Chapter 20: Mission: started

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Jonghyun and Jisoo were walking together down the street, holding each others hands.
They were also talking about some random things.

The atmosphere around them was calm. The sound of shoes clapping against the ground and people talking was surrounding them.

As they kept going further, Jonghyun suddenly felt a slight pain in his shoulder caused by a person bumping into him.

"Sorry about that." The other person spoke.
Jonghyun wanted to say something, but his voice got stuck in his throath as soon as he heard that voice.

His eyes widened in surprise and shock, which Jisoo noticed.

As the boy turned around, a little smile formed on the corners of his lips.
"It's good to see you again, Jonghyun."

The one finally got his voice back, still in a state of shock.
"Likewise, Jungkook."

The three of them entered a cafe which was near by.
They found an empty table. But before he could go, Jonghyun was stopped by Jisoo's words.

"I think I'm going shopping with Jennie. The mall Is not too far away."
He turned his full attention to her.
"But why? Don't you want to seat with us?"
She glanced at Jungkook, who was already seated at the table by the big window.
"Seems like you guys have a lot to talk about, so i want to give you two some space."
There was no reason for him to not let her go, so he just nodded.
She placed a peck on his cheek and flashed him a smile before leaving.

Jonghyun went to their table and the same second he sat, waitress approached them.
"Hello," she spoke through a smile, "what can i get you today?"
"Can we get two cups of green tea, please?" Jonghyun replied, causing Jungkook to look at him.
"Alright, coming right up." She said and put the little notebook in her pocket, and the pencil behind her ear.

As he saw the way Jungkook was looking at him, Jonghyun became nervous.
"You didn't want a green tea? I can change it if you-"
"No, it's okay." He got interrupted by Jungkook. "I'm alright with green tea."

The older one smiled.
"Yeah, i still remember that you would order it every time we go out together."

That made the younger one smile sincerely.
"Great times back then."

He suddenly moved his gaze to the window and left it there.
First few seconds Jonghyun used to observe other one's features, to look for any changes.
As more time passed, he slowly followed the look in Jungkook's eyes, moving his to the direction he was looking at.

He was looking at the little girl on the playground, playing in the sand.
Not caring about her fluffy, pink dress that was now dirty, she had a big, innocent smile decorrating her gentle features.
On the bench beside her, was seated a not so young man, who seemed to be her father.
He watched her carefully, laughing at her behaviour from time to time.

Even though his full attention was directed to those two, Jungkook's eyes were empty, sad. He seemed lost in his thoughts.

Jonghyun didn't have to be a genious to know what was he thinking about.
He felt the need to help him somehow.
But in the situation like his, it's not going to be easy.

The waitress approached them once again, placing two cups of hot tea on the table.
"Enjoy." She flashed them a smile and left.

The young one was thinking about so many things at that moment, that he didn't even hear her coming.

A long, heavy sigh escaped Jonghyun's mouth, somehow waking the other one up.
"You know, I'm really glad that I'm able to see you again. For all these years, i was sure that you were.." he didn't have to finish that sentence, it was clear about what he was talking about.

"It's a miracle I'm alive, indeed. I heard that so many times till now."
His eyes slowly moved from the window, to the cup in front of him.
He took the spoon and played with it while talking.

"I was in coma for six years. I woke up about three months ago."

Jonghyun swallowed the surprise he felt, not letting it show.
"I woke up in a strangers house, in New York. There was a girl who found  and took of me. She even let me stay in her room for that long. When they saw me awake, they were amazed. Doctors have already gave up hope. Guess my life wanted it the another way."

Meanwhile, other boy was quiet. He didn't dare to move an inch, and would even forget to take a breath from time to time.

"The thing i keep thinking of, Is that i heard a young, female voice just before i woke up. I never heard that voice before, it's not familliar to me."
"What did it say?" Jonghyun asked, curious.
His lips drawn into a sad smile once he heard a reply.

It was his turn to look out the window.
"So, she found out, huh?"
Jungkook looked at the other one, with no emotion whatsoever.
"You see, Y/n managed to keep the baby. For the state she was in, it was a challenge. Everything could go wrong at that Point. But with the time, she started taking more care of herself. She started eating, sleeping more, even when it was against her will.
She gave birth to a girl on May 27th. There were some complications, but the strong girl she Is, she pulled it off.
From that moment on, she worked really hard to build a future for her and her daughter. At first, she worked as a singer at weddings, birthdays, then parties. Eventually, many people recognised the true talent in her and offered her much serious job. I'm sure being a single mom wasn't easy, Jisoo, Mira and I helped as much as we could, but it was mostly her who was doing the job about her kid."
He paused for a couple of seconds.
"I am so proud of her. No matter how many times life tripped her, she would stand up and continue walking.  I don't know many people who can do that, you know."

There were tears in Jungkook's eyes, ready to come out.
Once again, he had mixed emotions. But one was for sure, he was proud.

"The fight you two had and the information about your death completely broke her. Her health was seriously ruined. At one point, it got so bad that she had to go to hospital. But she refused, saying she will change it herself. She didn't want that to happen to her daughter, so she kept the mention of you deeply in the shadows."

Jonghyun took the spoon in his hand and started moving it around the cup.

"Sarang was always a curious, and smart child. So it doesn't surprise me if she somehow found out herself about you."

A warm tear fell from Jungkook's eye.

Silence filled the air around the boys. None of them moving from their spots.
After what seemed like years, Jungkook broke the silence, letting his shaky voice out.

"Do you think... She would be able to forgive me?" That question was left hanging in the air, until Jonghyun let out a sigh.

"I am not going to answer in her name. It's completely up to her to decide if She's ready for something like that. She became very sensitive about everything, especially about boys after what you did to her. She never let any man touch her nor anything."

"You can try, but don't get your hopes too high." With that said, he took a sip of his tea, now already being cold.

"Can you help me?"
This question didn't took him off guard, he expected Jungkook to ask him something like that.
He looked deeply in his eyes, more like he looked in his mind and soul.

"I always liked you and thought you are good enough for my sister. One more reason Is that you have a child together. So i will help you in any way i can."

The younger one's eyes shined with happiness.

"But," he continued, "you will have to promise that you will never do anything like that again. You know what i mean. You have to believe in Y/n, and not everyone else. Got it?"

Jungkook instantly nodded his head and raised his hand.
"I promise." 

Older one nodded his head as well.
"Good. Then, i will have to invite you to my wedding if we want to start our mission."
"You are getting married?!" He asked in surprise.
"Yes. With Jisoo, the girl you saw me with earlier."
"I'm glad you found someone you love that much."
"Yes, i am too."

"So, our wedding is in a week. Make sure to come, Y/n will be there as well."

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