Chapter 49: Ohma Dragon vs Sairaorg Pt.2! Grand Scale Mail vs Lion Armor

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 49 of this story and by the title along with the end of the previous chapter, you should know what's going to happen in this chapter, now with that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"After waking back up from the feeling of near death, (Y/N) has once again activated his Grand Scale Mail after being revived from the dead. Sairaorg looks in shock as he sees the armor for the very first time, everyone in the crowd looks in amazement with SirZechs looking amazed as well......................
Naud: " AMAZING! What is this sight ladies and gentlemen? What kind of armor with all those jewels on his body?"
Azazel: "I believe that's the Grand Scale Mail, from what I heard of the armor's appearance is all gold with every dragon (Y/N) possesses. With that armor he can channel all the power of the dragons he possesses as well combine them for one strong attack and even can call every dragon for their power to do an ultimate attack."
Naud: "So amazing! Sairaorg may have become stronger, but I believe (Y/N) may have this favor in his direction!"
.....................everyone looks on as Shoutaru smiles and walks further as he grabs his book.....................
Shoutaru: "Looks like this can't be ignored, I have to do what I am known for doing. *opens the book, raises his hand* Rejoice! After a long and intense battle at a near losing experience, the greatest moment has happened for everyone to witness. The Ohma Dragon unlocking the mysterious Grand Scale Mail with the support of every dragon he possesses into one beautiful golden armor, and this will be one battle that will be remembered for a long time!"
......................everyone cheers as (Y/N) is now determined to defeat Sairaorg with a smile seen on his face that is also impressed......................
Sairaorg: "Well, this is a surprise. At first the Prince Scale Mail was the first you unlocked, but I never believed in this Grand Scale Mail until I can see it with my very eyes. Not surprising since the Ohma Dragon is the King of all Dragons"
(Y/N): "Yeah, I was to when I used this armor, but maybe the time for talk is not right now. Cause today I'm focusing on my dreams and the dreams of the children, and the Gremory Family! You're going down Sairaorg! Because I'm doing this for the girls I love!"
Sairaorg: *laughs* "Very good kid, that took some balls. All right, *balls his hand into a fist* it's time to finish this Rating Game, so charge at me with all you've got!"

(A/N: Battle music starts here.)

