Chapter 42: Ohma Dragon's Potential

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 42 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

Solar Gear: "Solar Dragon Support Armor!"
"He glows bright as the restraints holding him gets destroyed and (Y/N) equips another Sacred Gear on his right arm, golden-yellow looking armor floats around attaching to his armor as he lands on the ground and looks at him......................
Shadow User: "It can't be."
Kunou: "Take this!"
......................she throws a blue fire at him, but he doused the flame with his hand......................
Shadow User: "Foxfire? Ha. That pathetic little flame can't hurt me!"
(Y/N): "But, I know what will!"
......................he shoots a solar powered attack that is burning the Shadow User as he grunts in pain, as that happened, the fire sprinklers activated and the Shadow User is on the ground with burn marks on him......................
(Y/N): "Listen, if you keep this up you will die."
Shadow User: *grunts in pain as he gets up* "If it's for him, it would be my honor!"
(Y/N): "You really want to die for Cao Cao? Why would you want to die for that maniac?"
Shadow User: "You know how it is, Possessors of a Sacred Gear are treated like dogs and persecuted everywhere we go! It doesn't matter what we do, we're still just the shit on the bottom of everyone else's shoes. But, Cao Cao was able to destroy those half-baked misconceptions and change my life for the better! Everything was total crap before I met him, so I don't care if I die!"
(Y/N): "He's just using you, why can't you see that?"
Shadow User: "So, what of he is? Get down off your stupid moral high horse! Thanks to him, my shit-tastic life finally had a purpose! My powers are important, they'll help Cao Cao destroy devils, Angels, and gods! What could be more amazing than that? Enough talk! *forms a shadow sword, rushes at him* Die, devil!"
(Y/N): "Damn right I am a devil!"
....................(Y/N) punches him so hard he flies back as he lands on the ground in pain......................
(Y/N): "In the end, there's still people depending on me to protect this city. That's why I have no choice but to take all of you down, one at a time."
......................the Shadow User passes out as he laid there......................
Kunou: "You got some moves."
(Y/N): "Thank you, now let's go save your mother!"
......................they run out the subway as they head to meet up with the others in front of the castle.....................
(Y/N): "Hey guys, sorry for the hold up!"
Kiba: "No worries."
(Y/N): "You guys okay?"
Asia/Irina: "Yes!"
Xenovia: "Why wouldn't we be?"
Shoutaru: "Of course."
......................he looks to see Rossweisse on the ground feeling sick as she waved her arm.....................
(Y/N): "Aw jeez. *summons water dragon Sacred Gear, makes a water bubble with magic in it, floats it towards her* Rossweisse, drink this. It'll help you."
......................she grabs it and completely drinks it as she swallows it, her eyes widen as she stood up rubbing her head.....................
Rossweisse: "Hey, I feel better. Thank you (Y/N)!"
(Y/N): "No problem. *looks at Xenovia's new sword* Hey, what's with the new sword?"
Xenovia: "It just arrived from the church a few moments ago. It's the modified Durandal."
(Y/N): "Hm, perfect timing."
......................the gate is heard opening as it gets their attention with them looking......................
Kiba: "I guess it'd be rude to keep them waiting."
(Y/N): "Yep."
......................they ran in to a building with Cao Cao along with everyone one it and they stood in front of the building looking at them......................
Cao Cao: "Ah, look who finally made it to the party."
(Y/N): "Where's Kunou's mother?"
......................rustling is heard behind them as they looked to see her being held by two guys as Kunou gasps seeing her mother......................
Kunou: "Mother! It's Kunou, I've come for you! What's wrong? Say something! Don't you recognize me? You bastards, what did you do to my mother?"
Cao Cao: "Oh, did you forget? I was sure I told you earlier that she's helping us out with a little experiment. Here, see for yourself."
......................he taps his spear on the ground which Yasaka screams holding her head as she flew blue, she got bigger as she turned into a giant nine tailed fox as she howled really loud......................
(Y/N): "He turned her into an actual fox!"
Kunou: "Oh mother."
Cao Cao: "A nine-tailed fox is the absolute highest class of Yokai. The city of Kyoto has an unbreakable bond with them, and as such, it was built to ensure that there's always an ample supply of chi. If we combine the power of the Yokai and Kyoto together, then we'll be able to lure Great Red into this dimension."
(Y/N): "For what!? He's always in the Dimensional Gap and he doesn't even cause trouble!"
Cao Cao: "You're not wrong. However, to no fault of his own, he's become a bit of a nuisance to my boss. She wants to return home, but it appears he's in the way."
(Y/N): "So, you're talking about Orphis? Doing all of this so you can destroy Great Red? THAT'S YOUR PLAN?!"
Cao Cao: "Congratulations, you should be proud you figured that out. But, aren't you the least bit interested in him? For example, have you ever really thought about the effect of the Dragon Water against the Red Dragon God Emperor?"
(Y/N): "I focus on other matters only, now stop what you're doing to Yasaka or you're going to pay!"
