Chapter 52: Attack on the Xon Ruvik Family

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 52 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After getting shocked by Sarius (Y/N)'s head is dizzy as he tries opening his eyes from the shock that knocked him out, he hears voices as he sees a light in front of him and it gets brighter with someone heading towards him as he focuses his eyes and he sees someone reaching for him....................
Rias 'echoing': "(Y/N)!"
.....................his eyes widen as he sees a room he doesn't recognize as he looks around to see a dungeon like cell as he looked around....................
(Y/N): "Where am I?"
Yumi: "Daddy! *he looks where the voice is coming from as he looks at her* Daddy!"
(Y/N): "Yumi? What are you- *tries to move, but he stays in position* What?!"
......................he looks to see he's chained as he sees his arms chained as well as he shakes trying to get out....................
(Y/N): "Where are we?"
Yumi: "I don't know, I'm scared daddy."
(Y/N): "Don't worry sweetie, we'll get outta here. I promise you."
????: "Why leave when we didn't get married yet?
......................he looks to see a woman standing there as he gets confused until he remembered who she is.....................
(Y/N): "You're with that Sarius guy, you're- *thinks for a second* His sister!"
Yozokura: "Names Yozokura Xon Ruvik, or by what you will call me. Yozokura Ohma."
(Y/N): *eyes widen* "What are you talking about?!"
Yozokura: "Well cutie, you and me are getting married in a week. Preparations are needed for this wedding, you and me are gonna be a loving couple along with our daughter you adopted. *Yumi whimpers* And soon, when we have our children, we'll rule the underworld."
(Y/N): "Rias will come for me! Everyone will."
Yozokura: *giggles* "If, they can find us. *winks at him* See you in a week handsome."
.....................she walks out and closes the door behind her as she looked at him with a smile on her face.....................
Yumi: "Daddy I don't want her to be my mommy! I want mommy Rias, mommy Akeno, mommy Koneko, mommy Asia, and mommy Xenovia. They're my mommies."
(Y/N): "It's alright Yumi, it's not gonna happen! I just need to break out these chains and we'll get outta here."
......................he struggles as he attempts to equip his Sacred Gears, but they weren't activating as he kept struggling.....................
Ddraig: "You might as well stop, these chains are covered in a Sacred Gear resistance spell which deactivates it until you're out the chains. You need your own strength to break out."
(Y/N): "Ddraig, did you know?"
Ddraig: "Know what?"
(Y/N): "Did you know my father is the Ohma Dragon as well? *he doesn't answer* Well?"
Ddraig: "Yes, I knew. He told us after you were born, and we kept it a secret like Rias's father did. And you're not the only one, Yumi is the daughter of the Silver Dragon Empress, *he looks at her* she's not ready to use her power yet. I'm sorry I kept it a secret from you."
(Y/N): "Don't worry about it." (So, this is how Rias felt when she was forced to marry Riser. But, I must be facing it worse. Rias, everyone; please make it in time.)

3rd P.O.V the city where it's owned by the Xon Ransik family with soldiers that are with them are walking around the city, at a mansion sized house, people inside a big room are setting things up for a party as decorations are being set up, Sarius is seen standing there as he smiles, Yozokura is seen walking towards him as she looked everywhere...................
Sarius: "You met your future husband?"
Yozokura: "Yes. And he was persistent a little, but no matter how he will still marry me like father wants. All these years our family faced so much shame we are given a chance to prove everyone wrong."
Sarius: "That's good, did he say anything?"
Yozokura: "He said that red haired bitch Rias will come for him soon, but I don't see that happening."
Sarius: "If she is coming to is rescue, where is she now?"
.....................after he asks an explosion is seen which gets their attention and so does (Y/N) and Yumi, multiple soldiers are seen flying and running there to see Sir Zechs along with Azazel flying in the air. Sarius flies towards them as he floats in front of them with a smile on his face......................
Sarius: "Zechs, I should've known you would show up, along with Azazel. What do I owe your visit?"
Sir Zechs: "Cut the formalities Sarius, you know why we're here. Return (Y/N) (L/N) to my sister this instant!"
Sarius: "You realize I will say no and it will never happen."