(Y/N): "Let's go Sairaorg!"
......................(Y/N) charges at him yelling in anger, he delivers a punch which was delivered back to (Y/N), but he follows up with a dodge and a couple punches to the gut making him groan. Sairaorg goes for a punch, but it gets caught like it was nothing making him shocked. He tried removing his fist from his hand, but couldn't break out his grip, (Y/N) delivers a punch of his own making Sairaorg bleed from his mouth. Then he punches him non-stop making him groan, Sairaorg goes for a left hook, but gets blocked as both delivered non-stop punches to each other....................
Naud: "It's a fist fight! They're just going toe-to-toe like a couple of rambunctious children in a school yard! Except there are no teachers to break up the fights, the schoolyard is being completely destroyed, and their punches are starting to explode an ordinary man's skull like a drop-kicked blowup doll!"
......................Sairaorg goes to punch (Y/N), but he dodges to elbow him in the face causing cracks in the head gear. He delivers punches to his head and torso causing Sairaorg to stagger, two gems on (Y/N)'s armor glows which is the Red and Yellow Dragon......................
(Y/N): "Dragon Combination, red thunder!"
Ddraig: "Boost!"
Lightning Dragon: "Roaring Thunder!"
......................his arm glows red with lightning around it and he delivers a haymaker to his chest causing his armor to break with a hole seen and Sairaorg to groan with coughing up blood while flying away from him.....................
Naud: "Oh, that's gotta hurt!"
......................Sairaorg crashes on the ground gliding on it, he slowly starts getting up which failed as he goes on his knees with his legs shaking......................
Sairaorg: "W-Why are my legs shaking? This is just the beginning, no way. I'll enjoy this battle to the fullest. *grunts in pain* I have to keep going. Otherwise, I don't deserve my place in the Underworld as a member of the Bael Family. I must not fail!"
(Y/N): "So much determination, but that definitely lets me fight as well!"
......................(Y/N) flies towards Sairaorg and he knees him in the head to sit up and punch him five times in the face, Sairaorg goes to attack him causing him to swiftly dodge and go behind him to punch him straight into his ribs making him groan loud.....................
(Y/N): "So Sairaorg, how are you feeling about this fight?"
Sairaorg: "You *pants* are one *pants* strong individual. You're one of my greatest opponents."
(Y/N): "So are you, now let's get this started!"
......................he kicks him in the air with (Y/N) activating his cannons which looked different in his Grand Mail, he charges his power through the cannons with the gems glowing. He shoots the laser towards him, Sairaorg lands on the ground giving the opening for the lasers to hit him causing an explosion to happen, he unequipped the cannons to walk to the crater, but what he saw was Sairaorg on the ground with someone next to him. What shocked (Y/N) to see that it's actually Sairaorg's mother......................
(Y/N): "No way, that's impossible!"
Misla: "Arise. *Sairaorg grunts in pain* Get up, you must be strong! This isn't the end for you Sairaorg."
......................Sairaorg gets up as he groans in pain while getting up, he crawls out the crater......................
Misla: "You fight for the sake of the Underworld, and so that no other will have to experience what you went through. That's the future you want to see. *Sairaorg stands up* A world where skill and hard work, not what someone was born to be, is what is truly valued. Isn't that what's driving you? My dearest Sairaorg. Please make your dream come true, create the world that you desire!"
......................Sairaorg grunts in anger as he yells in the air releasing his power with a blue glow around him. Misla disappears as Sairaorg yells again.....................
Sairaorg: "Now then, (Y/N) (L/N). For the sake of all my goals, this is where you are defeated!" *charges at him*
(Y/N): *charges at him as well* "Just bring it on Sairaorg!"
......................the moment they got closer (Y/N) and Sairaorg punched each other in the face, but with enough strength (Y/N) delivers his punch along with Sairaorg's making their helmets crack and they delivered punches to each other again......................
(Y/N): (So much damage he's taking and he's still standing, Vali and Cao Cao were powerful as well, but there's a difference between them. *punches Sairaorg in the damaged part of his armor* Not even in the same league! He'll stop at nothing to defeat me, he believes if he loses he won't have another chance and he's willing to die if he needs to. Everything he's done to put that dream, meaning there's absolutely no way he's backing down!)
Sairaorg: (This game is all I have, if I lose here I lose my life. Everything I've built up to this point will fall apart, for someone who wasn't born with demonic power, this is my only path to victory. *gets punched in the face* My single chance. So, I'll fight until my knuckles are bloody, and you can see the white of my bones. It may seem uncool to you, but that's all I can do.)
(Y/N): (Incredible, he's the definition of someone that doesn't give up, I can't even come up wth words at how awesome he is. Which is why I will keep on fighting, I want to defeat someone like you!) "Ohma All Calling!"
......................he punches him in the same spot which he shoots a laser like attack damaging him enough, every gem glows on (Y/N)'s armor with the sounds of every dragon heard, the power goes into his left gauntlet with the diamond glowing bright......................
(Y/N): "I also have a dream, I want to make Rias the winner of this game and also make the children's dreams come true. Meaning I will be the strongest Pawn in existence!"
Ohma Gears: "All Dragons, Ohma Strike!"
(Y/N): "Take this Sairaorg!"
......................he punches in the same spot which makes a wind gust happen on his back from the impact making Sairaorg stagger back from the pain. He raises his fists showing he won't give up......................
(Y/N): (Not enough to defeat you? I guess I'll have to go harder and defeat him!) *goes to punch him*
Regulus: "Ohma Dragon, *he stops* that's enough. *(Y/N) looks at him confused* My master, Lord Sairaorg."
......................he looks further to see Sairaorg not moving an inch, (A/N: End the music here) he saw his eyes closed which made (Y/N) gasp in shock......................
Regulus: "Can't you see? It's too late, he's already lost consciousness. Even so, he was genuinely happy, he rushed forward... without hesitation, he truly enjoyed fighting you, putting his dream on the line."
(Y/N): "H-He was fighting out of sheer will, even though he was knocked out, he never stopped. He moved forward to his goal. *he catches Sairaorg as he held him* Thank you for being a worthy opponent!"
....................everyone cheers knowing (Y/N) has won the Rating Game, Sairaorg's body glows blue as he slowly leaves the arena.....................
Naud: "Sairaorg Bael has resigned, Rias Gremory is the official winner of the Rating Game!"
....................Sairaorg's body completely vanishes as (Y/N) looks down crying to know Sairaorg never gave up, Rias wipes her tears away as she smiles knowing he won. He takes off his armor as he slowly loses consciousness, but Rias catches him which he hugs her......................
(Y/N): "We won Rias, we won."
Rias: "I know, I am so proud of you. I love you so much!"
(Y/N): "I love you too."

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