Chapter 18: Memories made of paper

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31.08.- six years after the incident

The room was bright, light coming from the lamp on nightstand coloring it whole.

There was a girl laying in bed, covered with a blanket, the book in her hands.

She was reading it carefully, keeping every word in her mind, until soft knocks and the door opening made her stop.

"Mom, i can't sleep." Little girl came inside and went to her mother's side. She was wearing long pink pajamas, her hair messy, a frown drawn on her lips.

"Well then," her mother spoke as she moved the blanket, "wanna sleep here with me?"
Little girl instantly jumped on bed and hugged the other one, both of them being wrapped into a cozy, warm blanket.

"Mom?" Girl asked.
"Yes honey?"
"Do i have a dad?" That question made her sad.
She knew this moment would come. The moment when she would have to tell her daughter everything.
She just hoped that moment wouldn't come so soon.

"My friends talked about their dads today. But i didn't know what to say."
The older one's eyes shined with tears, but she managed to hold them back.
"You do have a dad, sweety."

The little one's face lighted up with happiness and excitment.
"Really, i do?" As she received a nod from her mom, she pushed the topic further.

"Where is he then? When will he be back? I want to meet him!"
Her daughter seemed so happy at the mention of him.
It was fair to reveal everything to her.
But, she couldn't do it.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, I'm sure he will be back soon. You will get a chance to meet him."
Her voice broke.

She leaned over and left a soft kiss on her daughter's forehead.

At this point, she needed her whole strenght not to break.

The biggest smile appeared on her little face.
Then, her mother began singing a lullaby.

As she kept singing, her daughter closed her eyes, her breathing becoming more quiet, meaning she was slowly driffting off into a dreamland.

Her mom gently carresed her cheek, moving her hair from her face.
She caught herself staring at her features.
No matter how many times she did that, the fact she shared so many similarities with her father amazed her.

Eventually, her eyes became heavier and she fell asleep.

There were few knocks on the door of their room.
"Miss Y/n?" A maid called, but received no responce.
"Miss Y-" she immidiately shut herself once she opened the door and saw two of them sleeping soundly.

A smile painted itself on the corners of her lips.
Quietly, she closed the door and left the room.

The next day; 01.09. 07:08 a.m.

Y/n was sitting in her bedroom.
Her cheeks were wet from tears as her gaze was glued on the photo album in her lap.
There was a faint, yet noticible smile on her lips.

She stopped flipping pages as she found the picture she was looking for.

She took it out and brang it to her chest, hugging it tightly.

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