Chapter 15: Stolen

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"What are you up to?" Gentle female voice was heard asking, echoing as the room was half empty, completely surounded by darkness. Only the moonlight coming from the window was revealing the look of their faces.
"Let me show you." Strong, deep, manly voice replied to a previous question.
Then, the distance between the two started to fade, them becoming closer by second.
Their eyes were glued on each others lips, as their breathing was becoming heavier.
And then it happened. Their lips touched.
Gentle, slow kiss was soon replaced with a hungry one. It seemed like both were craving for this moment.
She grabbed his cheeks and deepened the kiss, while his hands were resting on her waist.
Without a warning, his hands slipped down from her waist to her thighs.
She took it as a clue and jumped on him, wrapping her bare legs around his waist, their kiss never breaking.
Once she wrapped her arms around the boys neck, he put her to sit on a kitchen counter.
His hands never stopped holding on her thighs.
They stayed like that for a while, until her hands slowly started making their way down to unbutton his shirt.
Not long after, his shirt was lying on the floor, she feeling his bare chest under her palms.
It was his turn.
Without doing it slowly, he teared the top she was wearing and threw it away. Certain parts of her body still covered.
He moved his lips from hers and placed soft kisses first on her jawline, then down on her neck.
As he was doing that, the girl looked at one specific direction. Or, a person.
Only then, the one who was watching the scene all along could see girls face clearly.
He recognised her right away.
It was his girl.
And the boy...
It definately wasn't him.

Jungkook shot his eyes open.
His breathing stopping for a moment, he tried to recall the scene he just saw.
Sitting up straight, he took small yet deep breaths, wipping the sweat from his forehead and neck.
"What the hell was that?" He whispered to himself.
He could put his hand in fire that it was Y/n who just appeared in his dream.
But, what would Y/n do with another boy?
Jungkook felt confused. More than ever.
Is Y/n even alive? If she Is, where did she go? What about their baby? Who was this boy?
So many questions ran through his head that it started hurting.
Eventually, he got up from his bed and went to the Namjoon's room.
He knew that Joon would have the medicine he needed.
Painkillers and sleeping pills.
Quietly entering the room and grabbing the things he needed, Jungkook quickly went out and made his was to the balcony.
He would lie if he said that it wasn't a bit cold outside. Unusual for that time of the year.
He gulped the sleeping pills along with water down his throath.
While he waited for them to start working, he enjoyed the cold wind hit his face.
He found himself stare at the moon above him.
Full moon. Shining so brightly.
Memories of him and his beloved ran before his eyes.
The time they used to sit on a roof of his house and stare at the moon. There was no need for them to talk, they both enjoyed each others company. Warmth. Presence. It was enough for them.
Without realising, his lips curved into a soft smile.
"I promise, i will find you, Y/n. Just wait for me, okay?" Those words slipped out his mouth without warning. But, he was glad they did.
A burning feeling was eating him inside.
Someone stole his girl.
And he had to take her back.

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