Chapter 15: A Long Reunion

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 15 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"(Y/N) wakes up with the sun shinning on his eyes, his eyes twitch a little from it as he slowly woke up feeling a headache after remembering what happened last night. He feels weight on his arms and he looks to see Rias on his right along with Asia on his left which he freaks out at......................
(Y/N): (They both slept with me?! What the hell- Ow, head pain.)
......................Rias slowly wakes up as she looked at him with a smile on her face.....................
Rias: "Good morning (Y/N)."
Asia: *sits up* "Did you sleep okay?"
(Y/N): "Hang on, why are you both here?"
Asia: "You didn't tell us what to do before you fell asleep last night so we just stayed here."
(Y/N): "What?"
Rias: "We made the best of our sleeping arrangements and each used one of your arms as a pillow. It was quite comfortable."
Asia: "Very."
(Y/N): (Something feels wrong here.)
Asia: "We should go get breakfast started! It's already late!"
Rias: "Oh right! Thanks again. We'll talk to you later."
Asia: "I hope we didn't keep you from something important.
......................they walk out closing the door behind them, (Y/N) signs after that. He suddenly gets a stronger presence which isn't a good one, he looks out the window to see the view with anger in his eyes.....................
(Y/N): "Looks like there's trouble happening coming, I'll be ready for it."
......................they arrived at school going through classes, (Y/N) still had that feeling throughout the day that something is gonna happen. After that they arrived at the Old School building to see the floor shine......................
Asia: "Wow! Look how shiny the floor is!"
(Y/N): "Yeah. They did a good job."
Shoutaru: "Such shine proves that they worked really hard."
Asia: "What's that?"
(Y/N): "What? *looks at a door* Oh that room?"
Asia: "Yeah."
(Y/N): "I'm not sure, by the look it seems like the Forbidden Room. I hear it's never been opened."
Shoutaru: "Yeah. I hear about that."
......................they arrived in the room to see Rias and Koneko, but no sign of Kiba anywhere......................
Rias: "They did a good job cleaning the place, didn't they? Feels like we're getting a fresh start."
(Y/N): "Where's Kiba?"
Koneko: "Looks like somebody decided to take the entire day off. Must be nice."
Asia: "I hope he's okay."
(Y/N): "You think it might have something to do with what we talked about last night? *she doesn't respond* No way. So, what does Kiba have to do with all this with the Holy Swords?"
Rias: "Do you remember me talking you before about how he was a survivor of the Holy Sword Project?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. I do."
Rias: "Well, what I didn't tell you was that there were serval other children involved. They were all being raised to use an Excalibur. *their eyes widen in shock* As of right now, there are seven Holy Swords that are known by the name Excalibur. Long ago, pieces of the original Excalibur were scattered during the war."
(Y/N): "Seven? There's seven?"
Rias: "That's right. It was the church that tracked them down and collected all those pieces, they then used alchemy to create seven entirely new swords."
(Y/N): "Does that mean Kiba can use all of them?"
Rias: "Actually, no it does not. He never adapted to Excalibur's strength, in fact none of those who trained never could. The entire project failed."
Shoutaru: "What? Did it really fail?"
Asia: "Completely?"
Rias: "Yes. So, those in charge of the project decided to dispose of Kiba and the other test subjects."
(Y/N): "Dispose? Did they try to kill him?"
Rias: "They were already on the verge of death. However, one child was able to escape, his motivation in staying alive was a promise to himself that he would someday get revenge. I felt such a passion in a meaningful way and wanted to help, there was but a single solution."
(Y/N): "That's the reason you made Kiba a devil. And why he was weird when he looked at that picture."
Rias: *smiles while looking at him* "We'll just have to wait and see what happens next."
Akeno: "Fantastic! Looks like everyone's here."
Rias: "Akeno. Why are you so late?"
Akeno: "Well, I brought some guests and was helping them get here."
Sona: "Thank you for having us."
(Y/N): "Sona, Tsubaki? Why are they here?"
Akeno: "They said they had something urgent to discuss with you."
Sona: "Right, Rias. Would you mind coming with me to my house right away, please? This isn't something you're going to want to discuss in front of a lot of people. Trust me."
Rias: "You make it sound like a complicated situation."
Sona: "It is. Very complicated."
......................after that they decided to go home, but (Y/N) had one thing on his mind about today......................
(Y/N): "What happened? Was it just me, or did you think Sona was acting weird too?"
Asia: "Yeah. Maybe."
Shoutaru: "From what she asked Rias it appears to be something only for them to talk about."
(Y/N): "Yeah, I believe that. *looks at Koneko* What do you think Koneko?"
Koneko: "Don't know. It's not like there's anything wrong with Rias talking to someone. However, I guess I'm more worried right now about what's going on with Kiba."
