Chapter 14: Nostalgia

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Weeks passed.

Jungkook has returned his full energy, even though he still has to take some medicines to get his body in normal shape again.
He and the boys felt really gratefull for Tiffany, after all, She's the one who took care of him since she and her daughter found him on the beach that day.

They gladly exchanged numbers with each other, hoping to stay in contact.
They left her place some less than 6 weeks ago.

As they returned to Korea, the youngest one was left out of words on how much things changed.
All 7 of them talked about their plans and future.
The thing is, BTS disbanded a week after Jungkook's incident, six years ago.

Fans were shocked, of course at the fact they did it so suddenly, without a warning or something. But they never found out why it happened.
None of the boys said a thing about a tragedy.

They didn't want Army to worry, they knew news about Jungkook's 'death' would break them.
It was enough that Jungkook's family and friends were sad, they didn't want fans to be sad as well.
Of course, Army was sad when they announced that Bangtan Boys are taking their own paths.

6 of them never made a last concert or a meeting. What's the point of doing that if one member was missing?

In the end, they explained to fans that it's not an argument that made them do it.
It was a lot of thinking, and some decitions they wanted to keep for themselfs.

Army was understandable, however there were many of them who didn't take the news lightly.
They were angry, dissapointed and much more.
Boys were receiving many messages and hate comments.

There was no other way but to push all that to the side.
Even though they stopped doing music, concerts and that things, they never stopped seeing each other.
The feeling they felt when one of them was apart, was the worst.
Imagine the pain they would feel if all of them just break their friendship like that.

In the present day, 7 of them were sitting in the hotel room in Seoul.
They talked, a lot, the whole day and night actually.

And they made a decition.
They are coming back.
Stronger than ever.

The boys contacted Big Hit and signed a new contract.
You can say all of that happened quite suddenly.

Soon enough, posters of BTS could be seen all around the Seoul, Korea, other countries, and social media.

By the looks of it, Army didn't mind BTS coming back together once again, they had nothing against it.
After all, they were extremely happy and excited.

That meant boys will be very busy again.
Being one of the biggest boy bands in the world isn't easy, indeed, but they managed to pull it off in the first place. They were ready for it once more.

In case you are wondering,
Y/n still was not found, along with her child.
Her and Jungkook's child, to be more exact.

A few days ago, Jungkook came back to the house they lived in.
Finding it empty, he felt dissapointed.
He couldn't stop himself from going to  each room and looking for something.
Even he didn't know what was that something.

Once he reached the door of their room, his legs stopped themselfs from going any further.
That was the room they had argument in.
Room they last saw each other.
Room she spoken her last words to him in.

But even so,it was the room that held many beautiful memories.
They were sleeping next to each other and Jungkook thought that it was the best thing in the world. Having her in his arms.

He took a deep breath and grabbed the doorknob with his shaky hands.
Twisting it, he let himself have a look inside the room.

It was messy.
Glass pieces were lying on the floor.
Blankets that were once on the bed, now were thrown down, as well with pillows and some clothes.

However, two things made his eyes stop looking around the room and focus on them.
Next to the big window, there were wedding dress and suit.
He immidiately recognised that suit. It was the one he bought.
As for the wedding dress..
He never saw it.

Y/n bought her dress a few days before Jungkook, and she didn't let him have  a look at it.
She wanted to keep it as surprise.

But now, that dress was actually right before his very eyes, Jungkook couldn't look away from it.
He just found it so beautiful.
And he was sure that Y/n would look more beautiful with it on.

He never got a chance to see her in that dress

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He never got a chance to see her in that dress.
Because of how stupid he was.
If only he didn't let his emotions on her like that, and actually believe her, everything would be different.
They would be married.
Their child would grow right before their eyes.
They would be happy.
He would be happy.

His gaze softened and slowly fell from the dress, to the pictures lying on the floor, in the middle of the room.

He immidiately felt his blood boiling.
He kneeled down and took one photo in his hand, tearing it apart.
Those pictures destroyed his life.
He felt nothing but a pure anger towards them.

Without finding anything that would help him with where y/n went, he left the house, without even locking it.

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