Chapter 47: The Rating Game Begins

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 47 of this story and with that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

Naud: "It looks like the Gremory Family has chosen Kiba, a Knight for the first match! Facing him from the Bael Family..."
Furcas: "It's nice to meet you, I am a Knight currently in service of Lord Sairaorg. Names Beluga Furcas. And this is my trusty steed and partner , Altobrau. Sir Kiba, I'm looking forward to trading blows with you!"
Kiba: "It should be good! I can't wait."
Rudiger: *appears, raises his hand* "Gentlemen, are you ready? *A buzzer is heard* Let the match begin!"
"Kiba and Furcas rush at each other as they disappear and reappear with their weapons colliding during reappearing. Their weapons colliding as they looked at each other......................
Furcas: " It's incredible that you can keep up with me, I'm even on hourseback! You are truly a force to be reckoned with, Sir Kiba!"
Kiba: "Thanjs , so are you. The way you and your steed moves as one is impressive! However-"
......................Kiba uses sword birth to summon swords which Furcas jumps in the air to dodge giving Kiba an advantage......................
Kiba: "Holy Demonic Sword of Lightning!"
......................he shoots lightning towards him which knocked his weapon out his hand, but Furcas summons two......................
Furcas: "You may have a Holy Demon Sword, which I'm sure is rather effective against most devils... *summons multiple versions if himself making Kiba gasp*  But, if doesn't matter if you can't connect!"
......................Kiba summons another sword as he blocks incoming attacks from them which an explosion happens......................
Kiba:  I didn't wanna play all my cards so early in the game, but you've left me with no choice. *makes the swords disappear, summons a glyph with a different sword* I'd rather show off what I can do now than lose, though. I've got too many people counting on me to win. This is for my family, *unsheaths his sword* and for Rias Gremory! Balance Breaker! "
......................multiple swords appear from the ground which formed Knight looking soldiers.....................
Kiba: "I call this one Glory Drag Trooper, A Balance Breaker of the Blade Blacksmith subspecies. It's new."
Furcas: "Impossible! I studied your moves, your Balance Breaker should be Sword if Betrayer!"
Kiba: "Prepare yourself Knight, because here I come!" *rushes at him*
Furcas: *rushes at him as well* "Bring it on!"
......................they rush at each other as they glow, the collided with caused an explosion all g with smoke. Kiba stands on one side as Furcas stands on the other as their summons disappear, it was quiet until Furcas' should gets cut signaling be lost......................
Furcas: "How formidable."
Kiba: "You are as well."
.......................the crowd cheers as Kinda won and (Y/N) jumps up happy along with the others......................
Rudiger: "And with that, Sairaorg Beal's Knight has been retired!"
Nadu: "The first round of the game goes to the Gremory Team!"
(Y/N): "Now that's what talking about!"
Naud: "Exciting stuff, I can't wait to see what the next battle will bring! Let's roll those dice!"
......................Rias and Sairaorg roll their dice as it lands on the numbers...................
Naud: "The total is ten! Each side may submit participants that equal up to ten points!"
......................after deciding Koneko and Rossweisse stood on the platform looking at everyone.....................
Rias: "Okay. We're leaving things up to you two. Good luck."
(Y/N): "Good luck you two!"
Rossweisse: "Right."
Koneko: "Kay. We're so gonna wreck those fools."
......................they arrived at a temple looking area as their opponents did at the same time......................
Crocell: "I'm one of the Knights serving Lord Sairaorg Bael, names Liban Crocell. This rocky fellow here is our Rook, Gandoma Balam. We shall be your opponents."
Rossweisse: "My name is Rossweisse and my partner Koneko and I are Rooks of the Gremory Family. We should proceed with caution."
Koneko: "Fo sho."
Rudiger: "At the sound of the buzzer, *buzzer goes off* the second round will begin!"
Koneko: *gets in fighting pose* "I'm ready to pound these clowns, which means I need to go all out from the start."
.....................she shows her Nekomata ears, but reveals her having two tails which surprised (Y/N).....................
(Y/N): "That's her new attack, Nekomata mode level two! Go get em you two!"
......................Koneko rushes at Gandoma to deliver a punch to his face which made a crater in the wall behaving, he backhands which she dodged and jumped in the air. Rossweisse summons a lot of glyphs shooting her attack to him, but had no effect which also never effected him, he grabs a pillar next to him as he charges at Rossweisse......................
