Chapter 17: All behind

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"Here." Woman said as she put the cup of warm green tea on the table in front of Jungkook.

Even though she is old, she still remembered his favourite tea flavor.
"Thank you." Boy's eyes were resting on the tea, watching as the steam was still visible.

Mira then sat on the seat on opposite side from him and stared at him, trying to figure out what was running through his mind.

After six years, he did look older, naturally, but his features still kept that childish, innocent look.
But the thing Mira disliked, was the fact that he was way serious then she could remember.

It was the same as that day, six years ago. The day he got a call to go to America. The day that everything changed. Day two lovers fought and separated.

Few minutes passed in silence, Jungkook not realising that the woman in front of him was watching him all along, sad little smile painted on her lips.
He realised it once he lifted his eyes and exchanged the look with her.

She didn't change much for this long.
Her hair became gray, almost white, black circules drawn under her eyes.
Few strands of her hair falling on her face and covering her forehead.

Jungkook felt his mind filling with questions.
The thing is, he didn't dare to ask anything.
It might be that he was scared of what will he hear as an answer.

"I was really glad when i saw that you are actually alive." Mira was the one to break the silence between them.
"It was a miracle, indeed. I felt like there was a stone lifted off my heart."

The other one didn't know how to react to that, so he just kept silent.
Somehow he was hoping that she will mention the theme he was craving for herself. So, he listened and waited.

"I saw it a few days ago. Your posters are all over the town and news. BTS coming together again is a pretty big new for people. I was glad for the boys of course, but when i saw you on the posters as well... It was hard for me to believe.

"Where have you been all these years?"
Jungkook returned his gaze to the cup in his hand once again, feeling the warmth slowly dissapearing.

"I was in coma."
It was hard for him to even say it. It was because he couldn't believe it himself either.

He was playing with the spoon he was holding, distracting his mind from all flashbacks of that time.

A sigh escaped her mouth.
"No matter how much i want to ask you what are you doing on the edge of the bridge in the middle of the night, i will not. I am sure you had a good reason. And I'm also hoping that reason Is not what i think it Is."

Boy shook his head at her comment.
"It's not. I just went out for some air."
That wasn't a lie. Jungkook was never good at lying.

Woman seemed to notice the truth he was saying and didn't push the topic any further, as she took a sip of her still warm tea.

"I have to admit, many of us were so shocked about the news about the incident. But there was one person who took it the hardest." Once this words slipped her mouth, Jungkook instantly moved his eyes to look at hers. That was the theme he wanted to hear.

He didn't dare to move his gaze, keeping it locked on Mira's eyes as he waited for her to speak.
She closed them as she was remembering every single thing.
Now it was the time to reveal everything.

She took another gulp, leaving half of the cup empty.
Once she placed it back to it's place, she began talking, Jungkook patiently waiting to hear it all.

"I know that you two got into a fight that day. I found out later what it was about." She opened her eyes and looked out of the window, her look staying there as she continued.

"She returned home some minutes after you left the house. She was soaking wet as it was raining hard outside,her clothes were dirty.
She looked... Lifeless." Her gaze softened.

"She tried to take her own life."
Her voice was combination of seriousness, worry and softness.

As he heard her last sentence, his heart clenched.
She... What?

"I came just in time to stop her. If i was just a second late..."
This was all hard for him to take in already, even though he knew this was only the beginning.

Warm feeling of tears tingled the corners of his eyes, wanting to get out.
However, they didn't as he held them back.

"The next day, i was shocked by how i found her. She was screaming and crying so hard. It was so painful to look at her. She looked completely broken."

Her eyes also shined with tears, the different was that she didn't even try to hold them. They were falling freely all over her cheeks, one by one.

"From that moment on, she wasn't the same person anymore. The young, cheerful, happy girl was gone.
She stayed inside her room all day and night. She refused to eat, wasn't getting any sleep at all."

Without him noticing, a single tear slided down Jungkook's cheek.
She had to go through all that, because of him...
Guilt was eating him inside.

"I was trying all ways possible to help her. But she was a stubborn one.
However, it wasn't only her she had to take care of."
His heart skipped a beat.
"She still had her child. The baby was the reason miss started eating normally again. She had to fight with her own mind. It was a long, tough fight.
After so long, she won.
It took her more than two years, but she won."

The other one was not moving, not even breathing.
His cheeks were already wet from the tears.
Once again, he wanted to punch himself right in the face.
How stupid he could be to do something like that?
Of course, the incident wasn't his fault, but he still was the reason they fought in the first place.
She tried to... because of him and his stupidity.

"I'm glad to see that she is finally happy, after all these years. She definately deserved it. She worked really hard to get to where she is now. To build a future. To be a good mother.
She used her talent for good things. Many people offered her jobs as a singer.
Guess you can say that she became pretty famous."

So many mixed emotions tingled his heart.
He felt sad, proud, guilty...
She finally decided to share her voice with the world. To let people hear her melodies. Her talents.

"I think Sarang will be the same as her mother when she grows up. She's already interested in pianos." Mira spoke as she looked at Jungkook.

Sarang... Such a beautiful name.

"So that means... I have a daughter?" He dared to ask, his voice shaking.
As a responce, he got a nod from the old woman.
His lips curved into a smile.
He has a daughter.
The love of his life Is alive.
That meant there are chances for him to go back to them.

More tears fell from his eyes, happy ones this time.
He covered his face with his hands and started sobing.

Mira noticed and went to his side, hugging and letting him cry on her shoulder.

"Thank godness, they are okay.."

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