Chapter 2: Party

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"Congratulations!" People yelled the same second we stepped in the room. But... I didn't invite anyone?
"What are you guys doing in my house?" I said through the smile. Even though i wasn't expecting this, it somehow made me happy to see so many familliar faces, three of them belonged to my parents and brother, six to my hyungs and the rest some of the staffs I'm friend with.
"We wanted to surprise the married couple, of course! Isn't that a good thing?" Jimin replied. He really looked excited, like he Is the one who Is getting married, not me. Oh well, he Is always like that. Most selfless person i know.
"Tehnically, we are not officially married yet. I just asked her yesterday, and we are gonna start the preparations for it tommorrow." I said.
"You asked her, she said yes, and ring Is on her finger. For me, that means you are 'm a r r i e d'". Y/n laughed at his behaviour.
"My dear son, I'm so proud of you!" My mother said and hugged me very tight. Soon enough, my dad and brother joined the hug as well, weil Y/n just stood away from us, watching me with such a cute smile.
"Alright, enough hugging! It's time to celebrate!!" Hoseok got on top of the table which made everyone look at him. He Is known for his good mood and sun's personality, but to tell you honestly, i Never saw him this happy and excited. It even made me think that he Is already drunk. But everyone started cheering after his words, so i took that as a good sign.
It's was already 9p.m. so we decided to spend the rest of the night drinking. Wanna try guessing who drank the most?
I don't remember when i last had this much fun. Once again, i realised how much i love my life and people around me.
I was glad to se Y/n also having fun, and i couldn't keep my eyes of of her. How can something be so perfect and yet be mine? It seemed like a dream to me. That much that i had to pinch myself to prove. But it wasn't a dream. It was beautiful reality.

Melody of our Love - Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now