun Wukong."
(Y/N): *eyes widen in surprise* "Seriously?! That's awesome, it's such an honor to meet you!"
Sun Wukong: "Ya did real good kiddo. I'll handle things from here. *looks at Yu-Long* Yu-Long, take care of the fox broad!"
Yu-Long: "Got it. *looks at them* Hey. Not to rain on your parade, but it looks like Vritra beats us to the punch."
Sun Wukong: "Not yet, he hasn't. Go lend him a claw. After this, you can gorge yourself with the best Kyoto cuisine around."
Yu-Long: "No take backsies! *flies towards them* Ah- All right! All right! All right! Dragon King coming in hot!"
Sun Wukong: "Well then, back to these turd sandwiches."
Siegfried: "Fool!"
......................he launches towards him despite his injuries as he had two swords in his hands......................
Sun Wukong: "Extend Staff!"
......................his staff extends hitting Siegfried in the gut as he grunts in pain and flies back behind everyone as he crashes on the ground......................
Sun Wukong: "Your back wasn't even in it. Maybe you need some more training."
......................a purple fog appears around him which shows Georg using the ability as he grunts from using the power......................
Sun Wukong: "Oh, heavenly path hear me! Come down with a clap of thunder through the jaws of a dragon. Lay upon the land."
......................the smoke disappears which Georg growls in anger, Yasaka growls as she continues fighting both dragons which Georg runs away to Cao Cao and the others......................
Sun Wukong: "Well, would you look at that? The dragons are almost done over there. Without that four-eyes spell, the fox is running on empty. Huh?"
......................Cao Cao extends his spear as he goes to attack Sun Wukong, but he blocks it with his finger......................
Sun Wukong: *chuckles* "Oh dear, you seem to have given me a teensy prick, but then again you know about those, don't you?"
Cao Cao: "I'm glad to see you're as healthy and disgusting as ever."
Siegfried: "Cao Cao, we should retreat!"
Cao Cao: "Yes, I suppose. *jumps back with the others as he grunts in pain, but smiles* Sorry we have to leave the party so early."
(Y/N): "Oh no you don't! *summons a cannon in his arm* One hit, that's all I need."
Sun Wukong: "Technically, I'm supposed to be doling out the punishments, but give it a shot."
......................he gals his armor with his staff which (Y/N) shoots the cannon heading towards them, Jeanne and Heracles stands in the way. But, (Y/N) smirks as the beam goes past them hitting Cao Cao in the right eye with a grunt of pain heard......................
(Y/N): "Got ya bitch!"
......................Jeanne and Heracles both gasp in shock with the successful hit, steam is seen coming g from his eye with blood coming from it which makes Cao Cao furious......................
Cao Cao: "Ohma Dragon! That's it! Spear! Holy Spear that can even pierce the gods, the ideals of the king of domination that-"
Siegfried: "Cao Cao *covers his mouth* don't! This is not the time to show Truth Idea. Besides, we still need to get Leonardo."
Cao Cao: *removes his hand from his mouth* "Yes, I'm aware. (Y/N) (L/N)! Or should I say, Ohma Dragon. You better be this strong, but I know you can get stronger. Stronger than Vali, when you do that I'll show you the true power of my Longinus."
......................purple fog goes around them as they disappeared, (Y/N) looks to see Yasaka on the ground unconscious, everyone is awake with Saji unconscious as Asia heals him. Kunou is next to her mother with tears in her eyes worrying for her mother......................
Kunou: "Oh mother, please wake up." Sun Wukong: "Hey kid, don't you have the special ability to go in people minds to hear them?"
(Y/N): "Yeah."
Sun Wukong: "I think I have an idea. I'll help you, but see if you can use that spell on the little lady and the mama Fox Youkai at the same time."
(Y/N): "Okay. I'll do it."
......................he focuses his power as they're in a colored field, Sun Wukong does the same turning it green......................
Sun Wukong: "Okay then munchkin, see if you can vet through to your mother."
Kunou: *nods* "Mother? It's me. I'm here with you, please turn back to normal, I beg of you! I'll never ask you for anything again, I promise. So... Please... please change back to the mother I know and love."
Yasaka: "My... daughter." *opens her eyes*
Kunou: "Mother! Yes it's me! You have to come back! I've missed you terribly, and I've been so worried! Please, all I want is for us to walk the streets of Kyoto. I'll do anything!"
......................a blue glow is seen as she changed back into her human look......................
(Y/N): "She did it!"
Yasaka: "Am I?"
Kunou: "You're back!" *runs to her, hugs her as she sobs*
Yasaka: "Mother's here now. You know, a princess shouldn't cry so much."
......................everyone smiles as Kunou is finally reunited with her mother, (Y/N) has tears in his eyes seeing a reunion as he knows be will do the same with his mother when he finds her......................