Xenovia: "That is enough (Y/N), the time for talk is over. Now is the time for action. *Ex Durandal starts glowing* Let's put an end to this nonsense."
Kiba: "I'm ready whenever you are."
Irina: "Yeah, me too."
Shoutaru: "Just say the word!"
Saji: "Is it me or does the Gremory Family have a feeling about dancing with death? Well, ain't no party like a dance party. What's up Vritra? Are you ready to have a little fun?"
Vritra: "I could be persuaded. Which one's my prey? That holy spear? Or the Fox Yokai? Either one works for me."
......................a wind guts along with a light happens as Xenovia's sword glows which shot straight into the sky......................
Xenovia: "I'll go first. It was nice knowing you!"
......................she moves the sword towards the group as it hits them as well cause a big explosion that doesn't hurt anyone, (Y/N) coughs with the smoke disappearing around him and he looked to see a gigantic hole where Xenovia struck......................
(Y/N): "What the?!"
Xenovia: "Whew!"
(Y/N): "Seriously? Did you have to go that far? That was too much power and caused this big ass hole with your sword!"
Xenovia: *looks at him* "You should know how important the first move is."
(Y/N): "Yeah, yeah I get it."
Xenovia: "This new Durandal is something else. The church used alchemy bro combine it with Excalibur. As such, I gave her a new name. It's Ex-Durandal. Of course, I thought they'd be a little tougher to kill." she said that a hand rises from the ground as Cao Cao and his group stood up......................
Cao Cao: "Well, I'm impressed! Your group seems to be on part with most of the other high-ranking devil families. *chuckles* It's rather surprising that Shalba and Beelzebub looked down on any of you."
Siegfried: "Old men are like that, though, always living in the past instead of the present, right? It's a shame really. Now then, your orders?"
Cao Cao: "Yes, I suppose we don't have all night. Hey Georg? Start the experiment."
Georg: "You got it."
......................the one named Georg extends his hands as multiple glyphs are seen......................
Rossweisse: "From what I can make out, he's using Norse Magic, demonic and Fallen Angels spells, black and white magic, maybe even fairy spells. He must have an extensive magic library!"
.......................all the glyphs disappear as one big red glyph appears with a light looking orb. He launches a light orb to Yasaka which makes her howl and glow blue......................
Georg: "The spell circle and sacrificial placement is optimal. Now we just have to wait and see if the city's power will attract Great Red."
Cao Cao: "Nice work. I'll leave the rest up to you. Okay Siegfried, go on, take your pick. Who would you like to play with?"
Siegfried: "Hmm *point on sword to Kiba* Hmm." *points the other at Xenovia*
Cao Cao: "Next Jeanne, then Heracles."
Jeanne: "Let's see. I'll pick that cute little angel right there, and the handsome beast summoner as well."
Heracles: "I've got dibs on the silver-haired lady."
Cao Cao: "I'll take the Ohma Dragon. *chuckles* Don't forget about Vritra."
(Y/N): "Hey Saji, can you handle Yasaka? Try and get her to a safer spot?"
Saji: "Alright. I'll take care of the giant fox. But hey, try not to die."
(Y/N): "Don't worry, I won't. Same goes to you."
Saji: "Go, Vritra Promotion!"
......................a big purple glow is seen as a big serpent is formed as it roars......................
Cao Cao: "Well, look at that. One if the five great dragon kings, it's the Prison Dragon Vritra. So he really has returned."
(Y/N): "Asia, take care if Kunou."
Asia: "Right!"
(Y/N): "Kunou, can you do the same for Asia?"
Kunou: "Yes, of course! However-"
(Y/N): *equips his Ohma Gears, gives her a thumbs up* "Don't worry. We will win this fight, and save your mother!"
Kunou: "Right!"
Ohma Gears: "Ohma Dragon, Balance Breaker!"
......................he equips his Balance Breaker with the light disappearing, he opens his hand as a good glyph appears which brings out a weapon of Ohma, he grabs it to reveal the Spear of Ohma as he looks at Cao Cao......................
(Y/N): "I've been wondering Cao Cao, are you stronger than Vali?"
Cao Cao: "Who knows? But I will tell you that I'm not weak, even if I am from the weak human race. And I also see you have the Spear of Ohma which is one of the greatest weapons ever made, fighting with the same weapon like I have won't make a difference."
......................Saji and Yasaka started their battle with an explosion heard, (Y/N) shoots multiple blasts at Cao Cao which he blocked, but one pushes him back. He yells in anger as he rushes at him, he sees an explosion which makes him look to see Rossweisse falling from the sky, but Asia heals her which she gets back into the battle.....................
Cao Cao: "I'm sorry, my friends can be real show offs, they just love their toys."
(Y/N): "Heard of over compensation? Why don't you do the same?"
Cao Cao: "No thanks. Personally, I think it's good for a man to have at least a few secrets. *chuckles* Besides, I don't need it to beat you. That's enough chit-chat, show me what you're capable of! *points his spear at him* Come on."
(Y/N): "Gladly!"
......................he rushes at him as their weapons colljded , Cao Cao jumps over him to deliver a strike, but swiftly dodges it making him follow up on his own attack making him stagger back. (Y/N) goes for an attack, but Cao Cao dodges as he stabbed him in the gut making (Y/N) groan......................
