Chapter 8: Trip to America

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Sitting on the end of the bed, i held my head in my hands, taking deeper breaths with each time i breath, trying to calm myself down as much as possible.
I even tried massaging my temples, trying to get rid of this massive headache i am feeling right now. It's unbearrable. That much that, after i had enough, i stood up and went to grab some painkillers.
I went downstairs while supporting myself on the wall, dizziness now blurring my eyesight.
"Mira!" I yelled as i got down from upstairs.
She immidiately rushed to me, looking worriedly at me.
"Yes sir? Are you okay?"
"Give me some painkillers, right now."
I ordered her. I could sense that she was thinking if she should do it, or not.
The thing is, everytime i took painkillers, my body would react a bit weird. It would erase my pain, indeed, but with some conciquenses.
She took a step back as i yelled, but eventually rushed back to the kitchen to find them.
It seemed like an internity to me as i waited for her to come back.
I couldn't stand anymore and i threw myself on the sofa in the living room.
Mira appeared in front of me once again, holding glass of water in one hand, and those pills in her other.
I didn't think twice before i put the pills in my mouth and pushed them down my throath with the help of water.
Now, i had to wait for them to work.
"What happened, sir?" Our maid, Mira, asked me. She was observing me the whole time, and noticed how hard i was breathing while had my eyes closed.
"I don't want to talk about it." I answered her short, and cold.
The Last thing i wanted to do in that moment was to explain the whole thing.
She then took few careful steps towards the door, wanting to get back to the kitchen, when the vibration of my phone from the desk stopped her.
"Can you answer that for me?" It came out more like an order than a question, but whatever. She took the phone and before she could pick up a call, "Unless if it's y/n. Don't answer if it's her." I added.
Mira looked at me for a second before tapping on the green circle on my phone.
"Yes, this Is mr. Jeon Jungkook's phone, I'm Mira you're talking to right now, how can i help you?"
After saying that, it was quiet. I was looking at her while she was looking around the room. Even though, she was focused on what other person was saying.
In one moment, she looked at me.
"I'm afraid that mr. Jeon can't talk right now. If it's so important, tell me, then i will pass it to him."
Then another minute of silence.
I couldn't read Her expessions while she listened to other one talking. I didn't even know who she was talking to.
"Oh, okay then. Do not worry, i will make sure to tell him. Thank you, have a great day." With that, she ended the call.
"It was your manager."
The painkillers were starting to do their job, as my headache was starting to go away, and i could see clearly again.
I sat up straight, and listened to what She's got to say.
"He said that there are some issues that appeared, and that your break has to end earlier than planned."
I didn't know if it was good, or bad new. Good because i wouldn't get to see y/n, or bad because of my health state. What if i would not be able to perform or something because of these boring headaches? I could barely stand a few minutes ago. I think i need more time to heal.
"He also Said that the members are told as well. They Are not in Korea right now, so they will take a plane From there to America."
Wait a second.
"America? Why there?"
"As your manager Is currently in America with Hoseok, he said that you guys will do a photoshoot and some other stuff there, as it's already been organised. Then you will shoot a BV 4 and more..." She explained.
Heavy sigh escaped from my mouth.
Already that much to do? Great...
"Did he say when i have to take a plane to there?"
"He said he will text you informations about the next flight soon."
"Alright, Thanks." She nodded at me, and went out of the room, leaving me alone.
I rested my back on the sofa, when i heard another vibration sound From my phone. A message.
I took the phone and opened it.
It was from None other than my manager.
"The only flight for America Is tommorrow, 8. a.m.
The problem is, i couldn't reserve you a ticket for a private flight. You will have to go by the plane with other people.
So i sended you a bodyguard that will go with you.
Dress as much as possible and cover your face and body, it will be better if you don't get recognised.
Text me when you get into the plane, okay?
The rest of the boys will come Here tommorrow as well."
Tommorow? 8 a.m.?
That means i have to pack my things now and go to sleep. Waking up early was never a talent of mine.

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