Chapter 28: The Encounter with Kuroka

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 28 of this story and by the title of this chapter you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After (Y/N) and Rias chase followed Koneko into a forest they're running where she was last seen as they ran to her location hoping they make it in time...................
(Y/N): "Something wasn't right about Koneko when we came here, she's been acting weird for a while now."
Rias: "She's been really pushing herself lately and having to come with some grits with some personal issues. She's afraid of becoming like her sister and she doesn't want that to happen."
(Y/N): "Poor Koneko, everything she's been through. It must be terrible for her."
Rias: "Sadly, Koneko will have to overcome this by herself, we all have struggles we must face alone."
(Y/N): (Koneko, if you have trouble going though this. I'll be by your side.)
......................they continued in the direction where Koneko is and they hid behind a tree to see Koneko looking at a girl with cat ears and tails as he realized she is Koneko's sister......................
Rias: "Kuroka."
(Y/N): "So, that's her? She had a feeling she was here and she was right."
Rias: "They're sisters."
Bikou: "Hey-oh kitty cat!"
Rias: "It's the Chaos Brigade!"
Kuroka: "What is it Bikou?"
Bikou: Two rats are veiled in the shadows, you perceived them yes? With our mastery of sage arts we can easily detect interlopers by the mere flow of their chi."
Koneko: *looks behind her* "Rias you're here and (Y/N)?"
Rias: "Kuroka, Koneko is a member of my household. And we Gremory always look out for our own."
Kuroka: "Your household? Like that matters, she and I are sisters first and foremost. I'm not going to give her to you just because you deign in."
(Y/N): "Hey monkey dude, how's Vali doing?"
Bikou: *chuckles* "He's fine."
Kuroka: "Who's he?"
Bikou: "That cretin is the Ohma Dragon."
Kuroka: *looks at him* "Oh, so he's the super protective one that made Vali run for the hills?"
(Y/N): "Damn right I am!"
Koneko: "I still don't get what you want?"
Kuroka: "I wanted to invite you to join Orphis, Vali, and me. After all cutie pie, as my sister you have the same killer power in your blood."
Koneko: "I won't leave! I found my place as a part of Rias's family."
(Y/N): "She's one of us and we're not gonna hand her over!"
Kuroka: "I guess we'll just have to take her from you then."
Bikou: "Personally I'm excited that you intend to resist, I can't imagine a finer way to consume some time."
Rias: "Why would they want to take up time?"
Bikou: "We decided to kill two birds with one stone, as the saying goes and thus lured your female friend out. Vali ordered us to escort a certain VIP to your quaint diplomatic congregation."
Rias: "Something's gone wrong! The council is under attack."
.....................suddenly everything around them started looking normal with the forest going to it's original color and a fog appears......................
(Y/N): "This doesn't look good."
Kuroka: "You're right, it's only a barrier I put on the forest to keep us all trapped together for a bit."
Bikou: *spins his staff in the air* "Okay Ohma Dragon, *they dodge and attack from him* show me your power!"
......................Rias did an attack, but gets blocked an destroyed by Kuroka as (Y/N) growls in anger.....................
(Y/N): (These guys aren't playing around.)
Tannin: "Would you mind if I cut in?"
(Y/N): *looks in the sky, smiles* "Alright. Tannin is here!"
Ddraig: "He must've followed our power's energy signature."
Tannin: "That's right, you emitted enough power to make tracking simple. Plus there was something about (Y/N) that was bothering me."
(Y/N): "I'm gonna have to get used to that."
Bikou: "The previous Dragon King? Oh yeah, you peaked my interest!"
Kuroka: "Go ahead monkey, you know you wanna."
Bikou: "Flying Nimbus! *a cloud appears under him, he flies towards Tannin* Extend! Ruyi Bang!"
......................his staff extends heading towards Tannin, but he dodged as he shoots flames towards Bikou which he flies out uninjured......................
Bikou: *laughs* "I haven't had this much fun in ages."
(Y/N): "Look at them go! The power he has is nothing like from our training."
Tannin: "Ha, Son Goku! This is proven to be quite entertaining."
Kuroka: "The monkey King and a Dragon, they're gonna have a blast. Now then are you gonna hand over my baby sister or not? That a 'no'? Fine. Guess I got to kill ya."
Tannin: "Kids, I gotta plan. While I slap this monkey around, you guys pound that pussy. Are you the Ohma Dragon and his master or not?"
(Y/N): "Pretty complicated to say that."
Koneko: "Just stop, looks it's fine I'll come with you."
(Y/N): "Koneko no!"
Rias: "You don't get to do that."
Koneko: "But first, you have to let my friends leave unharmed."
Rias: "No ma'am, you're my servant of, retainer of my household, and my friend. Leaving me is not an option."
Koneko: "My sister is too strong. You know what she can do better than anyone."
Rias: *hugs her* "Don't worry, to protect you I'll fight her with everything I've got."
Kuroka: "Haha, oh please I understand Shirone's true potential better than a bitch like you ever could. Now come c'mere babe, I'll show you how to kick ass, Sage Art style."