Rossweisse: "Heh. He's rock hard."
......................Rossweisse runs outta the way with Koneko's fist glowing as she destroyed the pillar and follows up with punching Balam non-stop while yelling......................
Crocell: "You have quite the opening."
......................she looks a him as his eyes glow yellow making her feel like she's being pulled to the ground......................
Rossweisse: "Crap, he has the power of gravity."
Rias: "That's Crocell's Sacred Gear, it allows him to control gravity within his field of vision. As long as he doesn't look away, his power will hold. This is not good."
Crocell: "That's not all!
......................he extends his hand to use a yellow glyph as he made ice appear on Rossweisse along with him equipping his sword......................
Rossweisse: " That's right, I forgot. You're a magic swordsman!"
Crocell: "I inherited the power of the Crocell family and a magician, but the gravity is from my Sacred Gear! Gravity Jail is your downfall."
Rossweisse: "Oh yeah? Seems to me like your a power based on your vision would have an obvious weakness!" *extends her hand making a glyph*
Crocell: "You think so huh? *summons a mirror blocking Rossweisse's attack* I already have a way to defend against that weakness!"
.....................Rossweisse smirks with the light reflecting getting Balam's attention, a red glyph appears as it switches places with Rossweisse and Gandoma catching him in the Gravity Jail, Koneko lands next to Rossweisse.....................
Rossweisse: "Koneko, how are things going on your end?"
Koneko: "Tight. Giant Mister Rock ass' aura is finally unstable enough that he shouldn't be able to defend himself against any magical attacks."
Rossweisse: "That's perfect. Okay then, *summons multiple glyphs* take this!"
......................the glyphs shoot attacks to hit Balam and Crocell which the crowd cheers at that along with everyone else.....................
(Y/N): "Hell yeah!"
Kiba: "Nicely done. She knew her attack would be reflected and cast object transferal magic beforehand. Wait."
......................the smoke clears as Crocell is in a crater hurt with Koneko and Rossweisse standing there.....................
Crocell: "Didn't I tell you, that you should watch your openings?"
Rossweisse: "He's still alive!"
......................he opens his eyes trapping Koneko and Rossweisse in a gravity jail for both of them, Balam  ones out of some ruble as he roars in anger as he gets ready to do a double axe handle and crushes Lonely with his attack......................
Rossweisse: "Koneko, no-"
......................the gravity jail stops as Crocell and Balam turn blue and disappear, Rossweisse picks up Koneko as she winces in pain......................
Koneko: "Ball sacks. But, as lo g as one of us survives, then it's okay. At least that way we still win the match."
Rossweisse: "Koneko, I'm sorry."
Koneko: "You don't have to apologize, I'm actually happy. We took them down. Stupid ass twats."
......................she disappears as Rossweisse has her arms out looking at where Koneko was......................
Rudiger: "That was the end of the second match! The Knight and Rook of Sairaorg Bael, as well as the Room of Rias Gremory, have been retired! That means three of Sairaorg's pieces are now off the board. The Gremory Family has lost one piece."
Kiba: "You seem calm. When Koneko was defeated I thought for sure you would be angrier."
(Y/N): "I am most definitely angry! But now, I'm gonna hold onto that feeling. When it's time, I'll unleash every part of my power against them!"
Naud: "Currently, the Gremory Family has the bigger advantage, however it's still too early in the game to call it! Okay then, let's get ready to shoot those dice!"
......................the roll the dice again which lands in the numbers......................
Naud: "And the total is eight! There are several combinations that could be used or such a high number, but the real question is: who will--"
Sairaorg: "I'll go ahead and tell you. I'm sending my Bishop, Coriana Andrealpus!"
Naud: "No way! We've never seen a public announcement of the participant before! But, why would he do such a thing?"
Sairaorg: "My Bishop has a technique that's rather effective against (Y/N) (L/N)'s attacks. I doubt he can beat it."
(Y/N): "Seriously? She has that kind of power."
Azazel: "Ahh. Well now, that doesn't sound interesting. However, there isn't a single person who is able to beat (Y/N)."
Belial: "The Ohma Dragon is a fascination fellow, I'll admit I'm intrigued by some of the unique moves he's created in the past."