Sir Zechs: "I won't ask again, you and your family lost the right to everything in the underworld and now this? Return (Y/N) (L/N) now!"
Sarius: "First off, the name (L/N) he was using cause it was his mother's name, so his real name is (Y/N) Ohma! And second, we're not giving him up. He will marry my sister! Do you not know what marrying the son of Zikonis will mean for my family? We will be the first in history to start a new history in (Y/N) who is the first head in the House of Ohma and my sister who is the next house of Xon Ruvik, my mind will not change and nothing will stop us!"
Sir Zechs: "I owe (Y/N) everything for what he's done for my sister and my family. And with what you said this wedding will not happen if Rias has feelings for him. If you don't return him, you leave me with no choice."
Sarius: "What are you gonna do?"
Rias: "This!"
.....................he looks to see Rias launching an attack towards him as which he gets hit and crashes into some buildings. Akeno is seen in the sky as she sends lightning attack to destroy some soldiers with two more buildings. Yumi is able to reach the window as she looked and spotted Akeno as she smiles.....................
Yumi: "Mommy Akeno! *he looks at her* It's mommy Akeno, she's here!"
(Y/N): "It's Rias! I knew it, they're here!"
.......................Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils appears as they fought the Xon Ransik soldiers with blasts left and right Irina takes out some soldiers as she threw her disk of light killing them. Kiba and Xenovia yell in anger killing some soldiers with Shoutaru, Rossweisse, and Shoutaru taking some down themselves. Sarius gets up with rubble coming off his body as he growls in anger. Rias flies next to Akeno as she smiled....................
Akeno: "Looks like we got their attention." *giggles*
Rias: "Yeah, but we need to find (Y/N) and Yumi, we need to focus on that. Then we'll eliminate this despised family." *Akeno nods*
Yozokura: "Despised huh? *they look at her* That's not a way to call my family, you know; he told me you would show up. I guess I should've listened to him, but it'd be rude not to listen to your fiancé."
Akeno: "Yozokura, just the one we wanted to see."
Rias: "You did all that seductive stuff in front of us when you held (Y/N), and for that I will eliminate you!"
Yozokura: "Oh, it's so adorable you came for your pawn, and yet you think he's too much important to you for being a servant, well he is irreplaceable. It's not like you took anything from him."
Rias: "Well, you're wrong. I did take his first kiss."
Yozokura: *eyes widen* "Y-You what?"
Akeno: "And I'm the second girl he kissed, it made my heart happy when I did."
Rias: "So sorry Yozokura, you're too late for taking his first kiss. And he also took mine, so it's a win-win love for me. Oh, and the first kiss wasn't the only one, it was multiple times where we kissed."
Yozokura: *yells in rage* "You bitches, I was going to savor the moment we would share our first kiss on our wedding day. *screams in anger as her power spikes outta control* I'll kill you both!"
...................Kiba and Xenovia are running through the streets as they get stopped by a slash like attack seeing two people walk up to them with swords in hand...................
Kiba: "Don't know who they are, but my guess they're Knights of Yozokura."
Xenovia: "You're correct, it appears she was ready for this."
Yozokura's Knight 1: "We owe our life to Sarius and Yozokura, and we're not letting anyone stand in the way of her wedding plans."
Xenovia: "That bitch is not marrying (Y/N) and we'll make sure of it!"
Kiba: "(Y/N) was there for me when I was in trouble and now I'm here to do the same. We're not giving up on him!"
Yozokura's Knight 2: "Then prepare to die!"
.....................Shoutaru continues his fight with the Pawn's of Yozokura and he won easily thanks to his familiars, Koneko and Rossweisse on the other hand are fighting the rooks with Koneko fighting one ten times bigger than her. But, she gets the upper hand by grabbing his around the waist and picking him up with her strength....................
Koneko: "Have a nice flight."
......................she throws him into some rubble as he groans, Rossweisse easily takes out the other rook with one attack.....................
Rossweisse: "Next time learn, I am a Valkyrie and a Rook of the House of Gremory." another part of the city, Asia and Gasper look around a corner into a dungeon as they're looking for (Y/N), the checked every cell as they looked like no one has been there....................
