Chapter 7: My mistake

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Is this... For real?
I was still staring, not believing my own two eyes.
This has to be a joke.
No matter if this was real or not, i felt like i completely lost my mind.
I couldn't control my actions.
I couldn't think straight.
I couldn't hold my anger from exploding.
With those in my hands, i made a way to the stairs, wanting to go to the bedroom and get away from her, but as i was about to do that, she spoke coming From the kitchen towards me.
"Kook, you are already here? I didn't expect you to come so early."
It was her voice. My back was now facing her as i just passed by her and i chosed to ignore her.
It was for the best, i thought. I was able to do anything at that point. I was scared of what i could do in this state so i stayed silent and didn't even turn around.
"How did it went, honey? Did you find a suit you like?" Her voice was annoying the hell out of me. Not wanting to hear anything else i just continiued going to upstairs.

I got inside the bedroom and threw the box with those on the floor. I wanted to break everything but i was keeping myself From it. It wasn't Long before i heard a soft knock on the door.
"Kook, are you in there?" Y/n asked. Her voice sounded worried for a bit.
I didn't answer, but even so, she opened the door and her gaze fell on me immidiately.
"The dinner Is ready, come and let's eat together."
"I don't want to." Cold. That's how my voice sounded. That's how i wanted it to sound. I was clearly uninterested for anything.
She didn't speak anything in a while. Just stared at me. Even though i wasn't looking at her direction, i could feel hers on me.
"Is everything okay?" She asked me quietly and gently.
I said nothing, pretending she isn't there.
"Kook?" She spoke once again and got beside me. I couldn't keep it in any longer as she was about to put her hand on my shoulder.
I yelled loudly.

She was taken aback and and immidiately took her hand away in surprise. I will never forget that horrified look on her face. I was never yelling before, especially not at her.
"What's with you?" Her voice came out as a whisper, horrified expession on her face now changed into a painful and worried one.
"Don't play innocent with me." I stood up and was burning her soul with my strong gaze on her, still keeping my voice loud.
She looked lost, like she wasn't getting anything of what i was saying.
"You're playing dumb, huh? Let me clear it out for you." I grabbed those and threw it in her face. Her gaze slowly fell from me, to the pictures in her lap. She took them carefully, and when she realised what those were, she shook her head multiple times.
"N-no... These.. aren't real..." As she lifted her gaze back to me, i saw tears shining in her eyes.
"Jungkook, believe me. These are fake. This never happened, i swear on my life." She sounded desperate for me to believe her.

"And you expect me to believe you?! That guy on the pictures is the one that came every day to our house and constantly been around you! I saw that you didn't even try to tell him to back off, probably because you were enjoying it! You two would even go somewhere alone! Who knows how many times he had touched you when i wasn't around!" Veins were clearly visible on my neck, all because of anger that just exploaded from me.
In the meantime, she backed away from me and we stood on different corners of the room.
"How long have you two been doing this?" I calmed down a bit once i took a deep,deep breath in. I waited for her reply, but i exploaded once again as i received nothing but silence.

I grabbed Her wrist very tightly, ready to hit her if i had to,and looked at her, to see that she was shaking, but still keeping on the eye contact with me.
After minutes of silence, i heard sniffs. She was crying. I made her cry.
My heart hurt a bit at the sight of her doing that because of me, but still i felt nothing but anger and dissapointment.
I turned my back to her, going to the window to breathe some fresh air.
"Get out. I don't want to see you ever again."
In that moment, i heard her breaths became short. It was like... She was fighting for air.
"B-but... What about your baby? Our child?"
I turned to look at her over my shoulder and let out a dark chuckle. I couldn't believe what i just heard.

"Our baby? I don't know if that baby Is even mine."

And then,
I felt pain. Burning pain on my cheek.
She slapped me.

"Don't you ever say such things like that again. I can handle the fact that you think i would cheat on you, like you don't even know me, but this baby I'm carring in my belly Is innocent. It Is yours. I never, ever, let another guy touch me except you.
I thought that it will Make you happy.
What made you like this?"
I stayed silent. I couldn't bring myself to say even a single word.
That's what I'm wondering too.
What made me like this?
Her eyes stayed glued on mine, even though i avoided them.
She shook her head in dissbelief and went to the door. Before she went out, she said this words to me,
"If that Is what you want, then fine.
You will not see me ever again."
And the door closed with a big thud.
I stood there, frozen, still procesing what happened.
Did i really just... Did all of that?
But... I would never...
This wasn't me. Something took over my mind, forcing me to say all those things.
That would explain the huge headache i had. Almost unbearrable.
Those photos that were now all over the floor took my attention again.
Without me noticing, tear escaped my eye.
Was this really...

The end for us?

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