Cao Cao: "Aw, it's not that you're weak, per say. You did give a good fight, but it wasn't enough which gave me an opening."
......................he removes the spear from his gut as gold steam came out, a green orb goes around him with him knowing Asia is healing him, but he felt the Holy Power hurting him inside. He uses one of the Phoenix Tears to break his wound with the Holy Magic gone as he breathes hard......................
(Y/N): "That's not possible, that weapon felt like a-"
Cao Cao: "My, you were so shockingly close to dying just then. It happens so easily for you, huh? Now I should probably remind you that this weapon is a Holy Spear and no matter how strong you eventually become, you'll never be able to overcome it's raw power, because you are a devil. *(Y/N) growls in anger, he stands up surprising him* Well, color me surprised. I was sure that last part would scare you off."
(Y/N): "I am not scared, nothing you can do can scare me now. Everyone is expecting me to beat you down, and I will do just that. And if I can't do the, then I don't deserve the Ohma Dragon."
Cao Cao: *laughs* "How noble. *points his spear at him* I think I get it, you really are such a fascinating individual, I can see why Vali likes you so much."
Ohma Gears: "Ohma Charge!"
......................his power rises which he moves it towards the spear, he shoots a large attack towards him which Cao Cao blocked giving (Y/N) an opening to attack him which he spins his spear in a circular motion to cut Cao Cao on parts of his body and follows up cutting off his left arm, Cao Cao jumps back to catch his arm......................
(Y/N) "Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about! That'll definitely teach you lesson at underestimating your opponent! Huh?"
......................Cao Cao brings out a Phoenix Tears and pours it on HS decapitated arm as it glows which he reattaches it keeping it in place......................
(Y/N): "What?! Where did you get a Phoenix Tears?"
Cao Cao: "Well, it wasn't exactly legal."
(Y/N): "Damn!"
Cao Cao: "Your aura increased with your anger, be careful with that trick. It's a weakness that may lead to your ultimate undoing. I mean, that's pretty much how you triggered your Juggernaut Drive in the past, isn't it?"
(Y/N): "That was in the past, and you're still going down! *his armor cracks as with him feeling weak, be goes on one knee* What the hell?!"
Cao Cao: "Oh yeah, while you were busy attacking me and cutting off my arm, I may have landed some hits of my own. Still, it was a fairly decent attack I might have to up my game."
(Y/N): *grunts in pain* "My armor needs to be fixed now, I need to focus."
Jeanne: "No fair, you're still!l fighting?"
(Y/N): "Huh? *looks at her, his eyes widen* Irina! Shoutaru!"
Siegfried: "Well, it is the Ohma Dragon. Of course he's stronger than the others."
(Y/N): "Kiba! Xenovia!"
Heracles: "I wish I'd gotten to fight the Ohma Dragon." *he looks at him, throws Rossweisse on the ground*
(Y/N): "Rossweisse!"
Cao Cao: "Listen, you're very strong. You really are. The sad truth of the matter is you're just not that string enough to defeat us. Georg, can you give me an update please?"
Georg: "We're almost there, I think Great Red should be arriving at any moment now."
Cao Cao: "The Fox Youkai looks like she's almost done for."
......................he looks at everyone as they lay on the ground unconscious, he looks at Kunou as she looks at her mother. He breathes hard as he balls hi hand into a fist......................
Cao Cao: "It was a nice try, Ohma Dragon."
(Y/N): (No! I can't give up, I promised Kunou I'd save her mother and I intend to keep it and save her with my life. Everyone tried, but they can't give up themselves! I need to be stronger, I need to be strong for everyone, I CAN'T LOSE!)
Haruka 'echoing': "(Y/N)."
......................he looks up to see his mother with a glow behind her and everything dark around them as she smiled at him......................
Haruka: "You can win, I know you can."
......................he closes his eyes and as he opened them they change color as power surge through him......................

3rd P.O.V

Cao Cao: "Hm?"
......................he turns around to see (Y/N) glowing with his armor glowing, everyone else looked as they see him stand up. He looks at them with pure anger with it skyrocketing higher than ever, he yells loud which it shot up to the sky......................
Heracles: "What is this?"
Jeanne: "What is this? I though he was down for the count."
Cao Cao: "I guess not."
Ohma Gears: "Ohma, Ohma, Ohma, Ohma, Ohma, Ohma, Ohma! Ohma Dragon Balance Breaker, Grand Scale Mail!"
Cao Cao: *eyes widen* "What?"
......................he raises his right hand to equip the different looking and same designed looking Sacred Gear which makes multiple colored orbs flies around which they looked to see them fly around, they were revealed to be the other dragons that (Y/N) possessed. They spin around fast along with more armor appearing attaching to (Y/N) as the orbs go into differs slots on his armor which shines bright since it's gold, the four looked shocked they never saw the armor they're looking at. (Y/N) looks at them with a murderous glare making them cower in fear."
(Y/N): "Cao Cao! I'll kill you all!"

To be continued......................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

The Ohma Dragon Gear: Highschool DXD Harem x OP Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now