Asia: "He's not here, we checked everywhere."
Gasper: "This is the dungeon, he has to be here."
Asia: "Maybe we're missing something. We need to look harder."
.......................(Y/N) focused all his strength on the chains as he pushed outward with metal creaking heard, Yumi looks at him to believe he can break out as he yells in anger......................
(Y/N): "I will not be held here! I will never marry Yozokura, *cracks are heard* NEVER!" *breaks out as he yelled in anger again*
Yumi: *smiles* "Daddy, you did it!"
(Y/N): "Nothing can hold me down, now it's time to-"
......................he was interrupted with blue electricity appearing everywhere as he gets electrocuted by a spell that is inside the cell, Yumi watched in horror as he screamed in pain. It ends with (Y/N) falling on the ground unconscious......................
Yumi: "Daddy!"
.......................back outside Rias and Akeno are continuing their fight with Yozokura as she launched wolf like attacks towards them which they blocked......................
Akeno: "Lightning, strike!"
.......................her attack successfully hits Yozokura as she yells in pain, Rias focuses her power to attacks her which her clothes start to tear from the damage.....................
Rias: "Looks like you're losing this battle, just give up and return (Y/N) to us now."
Akeno: "RIAS!"
........................she blocks an attack from the other direction as she sees Sarius behind them as he looks angry towards them...............
Sarius: "Now you have another problem to deal with."
Yozokura: "About time brother, I want these bitches dead!"
Sarius: "Shouldn't we to turn them for ruining your-"
Yozokura: "Rias took my Fiancé's first kiss, and this one here also kissed him!"
Sarius: "And they shall be dead."
........................they combined their attacks with a yellow glow is seen as they shot it towards Rias and Akeno, they tried to block it, but they get launched back as Rias crashes on the ground with Akeno helping her up....................
Yozokura: "Now it's time to finish these two off."
Sarius: "Today is the end of Rias Gremory."
Albion: "Divide!"
......................their powers get drained as Vali is seen in his Balance Breaker heading towards them punching Sarius and knocking back Yozokura which Rias looked in shock at his arrival.....................
Rias: "Vali?"
Vali: "Looks like I made it in time. *looks at Akeno* You get her outta here, I'll hold off these two."
......................Akeno helps Rias up as she grunts in pain, in the distance Azazel and Sir Zechs are watching Vali fight the two......................
Azazel: "Well, look at that. Vali has arrived."
Sir Zechs: "I wouldn't blame him. With what's in the past he would've shown up to fight the Xon Ransik family."
......................Akeno carries Rias somewhere safe as she's injured, they arrive in what they see is a dungeon. Akeno sets her down and to their luck Asia appears along with Gasper......................
Asia: "Oh my goodness, Rias!"
Akeno: "Asia, lucky us." *Asia starts healing Rias*
Gasper: "What happened?!"
Rias: "We were attacked by Sarius and Yozokura, their powers combined brings a nasty hit. What about you two?"
Asia: "We checked everywhere here in the dungeon, nothing."
Rias: *sighs* "Where could they be?"
Gasper: "A dungeon's not a good place for someone like (Y/N) if he is being forced to get married."
Rias: "Gasper's right, maybe if I'm right. It's at their home."
.....................a huge breathing sound is heard as Gasper's clothes move and he stands there scared. Everyone else does the same as they stood still, Gasper turns around to see red eyes looking at him as he screams and runs next to everyone. Kiba and Xenovia defeat the Knights as they heard the screams, they ran down as they looked at what they see......................
???? 2: "Who's there? You're not from the Xon Ruvik family."
Kiba: "Wait! *walks closer as his eyes widen* It couldn't be!"
Koneko: *runs in with Rossweisse* "What's going on?"
Rossweisse: *looks at the red eyes* "What is that thing?"
Gasper: "Kiba, what is it?"
.....................light comes through the ceiling and what they saw is something that shocked them as its a dragon chained down, but this dragon was colored black along with gold designs as they realized who they're looking at."
Rias: "I-It's him."
Koneko: "It can't be."
Kiba: "It is definitely him. It's Zikonis!"

To be continued......................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this, let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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