Koneko: "No, I don't need that power, not ever. I don't want my strength to come from other people's pain!"
Rias: "Kuroka, do you not understand how much your hurt your sister when you chose to drown in your own power and leave her behind? When you ran away after murdering your master, this brave girl saw hell. When I first met her having feelings was a luxury she couldn't afford. Koneko had been abandoned by you, betrayed by the only person she thought she could trust. And when the other devils despised her, tried with all their might to bully her into leaving she was completely alone. You've lost the right to demand anything of her."
Koneko: "Rias, thank you."
Rias: "That's the reason why I've always tried to show her the finest things life has to offer."
Koneko: "I'm going to stay, so please Kuroka; I don't want to go with you alright. My name is Koneko Tōjo, I'm choosing to life with my master and that's final!"
Rias: "It seems she decided to stay on as my Rook, where she's loved. Because we treasure family in my house, I will never allow you to lay so much as a finger on her."
(Y/N): (Like always that's the Rias Gremory I know, and Koneko, seeing your cry like that. *forms a fist in his left hand as he gripped tight* I will never let anything or anyone else make you cry ever again!) *walks past them* "You'll have to go through me to get to these two."
Rias: "(Y/N)?"
Kuroka: "Hmph! Even though you know there's no way you'll win? What a brave but idiotic man. It's go time."
......................symbols appear with every movement of her finger and a purplish fog appears with Rias and Koneko grunt no as he saw them on the ground......................
(Y/N): "Are you two okay? What's wrong?"
Kuroka: "My magic mist is wicked affective against Devils and spirits as such. Shocking it doesn't work so well against dragons though."
(Y/N): *looks at her angry* "You bitch!"
Kuroka: "I watered down the poison so they won't be killed anytime soon, plus it's a lot more fun to watch them die slowly."
(Y/N): "So you would let your sister die because she made her choice?"
.....................Rias goes for an attack, but a purple glow goes around her not hitting her as she teleported.....................
Kuroka: "Impressive attack, but still useless."
(Y/N): "Ohma Gears, go! *doesn't hear anything from them* What's going on? Charge!"
Ohma Gears: "Ohma Carge!"
Tannin: "As I thought."
(Y/N): "What do you mean?"
Ddraig: "This is the result of your training with Tannin. You can now decide if you want to power up or to Balance Break."
(Y/N): "So, I'm able to use my Balance Breaker right now?"
Ddraig: "Yes. But, you won't be able to kick out the jams using your Balance Breaker without radical catalyst."
(Y/N): "Radical Catalyst?"
Ddraig: "The rest is up to you boy."
(Y/N): "Alright. I guess I'll do what I need to do."
Kuroka: "How lame. The mighty Ohma Dragon will die without ever activating his Sacred Gear? He doesn't have the balls!"
......................she launches an attack towards him as he got hit and (Y/N) screams in pain as he did......................
Rias: "(Y/N)!"
(Y/N): "No, don't move Rias! You move the poison will spread throughout your body."
......................Kuroka launched multiple orbs of the same attack as (Y/N) screams in pain......................
Koneko: "(Y/N), please stop. If you keep this up, she's going to kill you!"
Kuroka: "I don't get it. Why does Vali have a rage boner for his kid? How could he anyone retreat from anything?"
(Y/N): (I can't give up, after what I've been through I will never surrender. Asia dying once, Rias, Akeno, and now Koneko crying. I can't handle that.) *gets hit by Kuroka's attack as he flies back*
Rias: "(Y/N) no!"
(Y/N): (I need to do this, I need to unleash my power. I can't loose here, I WILL NEVER LOOSE HERE!) "I don't give a damn if you're her sister or not. You made Koneko cry and I will never forgive anyone who makes the ones I care about cry and that's something I WILL NOT HANDLE!"
Kuroka: "Now I really feel bad for Shirone. Some mud covered Lancelot-wannabe loser is enough to creep any girl out. Make my skin crawl."
Koneko: "(Y/N) is my friend."
(Y/N): "I've got the legendary dragon in me along with others and through random times. And now I need to let out my power."
Koneko: "Throughout history, most of the Red Dragon Emperors get obsessed with their power and wind up going completely insane. It seems my sister has followed their lead. *he looks at her* Surely, they have power, but they've lost control. And once that happens, it's too late. It's not that hard for me to say this, but you may be the first and non douchebaggy Ohma Dragon that ever existed. That's why you're not a total wimp with the power you've released. *smiles* But, I believe you're the type of dragon we can be really proud of!"
(Y/N): "Koneko. *smiles* Thank you. *looks at Kuroka* I will never loose!"
Ohma Gears: "Ohma Charge!"
Kuroka: "What?"
(Y/N): "I've seen some of my friends cry when it comes to certain moments of their lives and I never wanted that! And now, *balls hands into fists* you show up now wanting to take Koneko away? I WILL NOT ALLOW THAT! NEVER!"
Ohma Gears: "Ohma Charging, full charge!"

