Chapter 16: One step closer

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The street was rarely quiet. Almost no cars passing by, nor any people.
Only one person was there, on the bridge, walking silently, all lost in his own thoughts.


Seems like he didn't mind getting out of bed this late at night.
He looked unbothered by the fact that it wasn't that warm outside. On top of that, he didn't bring his jacket with him.

His gaze was directed to the ground, not letting anything around distract him.
Well, that was until,

Someone called his name.
Not just someone...

Boy raised his head from the ground immidiately and wandered around him, in order to find where did the voice came from.
A sound of water splashing made him look underneath the bridge.
But the water was silent. It wasn't moving.
He stared at the spot, hoping it would give him a clue.
But then, a thought crossed his mind.
What if...?

"Y/n!" Without hesistating, he put himself on the edge, ready to jump down, when a strong grip on his arm made him stop.

"What's your problem?! Let me go!" Ju gkook yelled at the person who was holding him, still not turning to look at her. He was struggling to get himself out.
"Pull yourself together!" Other person's words instantly made him stop in his tracks.

That voice... Somehow familliar to him, but he couldn't recognised it.
Sound of it still faint, coloring the very back of his mind.

"Seriously, what's with you two and the water?" She asked.
Her voice sounded old and raspy.
As those words left her mouth, Jungkook turned to look at the woman beside him.
It took him few seconds to remember her. To recognise her.

Her gaze softened, but still looked a bit.. annoyed?
"It's great to see you again, Jungkook."
She flashed him a little smile, soon returning to the serious expession.
"But i would like it more if we didn't have to meet like this. What were you just trying to do?"
Boy's gaze left hers and looked at the water again.

It was quiet. And still. Not even a single little wave.
"I guess.. i halucinated again.."
All seriousness left Mira's expession and replaced it with a worried one.

"You miss her?"
Jungkook could only nodd at that.
Words wouldn't be enough to describe, so he didn't even try to.

"I can tell you that she missed you too."
In an instant, Jungkook's eyes returned to woman's face and stayed there.
"You know where she is?" Flash of happiness ran through his whole body.
"I do." He let out a relieved sigh through smile.
Maybe there Is still a chance for him to correct his mistakes from the past.
"Why don't we go to my house and talk? I will make us some tea to warm us up."
Agreing with woman's words, he nodded and went away from the edge, following her slow steps towards her house.

A/n: Do you want me to make an ending sad or happy? :)

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