Azazel: "Whatever her technique is, I doubt it can stand up to (Y/N)'s power."
Rias: "There is one other thing, if (Y/N) is being called out. Then my second Pawn Shoutaru would have to go with him since they each hold four pawn pieces."
Azazel: "That is true, so it would be fair for the number."
Belial: "Agreed."
Sairaorg: (Damn it, I forgot!)
(Y/N): *looks at Shoutaru* "You ready Shoutaru?"
Shoutaru: "I've been ready!"
Rias: "Be careful you two."
.....................they walk in the center as they get ready.....................
Naud: "Ooh, looks like the Ohma Dragon and the beast summoner have Risen to Sairaorg's challenge and will be entertaining the third match!"
.....................everyone cheers him on as they teleport to a mountain area with pink flowers staring at Sairaorg's Bishop.....................
Rudiger: "At the start of the buzzer, begin the match!"
.....................the buzzer goes off as they look at her, (Y/N) activates his Sacred Gears as Shoutaru gets ready to summon his familiars. But, she suddenly started taking off her clothes which confused them as he realized what she's doing.....................
Shoutaru: *looks at him* "Is she--"
(Y/N): "Yep. Let's do this!"
.....................he shoots a blast attack with Shoutaru summoning Mist as they combined attacks to take her out with her eyes widening, she gets hit with her disappearing.....................
Rudiger: "The Bishop of the Bael Team has been retired! (Y/N) (L/N) and Shoutaru Nijima wins!"
Naud: "Aw, looks like whatever she was doing wasn't working against him!"
......................they return to their post which they hear cheers from the crowd as they walked to their seats.....................
Kiba: "Wow, that was a disappointing match."
(Y/N): "I agree with that, the lowest of one of my battles."
Kiba: "What was she gonna do?"
(Y/N): "She was gonna strip to get me distracted, ha no way that's gonna work on me?"
Akeno: "What about us, your girlfriends?"
(Y/N): "I'm only saying this, if it's you girls I don't got a problem. It's just from another person I don't know it's different."
Akeno: *giggles* "Happy to hear that."
Naud: "Okay, on to the next match then. And it's an eight again! Since (Y/N) (L/N) and Shoutaru Nijima can't be sent out back to back, I wonder which piece the Gremory Family will choose to utilize this time? It's a high number so it could be any combination!"
Xenovia: *stands up* "I think I should be the one to go."
Rias: "All right, I agree. I'll leave this one up to you Xenovia, now who else?"
Gasper: "*raises his hand* " Um, I could go maybe. Because we're already midway through the game and we don't know what else could possibly happen. I just think that since Jobs and Rossweisse are both so strong, the should stay here and prepare themselves for the second half of the competition."
Rias: "Okay Gasper. Then will you go and support Xenovia for me?"
Gasper: "Yes! And as a man of the Gremory household, I'll avenge Koneko!"
(Y/N): "That's the spirit Gasper! Good luck!"
Gasper: *nods* "Right!"
.....................Xenovia and Gasper arrived there as two from Sairaorg's group as well.....................
Naud: "For the next match, the Gremory family has chosen the Knight that wields the Holy Sword Durandal, Xenovia! And the popular skirted sweetheart, Gasper the Bishop! In the response, the Bael team has chosen the Rook, Ladora Bune, and the Bishop Misteeta Sabnock!"
Rudiger: "At the sound of the buzzer, you may be begin!"
.....................the buzzer goes off as Gasped turns into bats with Xenovia launching an attack towards them which they dodge, Sabnock uses her magic to summon fire heading towards Xenovia.....................
Gasper: "Stop right there!"
.....................the fire freezes in place thanks to Harper's Forbidden Balor View which Xenovia do uses the fire with swinging attacks.....................
Sabnock: "Ladora! Take care of the swordsman! I need time to prepare!"
Labora: "Roger!"
.....................he glows as his armor breaks off and he roars transforming into a dragon shocking Xenovia and Rias.....................
Rias: "The Bune family is incredibly strong, they can wield the power of dragons. However, only a few devils in their bloodline should have the ability to transform. I can't believe there's one on Sairaorg's team."
Azazel: "Sairaorg must have trained with him and caused him to awaken!"