(Y/N) P.O.V
Timeskip-Next Day

......................everyone is at the Kyoto Train Station getting ready to head back home, everyone stands in front of Yasaka, Kunou, and Leviathan before they leave......................
Yasaka: "Sir Azazel, Ohma Dragon, as well as all of the Gremory Family. Words cannot how grateful we are to you, we're in your debt. After your departure, I have arranged to meet with both the Great Victorious Fighting Buddha Sun Wukong and Lady Leviathan. It is my sincerest wish to cooperate with everyone, so that Kyoto will never again be in a situation such a the one we found ourselves in last night."
Azazel: "I'm right there with you, we'll all do our best."
......................they shake hands as Leviathan places her hand on theirs......................
Leviathan: *giggles* "The Fox Youkai have offered to show me around Kyoto a bit more before we have our meeting later. But, I hope the rest of you have a safe  trip back. After all, the trip doesn't end..."
(Y/N): "...until everyone's home."
Kunou: "Ohma Dragon!"
(Y/N): "You can just call me (Y/N)."
Kunou: "Uh... Okay (Y/N). Will you come and visit us in Kyoto again?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. Of course, I'd love to."
Kunou: *smiles* "I'm so excited! And maybe next time you can try mother's boiled tofu!"
(Y/N): "Absolutely!"
......................everyone gets on the train, (Y/N) turns around to see Kunou standing there......................
(Y/N): "Thanks for seeing us off! And next time, we'll bring everyone else!"
Kunou: "Goodbye! Thank you again for everything you've done for us, I won't forget it! Pro.kse me you'll come back soon, okay!"
(Y/N): "Definitely! See ya later Kunou! Stay safe!"
......................everyone goes to their seats as (Y/N) goes to his, he gets a glimpse out of a window as he looks to see nothing......................
Asia: "Is something wrong (Y/N)?"
(Y/N): "It's nothing. I thought I saw something."

???? P.O.V

......................someone is seen on top of a building watching the train go into a tunnel, the person smirks along with a chuckle......................
????: "The Grand Scale Mail, such a beautiful armor and a displayed power. It's so perfect. The time will come, (Y/N) (L/N)."

(Y/N) P.O.V
Timeskip-Night Time

......................everyone got home safely, but they sat in front of Rias, Aksno, Koneko, and Gasper looking down......................
Rias: "You should've told us what happened (Y/N)!"
(Y/N): "I know Rias, I'm sorry."
Akeno: "And you said that you were going to contact us after Kinkakuji, but we never heard back from you."
Koneko: "That's right, thanks for worrying us."
Gasper: "Well, what really matters is that everyone got home safe and sound."
Azazel: "Plus, you can't blame the kid, he had his hands full with helping someone. And he kept his promise."
(Y/N): "I made a promise to help a girl rescue her mother, I couldn't let someone lose their mother."
Azazel: "But, what's also implies that (Y/N) unlocked a new kind of Balance Breaker. One that has me impressed, the Grand Scale Mai!."
Rias: "Really? I kinda remember something like that happening. But, that is a good development."
Rossweisse: "At least the School Trip is over."
Azazel: "And next up is the school festival. By the way, I've got some news about the daughter of the Phoenix Family. She'll be transferring to your school soon."
(Y/N): "Wait, Ravel transferring to our school? Seriously?"
Azazel: "That's right. Apparently, she was pretty impressed by Rias and Sitri and decided she wants to study in Japan. She's a first-year student, kind of like Koneko I believe."
Koneko: "She can suck it."
(Y/N): "It's too sudden, I wonder why."
Azazel: "Well, things are rough for everyone y'know?"
Rias: "Moving along, I'm happy nobody died and that you all had a good time in Kyoto, but now we've got the Rating Game with Sairaorg to worry about. There's still a lot of preparations that need to be made."
Everyone: "Right!"
......................(Y/N) looks at his hand as he dementia fight with Sairaorg, he balls it into a fist as he is determined. "
(Y/N): (The Rating Game, I remember now. I'll face off against Sairaorg and I will win with my new power I achieved.)

To be continued......................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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