Rias and Koneko P.O.V

......................what Rias and Koneko saw amazed them, (Y/N) is glowing a gold like glow with a red hue, she felt his power rise as he kept going with the wings and diamonds glowing rapidly as they shined. The blonde streak in his hair is glowing as well which surprised Rias as well realizing......................
Rias: "That power."
Koneko: *looks at her* "What?"
Rias: "When (Y/N)'s power was risen by fighting Vali, I think that hair streak changed that part of his hair a different color. That hair streak is a sign that his power has gone up to a higher degree!"
Koneko: "And all that power was-"
Rias: *looks at her smiling* "(Y/N)'s determination to make us happy, so we won't need to be sad or suffer again. And that's what I like about him!"
......................Koneko looked at (Y/N) as she saw the glow around him getting brighter, she realized the moment he joined them she thought he was like Issei, but non-perverted like. She realized she was wrong from the beginning at how much he cared for her and now she knows it's her turn......................
Koneko: "(Y/N), you're the best!"

3rd P.O.V

(Y/N): "Balance Breaker, Prince Scale Mail!"
......................the armor is seen around his body showing he has activated his power, the same armor color and design with the red gems on parts of his armor are seen as he did......................
Bikou: "Oh no."
Tannin: *looks at him* (The Prince Scale Mail? He achieved that kind of power? He must be special.) "You finally done it, your energy signature is radiant!"
Kuroka: *backs up in fear* "No one told me you have the Prince Scale Mail, but now things are starting to get interesting! Now, say hello to my mix of sage and demon magic! Try some."
......................she launched her attack towards him as it hits him, Kuroka smiled as she believed she's won; but, her smile faded when he is seen uninjured and without a scratch......................
(Y/N): "Is that all you've got? Then it's my turn!" *flies towards her*
Kuroka: "No! You damn brat!"
......................she shoots more attacks towards him, but he blocks every single one of them as he did. He got closer as he was close to punching her, but it caused wind along with a fog to appear as everything is back to normal with the field gone and some trees are destroyed with Kuroka scared with (Y/N) staring at her angry......................
(Y/N): "Don't you dare make Koneko cry again. You understand? *she growls* If you come after her again, it won't matter who you are, a random woman or her sister. You are my enemy."
Kuroka: *jumps away from him* "Eat me jerk! *gets caught by Bikou* What are you doing? The fight is going on back there-"
Bikou: "You became so excited you lost perception."
Kuroka: "Huh? Loki's not here. Why not?"
Bikou: "Indeed. Pardon the pun, but we don't have any more time to monkey around."
......................they flew into a glyph as it disappeared, (Y/N) deactivates his Balance Breaker and he breathes hard. Koneko looked at him as she saw who he truly is. She stood up and ran to him as he turned around......................
(Y/N): "Koneko, what's-" *gets interrupted with her hugging him*
Koneko: "Thank you. Thank you for protecting me."
(Y/N): *smiles, hugs back* "We're friends Koneko, we always protect each other and no matter what. We will always be friends."
Koneko: "I know. *looks at him smiling* I'm happy you're my friend."

(Y/N) P.O.V

......................after that (Y/N) is now getting ready for bed as he stretched, he looks outside to see the view as he nodded. He walks to his bed, but he catches a glimpse in another window of his reflection as it look like something taller than him......................
????: "(Y/N)."
......................he looks to see his normal reflection as he looked around for the mysterious voice he heard. He looked again as he sees no change and he rubbed his head."
(Y/N): "What was that?! That can't be something random."

To be continued......................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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