.....................Sairaorg smirks as he saw what was happening.....................
Xenovia: "Gasper, I'm going to do the thing but I need you to buy me some time!"
Gasper: "Got it!"
......................Gasper distracts Labora as he shoots flames at the bats which doesn't hit him, Xenovia channels her power through the sword getting ready for her attack.....................
Sabnock: "Not so fast! Oh, Holy Sword, I seal your power!"
.....................a purple flame goes around Xenovia which travels on her body blocking her connection to her sword as it was too heavy for her......................
Xenovia: "Durandal isn't responding!"
Azazel: "Trick vanish, it's a Sacred Gear that uses a great amount of mental and physical stamina, but in return it can completely seal away another person's power for a short period time."
.....................Gasper arrives in time to get Xenovia away before Labora can smash her, they hide behind a rock with the purple marks still on Xenovia.....................
Xenovia: "Sorry Gasper, it looks like I'll be useless to you for the rest of the match."
Gasper: "No that isn't true Xenovia! Here. *reaches in his back* It may be a long shot, but I might be able to remove the curse for you."
.....................he draws a glyph in the sand while Labora is looking for them.....................
Ladora: "Come out, come out wherever you are!"
.....................Gasper to finishes the glyph as Rise contacts him.....................
Rias: "Gasper! Do you really think this will work?"
Gasper: "Yes, I do! *pulls out a green vial* I know a method utilizing a bit of (Y/N)'s blood which should remove the curse. I just have to add it to this magic circle. *pours the blood in the glyph* But, the problem is it takes a little while to start working. Xenovia. *she looks at him* I think I know what my role is in this match, I'm going to buy you some time!"
Rias: "Don't be reckless Harper! Stay hidden!"
Gasper: "I'm sorry, but I can't do that! I have to get us, all the time I can! Truth is you're going to need Xenovia's strength to win this thing!"
Ladora: "I spy a little vampire, but where's your friend? Perhaps some fire will flush her out of hiding."
Gasper: "Hold it right there gas bag!"
Ladora: "Think you can take by yourself? I have to say your courage is adorable, but it won't save you!"
.....................he shoots his flame breath at him, Gasper tried blocking it with a glyph. But, it didn't help as he gets launched back as he screams in pain which everyone gasps at what happened with him colliding into a boulder......................
Xenovia: "Gasper! Please be careful!"
Ladora: "Oh my. Is that the sweet voice of the swordsman? *Gasper yells as he grabs on his hand, he grabs him* Shoo fly!"
.....................he crushes him with his hand as he screams in pain which he gets thrown in a boulder making Road cover her eyes.....................
Rias: "I can't watch!"
Gasper: "It hurts, it really does. But, no matter what, I am a man of the Gremory Family! *(Y/N) gasps in worry* 'Rule number one for any boys in the Gremory Household: a real man always protects the ladies'."
(Y/N): "Gasper."
Ladora: "Move it, *kicks him* pipsqueak!"
.....................Gasper yells in pain as he rolls on the ground hurt, but gets back up.....................
Gasper: "The second most important rule for any men in the Gremory Household: 'a real man stands up tall regardless of the situation'."
......................Sabnock moves her staff to his head as she hits Gasped making him groan in pain.....................
Sabnock: "Just give up. That's no way that you can ever defeat us."
Gasper: "And finally, the third rule for any men in the Gremory Household is: 'No matter what happens, never ever give up'. I'll protect Xenovia, even if I have to die trying."
......................Ladora stomps on him as he groans in pain, he removes his roots as Gasper winced in pain, but still kept going......................
Gasper: "I am a man of the Great Gremory Household. I will, win this contest- *groans in pain* for the president."
(Y/N): *looks at Rias as she sobs* "Don't hide you eyes Rise, you have to watch for Gasper. He's doing this for you Rias, you can't insult him looking away!"
Rias: *sobs* "Yes, of course. *looks at the screen* You're right, *wipes her tears away* I'll watch."
Ladora: "Oh look, he's still moving. I admire your determination, so I'll make your end quick and painless!"
Xenovia: "Hold it right there! I won't let you hurt him. Back off! "
Sabnock: "The curse has been lifted?!"
Xenovia: "I'll admit that I was a bit careless earlier, because of that, your spell canine off guard. Gasper, you stood on this battlefield and fought with great determination. You are a true warrior, and now I say to match the power of your feelings. I'll strike them down!"