(Y/N): "Yeah, you're right I'm worried too. I know what Rias told us about how he joined her, but still. I feel like maybe I should try and help out somehow, you know what I mean? It's not because I'm obligated, but we're friends."
Koneko: "Yeah well, see you tomorrow."
(Y/N): "See ya Koneko."
Asia: *waves at her* "Bye, see you tomorrow!"
Shoutaru: "Later."
(Y/N): "Koneko and Asia chose this as well."
Asia: "What?"
(Y/N): "Oh, I was wondering why they decided to become devils too. Surely they had a reasons like the rest of us."
......................(Y/N), Asia, and Shoutaru returned home, but suddenly they felt something close which causes them to stop.................
Asia: "I just got the chills for some reason."
Shoutaru: "Same."
(Y/N): "Yeah, I know what you mean. Now that I think about it, I recognize this feeling from before."
Asia: "How?"
(Y/N): "It was when Mirak showed up, and we were headed to the church. And also *eyes widen in realization* the Stray Exorcist!"
......................they burst through the door looking around, the moment he looked in the living room to see two girls sitting on his couch......................
(Y/N): "Who are you two? What are you doing in my house?"
????: "Sorry, my partner here wanted to come sight see right here and we didn't mean to intrude."
(Y/N): "Your part-"
.......................he looks at the girl with orange hair and purple eyes which he started remembering, the photo of that other friend from his childhood with Issei......................
(Y/N): "Is there a reason why?"
???? 2: "I had a friend that lived here long ago, but it was during the time we were kids. It was sad he was gone, but at least I have good memories here."
(Y/N): *eyes widen* "Well, that kid was me."
Irina: *eyes widen as well, stands up* "(Y/N)? Is it you? *smiles* It is you! You're back! *hugs him, he hugs back* If you can't remember my name, it's Irina. *stops hugging to look at him* Now that I'm here we can have fun catch up like old times along with Issei. *his eyes widen, looks down sad* What's wrong?"
(Y/N): "Irina, I don't know how to tell you this right. But, Issei's gone. He died."
Irina: *eyes widen in sadness* "What?! How? How did he die?"
(Y/N): "He was killed by a Fallen Angel, Mirak. But, I defeated that son of a bitch and he got what he deserved after that."
????: "You defeated Mirak?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. And I killed him the way he killed Issei."
Irina: "That's good to know, cause he deserved it. But, at least we're here so we can catch up, a lot has happened to both of us in the time we've been apart. Also? I love reunions! You never know what's going to happen!"
......................he looks at the girl with blue hair with the green hair streak looking at him like a killer intent, they left as (Y/N) goes to his room with Asia with them entering seeing Rias......................
(Y/N): "Rias?"
Rias: *looks at them, gasps in happiness* "I'm so glad you're home safe! *hugs him* I'm so sorry. I should have paid more attention to both of you, I was terrified of what I might find when I came back here today. I'm thankful I worried for nothing. I promise to keep a better eye on each of your whereabouts from now on."
(Y/N): "Rias."
Rias: "What is it?"
(Y/N): "We need to talk."
......................he told her about Irina and the other girl that was in his house the moment they walked in......................
Rias: "Why were they in the living room? How'd they get in?"
(Y/N): "I don't even know, I think Irina wanted to see how the house looked since I moved. It seemed it must've really affected her when I moved, she missed me so much and they never said why they were here. All they cared about is that we were devils."
Rias: "That's fine. I honestly don't know what they're planning, but perhaps we can ask them tomorrow."
(Y/N): "Tomorrow?"
Rias: "That's what I've been told. They'll be visiting the clubroom tomorrow after school.
....................(Y/N) is now with the same guy he worked on a contract with before once again as they're fishing, (Y/N)'s mind as focused on Irina being a member a follower of the church now......................
????: "What's the matter devil boy?"
(Y/N): "Oh, sorry. I just got a lot on my mind right now."
????: "It's a bit unusual to see a devil looking so worried, isn't it? Things in this world usually turn out they way you want them to. Stress about the future is a waste of time, just wait it out a bit. Things'll change. *looks at his fishing pole* Oh. Looks like you've got a bite on that hook! Pull him in!"
......................he was able to catch the fish, after that he walked back home and went to sleep with him snoring quietly. He hears a noise as he opens his eyes to see the same crystal field with more flowers turning into something else, he gets up to see no sign of the Ohma Dragon which confused him. But, a giant crystal staircase is seen in front of him, he walks up it to a crystal pedestal with a sword jabbed into it.....................
(Y/N): "Another weapon? But, here?"
......................he walks towards it which glows brighter as he does, he grabs it feeling a surge of power from it as he pulled it out. It glows bright which he can't see what it looks like as it shines bright......................

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