Chapter 5: Best birthday ever

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The next day, i woke up by a bright sun light hitting my eyes through the window. I took long to open my eyes, i was so tired and just wanted to continue sleeping. I turned around to see if Y/n was still sleeping, but i found Her side of the bed empty. I touched it and it was cold, meaning she woke up a long time ago. I know she goes to... Wherever she goes, early, but i Never thought she would go this early. It was only 8 in the morning.
I lifted my back From the bed in order to stretch a little, when my eyes fell on the sight in front of me.

I was speechless

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I was speechless.
I even forgot that today was my birthday.
When did she made this? I didn't hear a single thing.
Wait... My ear itches.
I had a freaking earplug inside my ear the whole time?
No wonder why i didn't hear anything.
I smiled at the thought od her trying so hard to make this without waking me up. I completely forgot all thoughts of day before.
I was admiring the thing in front of me, but sound od door opening made me look at it.
"You are finally awake!" She jumped on the bed and filled my face with her kisses.
"Happy happy happy birthday to my one and only." She was so freaking cute then. She took her time to hug me and kiss me as much as she wants. I would lie if i say i didn't enjoy it.
"This" she said once she was done with leaving hundreds od kisses all over my face and neck,pointing to the surprise she made for me, "Is just one of many presents i have for you."
Surprise was clearly seen on my face.
"Are you serious?" I asked, amazed.
"YES. And i left the biggest one for the end." Then she grabbed a big plate with lots of food on it and placed it in my lap.
"This Is the second present. And you have to eat a whole thing, i spent whole night making it."
When i looked closer, i noticed a dark bags under her eyes. Did she really had no sleep the whole night because of me?
"You want me to explode from eating this much?" I joked.
"No, but anyway, after you are done eating, go and get ready."
"For what?"
"Well, let's just say your third present was way to big for me to carry it to you, so i have to bring you to the present." She explained.
My eyebrow raised. I don't remember when i was this confused as i am now.
"No more questions, eat." She said and kissed my cheek.
I swear, a pure sweet smile never left her face.

"Are we there yet?" I asked as my legs started to feel tired. We've been walking for what seems like hours now. (That's just what i thought, in reality it's been around 20 minutes).
She was holding my hand the whole time and led me off to somewhere.
It was now my turn to wear blindfold.
"Now we are." We finally stopped walking.
"Okay,ready? One, two,three!" On three, she took the blindfold off and i was immidiately left speechless at the sight.
"I rented an amusement park for a day, just for you." Her words made me look at her.
"I remembered when you told me that you would like to go to amusement park with me, since you love them so much. But we never had the time to do that, we are. You can take any ride you want. It's all yours."
Words were stuck in my throath. What Can i say in a situation like this?
It's true. Going to amusement park with her was on my wishlist for a while. But because of all work i had, i couldn't take her there. But...
"How much did you had to pay?"
She hesistated for a bit.
"I planned this for a few months now, and while you were on tours i did some part time jobs and i was saving money i would got from them."
I couldn't believe it. She did all that. For me.
I hugged her as tight as i can an whispered in her neck:"Thank you. You are the best girlfriend in the world."
"I know. Don't waste anymore time and let's have fun!"

The rest of the Morning and afternoon we spent exploring around the whole park.
It's already dark and i suggested that we go home, no matter how much i didn't want to leave this place.
"I hope you like the present." Y/n spoke as we headed towards home.
"Like? I LOVE IT!" I spun her around to show her how happy i am.
"I'm glad. But there's still one present left."
"I hope it doesn't includes walking, because i am dead tired."
She smiled widely, letting me have a look on her beautiful, snow white teeth.
"It doesn't. It's actually in our home."
"Let's go then." I intertwined our fingers together and went towards our house.

"I am going to the bathroom, you go to the living room and wait for me, and i will give a present to you." She said to me as soon as we went inside the house.
I got my shoes of and went in the living room, wanting to sit on a sofa and rest.
But i spot something on the table.
As i got closer i got a better view of it.

I felt tears trying to fight their way out

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I felt tears trying to fight their way out.
I picked the test with my shaky hands and got a good look of it.
I turned around as i felt a presence behind me and she was standing there, looking at me with such a happy smile.
I couldn't take it as i runned to her and hugged her.
Warm tears left my eyes and i yelled:"I'm going to be a Dad!" She was just as happy as i was.
"You just made me the happiest man in the whole universe."
She responded by giving me a Kiss.
"Happy birthday, love."
"This really Is the Best birthday ever."

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