Chapter 21: Crossed paths

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The sound of the bell rang through whole house.
As Jonghyun was busy with doing some paperwork, Jisoo went to open the door.

"Y/n!" Jisoo screamed as soon as she realised who was standing in front of her.
"Jisoo!" Y/n copied the amount of excitment and they jumped into a friendly hug.
A second later, Jisoo felt something grabbing her leg.

"Sarang!" She screamed as she broke the hug with Y/n and kneeled down to hug the other one.
"Jisoo-unnie, i missed you."
"I missed you too, chocolate ice cream." She said and cupped her little cheeks.

"Chocolate ice cream?" Y/n raised her eyebrow. "Why are you calling her that?"
Jisoo and Sarang exchanged looks before looking back at Y/n.
"It's our little secret, sorry." Sarang chuckled.

"It's better for you if you don't know some things." Someone said as he entered the hall.
Y/n ran towards that person as soon as she spotted him.


As she hugged him, he grabbed her waist and returned the hug, spuning her around.
"I missed you my little sis. How have you been?"
He asked once he put her on the ground again.

"Nothing changed since the last time we talked. I'm still doing great."
Jonghyun smiled.
"That's amazing."

"Uncle, can i get a hug too?" Sarang asked as she approached the two.
"Of course you can, you froggie."
With that, he hugged her tightly.

"Let's go to living room,we can talk there. I will make us some tea, what do you say?" Jisoo joined the rest, directing her question to Y/n.
"Sounds great to me."

Two days after;

Jungkook's p.o.v.

It's been 4 days since i talked with Jonghyun.
He invited me to his wedding, hoping that would help me to get closer to Y/n, since she Is going to be there as well. Of course, she Is his sister after all.

I was thinking about seeing Y/n again, and honestly, it made me feel a bit scared.
I was scared of her reaction. U didn't know what she was thinking of me at that point, but one thing was for sure,
she hated me.
I mean, who wouldn't? I have done so many awfull things to her.
She even tried to take her life because of all pain that i caused her.
Guilt was and will forever eat me from inside.

I was walking around the city, just looking around and enjoying some fresh air.
I was about to enter an alley where people were selling stuff in front of their houses.
I thought about buying some candies as i was craving for them in the moment, but as i was about to go forward, i was stopped by a voice.

"Sarang, don't go too away."
I immidiately recognised the person who the voice belonged to.
It seemed like it didn't change at all, it was the same as i remembered it.

A little girl appeared from the corner and approached the lady who was selling candies.
I caught myself looking at that girl.
She wore a pretty short, pink dress and had her hair down.
She seemed like she didn't notice me standing there.
The way she stared at those candies warmed my heart.
She watched them with such amazement and her eyes were glowing.

"Mom look at this lollipop, it's so pretty!" She suddenly turned to the side and spoke to the person on her right, her mother.

She approached her daughter and stood beside her.
I'm not gonna lie, she was as pretty as six years ago. If not even more.
She looked a lot more mature, but her beautiful features still stayed.
Maybe i was just imagining, but i think i could sense the smell of her hair. Coconut.

My Y/n.

She had her eyebrow raised and a twisted smile on her lips.
"Sweety, you just ate a lot chocolates and lollipops at uncle's place. Don't you think it's enough for today? Too much sugar Is bad for your teeth." She spoke while looking the little one in her eyes.
"But moomm, look at how colorfull and pretty it looks."
She was looking at her mom with a puppy eyes.

Some seconds later, Y/n sighed.
"Okay, you can have it."
Girl jumped in happiness and hugged her mom's legs.
"Thank you mom, i love you."
Y/n carressed her little head.
"But, promise me that you will brush your teeth as soon as we get home."
"Don't worry mom, i promise. I will even brush them twice." Y/n smiled widely and revealed her perfect, snow white teeth.

How much i missed that smile.

The lady gave her a candy she wanted and Y/n payed for it.
"You have such a nice daughter, miss. She looks so much like you." The lady commented.
"Thanks, i would say she looks like her father more." Y/n replied.

I felt my heart skipped a beat at the mention of her father. Me.

"You two must be happy to have a daughter like her."
At that, Y/n smiled sadly and lowered her head to look at Sarang, who was eating the lollipop.
"Yes, i guess he Is happy as much as i am."

I am.

Y/n then smiled kindly at the lady and started walking the opposite way of where i was while holding Sarang's hand in hers.

I just stood there, watching them leave.
For all this time, i didn't move a single inch.
But i didn't know how to feel at the fact that Sarang noticed me.
She was looking at me for quite long, until she turned around and left.
I had a chance to take a good look at her features. Almost the same as mine.
Eyes, nose, lips, face shape... Even the mole under her chin.

I was beyond happy at the fact that my two princesses were okay and that i was able to meet them.

Now all i have to do is
                               take them back to me.

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