Chapter 21: Meeting Vali! Open House Begins

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 26 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

Vali: "I am Vali, White Dragon Emperor, but you can call me the Vanishing Dragon."
(Y/N): "What?" *groans as he felt his hand sting again* (What is going on with my hand, not only that my entire body is acting weird.)
"(Y/N) suddenly looked up as he grabbed Vali's hand while he had his index finger pointed out at him, he looks at him with a blank expression while Vali smirks......................
Vali: "Not vulnerable you are, I probably wouldn't take little of my magic to defeat you with. Not too easy."
(Y/N): *backs up* "Ohma-"
Shoutaru: "Summon-"
......................two swords are seen on the neck of Vali which Kiba and Xenovia are seen holding the swords......................
Kiba: "Don't you think this joke has gone on long enough?"
Xenovia: "It wouldn't be smart for us to allow you to start a fight with the Ohma Dragon here, now would it?"
Asia: "What's going on?"
(Y/N): "Get back Asia!"
Vali: "Is this really the best move? If all of you fighting still couldn't ring Kokabiel down, you'll never beat me. But, don't take my word for it. Keep going if you don't care about causing a scene."
......................Kiba and Xenovia stood down as they unequipped their swords and walked next to (Y/N)......................
Vali: "Tell me (Y/N). How do you think to those with the power in this world?"
(Y/N): "What are you talking about?"
Vali: "I'm talking about your Balance Breaker, you have a different type of the armor along with unimaginable power and even if it's still incomplete, if you ask me, maybe a three disgust ranking. On the scale of strongest to weakest, that is. I say over one thousandth and fifteen hundred or higher."
(Y/N): "What's your point?"
Vali: "My point is you're a valuable player, you should be taken care of and properly nurtured. Don't you agree Rias?"
(Y/N): *looks behind him to see Rias, Akeno, and Koneko* "What the?"
Rias: "I don't need your advice. *walks next to (Y/N)* Mind telling me what this is all about? If you come here on behalf of the Fallen Angels, I can assure you it's a huge waste of time."
Vali: "Were you aware that the Welsh Dragon and the Vanishing Dragon called upon the Twin Sky Dragons? People who are involved with the Red and White Dragons have never had the best of luck. I'm fascinated. Makes me wonder how your life will turn out. *(Y/N) slowly gets angry with his eyes slowly changing* Calm down. I didn't come here to fight with you. *walks past them* I've much more important things to do today."
......................they see him walk off with (Y/N) still angry, he felt a hand touch his to see Rias is the one holding his hand..................
(Y/N): "Rias, are you okay?" (From the sweat in her hands, she must be freaking out.)
......................(Y/N) is now in the Nurse's office which he lays in bed with calming down his arm, he looks at his hand and lays there looking at the ceiling......................
(Y/N): "At least my arm's calmed down a bit. Good. I didn't want Akeno doing that process during class. Vali is the White Dragon Emperor? Damn. His fighting style is impressive, it's like Riser's except--"
Ddraig: "His is the complete form, yours couldn't even begin to compare even though you have the Prince Scale Mail."
(Y/N): "Thanks Ddraig. So, what's going in between the White Dragon and you?"
Ddraig: "When all the great powers-- God, the Angels, the Fallen Angels, and the Devils-- were at war, the other creatures and humans were suddenly forced to choose sides to endure their survival. The only ones who refused were the Dragons."
(Y/N): "Woah. Is there a reason why?"
Ddraig: "The majority didn't think the war had anything to do with them. They ignored it and lived how they pleased, however in the midst of the war, two foolish dragons decided to start a massive fight."
(Y/N): "Seriously? And I believe what you're going to say next."
Ddraig: "Not caring about the Great War that had taken over the world, the fought wildly on the battlefield."
(Y/N): "I don't get it, why were you two fighting like that?"
Ddraig: "Hell if I know. We probably don't remember the reason ourselves."
(Y/N): "Okay then."
Ddraig: "It gets better. Unless something was done about those two, the war wouldn't be able to continue. The three great powers called a temporary truce in order to deal with the rebel dragons."
(Y/N): "It makes it sound like it was more than a fight. What happened next?"
Ddraig: "Fury. Our anger became more wild beyond imagination, they lashed out at the leaders of the Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels. We didn't like anyone-- not even God or the Devil King-- interfering with our battle. It was payback, plain and simple."
(Y/N): "I wouldn't fight any of you two. Dragons can be insane at times!"
Ddraig: "Our story doesn't end there, the Dragons ended up getting diced into thousands of pieces, and their wicked souls were sealed within humans as Sacred Gears. From that day on, those same Dragons have used humans as intermediaries to meet and fight, over and over again."
(Y/N): "And that's you and Albion? I think I know what you're going with from this."
Ddraig: "There have been times where the humans host has died before the two have ever had a chance to meet."
(Y/N): "But, since I'm still breathing and I've met the other Dragon, I definitely have to fight him without a choice!"
