Chapter 9: Breaking point

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There was a young girl sitting on a bench in the park, silently crying her heart out.
Her face could not be seen as she rested her forehead on her knees, hugging herself.
The park was completely empty.
Maybe because the sky was covered with dark clouds, not allowing anyone to see the beautiful full moon hiding behind them.
A faint sound of thunders could be heard in the distance.
But seems like y/n didn't hear, or simply didn't care about it. She didn't move from her spot for a while now.
A sudden sound coming from the pocket of her jeans made her flinch in surprise. It was her phone.
As she took it out, she glanced at the callers name on the screen.

'Bestie ❤️'

She didn't have to think twice before picking up a call.
She took the phone close to her ear, only to hear silence on the other line. She was quiet as well.
None of them seemed to want to begin with conversation.
It was until y/n couldn't hold it anymore and burst out crying again, choking in her own tears.
"He did something to make you cry, didn't he?" Her best friend, Chaeyoung asked once she heard the poor girl crying so bad.
"Chaeyoung..." It came out as more like a whisper, but she was able to hear it anyway. Chaeyoung was all ears now.
Y/n wanted to take a deep breath in, to calm herself down. She wanted to tell her best friend everything. But she felt like tears were stuck in her own throat, not allowing her nor to breath, not to talk.
"Don't rush yourself. Take as long as you need to calm down. I'm not going anywhere."
Of course, she felt grateful.
Her eyes traveled around the park, searching for anything that would distract her from thinking about.. the thing.
She found a little puppy lying on the ground, sleeping soundly.
As she was looking at it, she noticed that her breathing got a bit easier, making her able to talk now.
"H-he..." Not matter how much she didn't want to remind herself of what happened, maybe it would make her feel better if she talk to someone about it. This huge weight on her chest was really hard on her and she couldn't bare it any longer.
"He came home from shopping, but... He was weird. He ignored me and i went to talk to him. And..."
She paused. The phone in her hand shaking badly, she had to grab it tighter so it don't fall from her grip.
"He threw some pictures in my face, saying that these are the proofs that i cheated on him." More tears escaped her eyes.
"What is on that pictures?" Chaeyoung asked once she heard the reason behind her friend crying.
"Me and a guy that Is helping me with wedding preparations. And we are doing... stuff on those pictures. One picture Is of us kissing in the park and the other one... On the bed."
Other girl was speechless. She didn't know how to react, what to say.
"But these are fake! I don't know who or how they made the girl on the pictures look like me but it's not me! I would never cheat on my Jungkook, Chae..." Her voice broke.
But it's not only her voice.
Her heart broke as well.
She let out a painful scream she was holding in for so long.
There was no way that she could stop crying now.
"I would never cheat on him. But he doesn't believe me... He was even about to hit me. But the worst thing...
He thinks this baby Isn't his."

Instead of responce, she heard a loud sound of shoes hitting the ground.
And it was coming towards her.
As it came too close, y/n lifted her head up and was greeted by two arms wrapping them around her shoulders.
She immidiately felt warmness. The thing she needed the most right there and then.
"Shh, don't worry, he'll realise his mistake and will come back to you, I'm sure." Chaeyoung spoke softly in her ears.
Y/n wrapped her own arms around her friends waist, holding on it tight like if it's gonna go away. And she didn't want that. She needed someone to be by her side.
Was that too much to ask for?
"What will i do Chae..
What will i do?
My heart Is in so much pain...
I'm not ready

To say goodbye."

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