Chapter 24: What I've missed

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I arrived in hospital along with ambulance and went inside the hospital.
"Hurry, she has no pulse!" One of the doctors said that and i felt my head numb. I don't know how, but i still ran while following them. I was about to enter the room but a nurse stopped me.
"I'm sorry, but you can't get inside the surgery room."
Before i could say something, the door of the room closed right before my face.
There were tears warning me that they Are about to get out. I couldn't hold it, no longer.
I just found her, i can't risk to lose her again.
The condition i was in was no better than before. I was still shaking, couldn't breathe properly. But my state was the last thing on my mind. She was main.
I had to sit, hoping that will help me calm a bit.
At one moment, i heard fast steps coming towards me. I lift my head to see who it was, only to see Jonghyun and Jisoo. My gaze softened when i saw Sarang in Jonghyun's arms.
"Jungkook, Are you okay? How Is she?" Jisoo asked once she kneeled in front of me.
I only shook my head.
"I can't believe that this happened. When Is life going to have mercy on her?" Jonghyun spoke.
That sentence hit me hard. It was true, after all. Life has always been so tough for her. Since she was a kid.
Because of me, she went through so much. Maybe she could enjoy every moment in her life of there wasn't for me and my stupidity.
Suddenly, i felt a hand on my knee.
I looked up and saw Sarang's hand.
"Sir, don't worry, my mom Is going to be okay. I know. She wouldn't leave me." Her eyes were so big and were looking at me with such soft gaze. I instantly melted at that. I got so emotional at that moment, that was the first time my own daughter was so close to me, spoke to me.
My arms worked on their own, and they wrapped around her little waist and lifted her up to sit on my lap.
I hugged her.
That feeling... Feeling of hugging something that belongs to you, and you only. Your own flesh and blood. She was so tiny against my arms.
I burried my head in her hair and felt a familliar scent. Coconut. Even if i didn't know who she was, i would recognise it right away. That same old scent of shampoo.
I became a crying mess at this Point. I didn't care about Jisoo and Jonghyun seeing me. I felt like it was only Sarang and me.
What i missed..
I missed everything.
Her birth,
Her first words,
I missed her growing.
I let her down.
She never had a father figure, she grew without it.
I can't even imagine how hard that must've been. For both her and Y/n, as a single mom. I know that she was such a great mother, it's amazing how she pulled it out on her own.
But now that i'm here, i promised myself to be the best father and ever.

As for Sarang,she wasn't trying to get out, somehow she seemed relaxed.
She even wrapped her arms around my neck.
I had a strong urge to tell her everything. That i am her father. But i knew that Y/n wouldn't like that. She kept the mention of me in the shadows all this years. I didn't want to ruin that.
We stayed like that, for who knows how long.
Hours later, a doctor finally came out of the room.

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