Ddraig: "Yes. But, now its three since you have the Ohma Dragon and I am bonded to you. You are a lucky one though, no one has ever been bonded to the Ohma Dragon in years; you are the first."
(Y/N): "About that; can you tell me about the Ohma Dragon?"
Ddraig: "At the same time when me and Albion were fighting during the Great War, there was another dragon that stopped us in the middle of the war; he was the King of All Dragons. The first of this Dragon species, the Ohma Dragon: Zikonis."
(Y/N): "Zikonis?"
Ddraig: "He had a power unlike anything another dragon couldn't have, so he was now claimed the rightful name as King of All Dragons. He ruled everything, even during the Great War while all three sides fought in their land he made sure they stayed away, and if they didn't listen he would eradicate them with his power. He made it look easy."
(Y/N): "That strong? He's that strong?"
Ddraig: "While me and Albion would fight he interfered so no destruction would happened, and as I did unexpectedly I listened while Albion didn't. He even stood against Zikonis, but would loose every fight. Zikonis considered me a friend and when I felt his power inside you, I decided to give you my power."
(Y/N): "That explains how I would do an Ohma version of your boost."
Ddraig: "Yes. The other dragons along with myself have given our abilities to him to use when needed, even when alongside each other the attacks are stronger. But, Albion didn't since he stood in the way of our fight."
(Y/N): "And now with you both we have a chance."
Ddraig: "Yes."
(Y/N): "It's definitely fate that it will happen, and also that I'm a low-rank devil. Will I be able to handle him?"
.....................(Y/N) arrives in class to see Xenovia talking to a lot of girls with Asia next to her, he smiles as he goes to his seat as he sat down looking out the window as he heard moment in front of him to see Xenovia standing there......................
(Y/N): "Hey Xenovia. How you doing?"
Xenovia: "I'm sorry about the other day, I didn't mean to spring that on you when you weren't prepared."
(Y/N): "Oh okay. *looks around, walks up to her* It's alright. *leans to her ear* Not now Xenovia, not in public. Let's talk somewhere privately."
Xenovia: "I brought you something. *raises her hand* Keep these *brings out four objects* for the next time."
(Y/N): "Damn it Xenovia, not right now!"
Asia: "Hi (Y/N). Oh, those are pretty."
Xenovia: *gives one to her* "Here, you should probably take one too."
Asia: *takes it* "Oh, thanks. *looks at it confused* But, what are you supposed to do with it?"
Kiryuu: "Looks like (Y/N)'s throwing a party later. Where's it at?"
(Y/N): "Back off Kiryuu, right now."
Asia: "Hey do you have any idea what these are for? *she whispers in her ear, Asia's face turns red* But, he never even asked us to do that."
(Y/N): "Look, Asia isn't interested."
Kiryuu: "Uh, are you sure?"
(Y/N): *thinks of an idea* "What about you and Shoutaru? *she blushes* I know you hung out with him not long ago, are you sure there's nothing between you two?"
Kiryuu: "W-What? No!"
Xenovia: *gives her one* "You might need this for an occasion."
Kiryuu: "Damn you (L/N)!"
(Y/N): "Not so fun being in the other end, isn't it?"
Xenovia: "Hey (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Yeah?"
Xenovia: "You ready? Let's go make intercourse."
(Y/N): "Xenovia!"
......................he runs out the room as he heads to the O.R.C room......................
(Y/N): "What is up with Xenovia? First she tried forcing herself on me, and now again with *stammers* those? Jeez, what's going on?"
Rias: "Hello (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Hm? *he looks at them* Oh hey, how you girls doing?"
Rias: "How's your arm doing?"
(Y/N): "Pretty awesome! All I need to do was rest."
Sona: "I hear you met the White Dragon Emperor."
(Y/N): "Yes I did. But, I believe he came here not to sight see."
Sona: "Same."
Rias: "I also doubt he has time for sight-seeing. He seems to be working for the Fallen Angels so I don't think we have to worry about him making rash decisions."
Sona: "Regardless of his intentions, I don't want him on the school grounds."
Rias: "Me either. Especially since we have a much bigger problem to deal with soon."
Sona: "Good. We agree. Talk to you later."
Rias: "All right. Take care of yourself."
(Y/N): "Those two seem down, did anything happen or--?"
Akeno: "No, nothing specially. They're just a little stressed about the Open House."
(Y/N): "The Open House that's happening? Why? I get why Rias is like that, but Sona? Wow, I didn't expect that."
......................he Akeno hold his arm along with his hand as he looked at her face which looks seductive like......................
Akeno: "Looks like you're feeling better. I'd say your arm healed up quite nicely now, didn't it?"
(Y/N): "Y-Y-Yeah, it did. I guess it wasn't a big deal."
Akeno: "Aw, that's unfortunate. I was hoping there was still energy left in it, sucking those juices out of you was good for me too."
......................she attempts to suck on his finger again putting her lips on the tip of it which he blushes......................
Rias: "Akeno!"
Akeno: "You startled me."
Rias: "Obviously you can't be left alone with (Y/N)."
Akeno: "I was just checking on (Y/N) to see if he needed anything."
Rias: "Sure you were."

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