Sabnock: "You will never defeat me, I'll curse you!!
......................she freezes before she could do the curse again which Ladora gasps in shock as he looked at Gasper used his Sacred Gear......................
Ladora: " The eyes that stop time? Impossible!"
Xenovia: "This is what you two get for underestimating Gasper!"
......................she moves the sword blade down as it hits this both which resulted in them being defeated......................
Rudiger: "The Rook and Bishop of Sairaorg Bael, as well as the Bishop of Rias Gremory have all been retired! Gremory Team wins!"
Naud: "The game is really starting to heat up! At this point eight members of the Gremory Team are left against just three of the Bael team! However, the remaining members are very strong! Will the be able to turn things around? The only way to find out is to shoot the those dice!"
......................they roll the dice as it landed on thejr number which landed on a certain number......................
Naud: "There we have it! A total of nine! I repeat, nine!"
Akeno: *stands up* "I guess it's my turn to battle. Besides, I suspect they'll send out their queen in tis match."
Rias: "Yes, that's probably true. I'll leave things to you then."
Akeno: "Right. I'll do my best not to let you down."
Kiba: "There's still a good chance we can win if we sent (Y/N) out this time around."
(Y/N): "What?"
Kiba: "But, I think you'd only be able to win if you used your Grand Scale Mail. It's best to save it for now. You'll need it more at the end of the game and Akeno understands that fact, which is why she volunteered to this fight this time. She knows it's risky to go out there, but I'm sure her plan is to wear down the enemy. We'll do whatever it takes to win, Koneko and Gasper proved that with their sacrifices."
......................the battle starts with Akeno's attack colliding into Abaddon's attack as smoke and wind gust happens......................
Akeno: "You're more talented than I expected. In that case!" *raises her hand in the air*
.....................she summons a red glyph to combine her lights and she shoots it at her opponent, but multiple black holes appeared absorbing her attacks making A snow gasp in shock......................
Abaddon: "My ability allows me to absorb my opponents attacks and redirect it wherever I wish. Please observe."
......................the black holes appear around Akeno as she gets hit as she screams in pain and disappears after losing the battle......................
Naud: "And the winner of match five is Kuisha Abaddon! Her power of hole defeated Akeno Himejima in a single blow!"
Asia: "No way! Poor Akeno!"
(Y/N): "That's insane."
Rias: "Try to stay calm, this is not the time to panic. Everything will come down to the last match."
(Y/N): "You're right, and I'm ready for that."
Naud: "We're getting close to the end of the game. What number What number will come up up next? Shoot the dice and find out! Oh there it is! They finally rolled a combined total of twelve! Of course, you know what that means. Lord Sairaorg will finally be able to get in this fight!"
......................(Y/N) walks up as he gets ready to fight Sairaorg, but Kiba places his hand on his shoulder. "
Kiba: "(Y/N), I want you to let me handle this one."
(Y/N): "But, Kiba?"
Kiba: "Sorry, but I really think we should wear down our opponent as we possibly can. Xenovia, Rossweisse. Will you go with me?"
Xenovia: *nods* "Yep, count me in!"
Rossweisse: "I'll give him everything I've got."
(Y/N): "Guys-"
Kiba: *looks at Rias* "The president has saved all of us in one way or another. You made us who we are, it's time for us to return that love."
Rias: *smiles* "I understand. I'm depending on you three."
Kiba: "And we'll do our best to bring you victory. The rest is up to you."
(Y/N): "I hear ya my friend."
......................they walk up as they teleport to the area where they will fight Sairaorg, (Y/N)'s left hand glows gold as as he balls it in a fist. Kiba, Xenovia, and Rossweisse arrives as they look at Sairaorg. "
Sairaorg: "Did Rise come up with this idea? Looks like she's thinking outside the box."
Kiba: "We won't die easily."
Sairaorg: *scoffs* "I sure hope not."
Kiba: "Don't worry Sairaorg. We'll send you the Ohma Dragon in the best of states."
Sairaorg: "I do believe that's the classiest trash talk I've ever heard."
Rudiger: "At the sound of the Buzzer, the sixth match will begin!"

To be continued......................

(A/N: Well, that'd the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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