Chapter 4: A glimmer of doubt

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"Do you want me do get you something to drink before we start doing your makeup? It will be good to refresh your throat a little." Loren would ask me, same as every other day.
"No, thanks. I will drink something later." I would answer coldly. Every single time before she starts doing her job, she asks me for a drink. I found it annoying. I mean, for the first few tries, i was being kind and would accept. She would always buy me a water, cola or a coffe from her own money and wouldn't take mine. It was very kind of her to do that but, i don't get it why she kept instisting so much. Namjoon hyung told me girls sometimes do that to show the boys that they are nice or whatever. But She's overdoing it. And if you wonder, yes, she still dresses like she's in the night club and not at work. Sometimes she would try to start a conversation with me, but i would answer her in a cold tone, clearly showing her I'm not interested.
Three days ago was our last concert before our break. Our first one in 4 years. Just before the concert, i started feeling a little...weird. I don't know how to describe it. But i went on a stage anyway and did my best. The feeling stopped itself after a while.
Loren didn't ask me to buy me a drink that time, which surprised me. Just as i thought she finally gave up on me, she brang a cup of coffe as i was about to go on a stage.
"No, thanks." I told her, hoping she would drink it instead or, do whatever she wants with it.
But instead, she told me:"I watched you the whole time. You didn't drink nor eat anything, so take this. It will refresh your throat and voice." Her gaze kinda scared me. It looked somehow... Evil? I looked at the cup and signed. I knew she wasn't gonna give up, if needed she would make me drink it, which i didn't want, so i took it and drank the whole thing at once.
"Thanks." I told her not even looking at her. I have the cup back to her and as i was doing that, i accidentally touched her fingers and her body kinda tensed up a bit. But i shook it of and went further with my way.
When i came home that night, i fell asleep right after, hugging Y/n's waist.
Since then, that weird feeling kept coming back. I started having more headaches than usuall and i feel more tired, even though i sleep more than ever. I wasn't in the good mood that often, and i don't know why.
One more thing kept bothering me. Y/n started going out more, without me. She would make some excuses when i ask her where Is she going all the time. It was a little suspicious to me, to be honest. I even though of following her, but i couldn't. All i wanted to do was lie in bed until my headache goes away. I didn't tell Y/n about it, and she didn't seem to notice because i was my normal self around her. I didn't have to act for long because she would go out in the morning, and came back late in the evening. I snapped out From my thoughts on the buzzing sound of my phone. I picked it up and talked for a while.

"So, how's in Paris?" I asked the person on other side of the phone.
"It's great! I already visited 2 clubs, ate the best ice cream in the world and took over 200 pictures." He answered.
"Wow" was all that i could think of.
"Did you see that Twitter trend Army is reposting?" I tried to think, but nothing came up. "No?"
"Well, someone said:"if you see Bts while they are on the break, pretend you don't know them, so they can enjoy this break just as they deserve." Can you believe that? It's so cute." Jimin explained. "And do they listen to that someone?" "Well, kinda. Just a few of them recognised me and asked for a picture. Much less than i expected."
"Well, that's great." I couldn't keep the air inside my mouth and i let it out as a sign.
"What's with you? You don't sound like you enjoy in our vacation." He now sounded a little worried, which i didn't want him to be, but i just can't help it. I decided to tell him what's bothering me. He'll know what to do.
"Well there's actually been something that kept bothering me these days."
"I'm all ears."
"Y/n started going out without me these days. She would go early in the morning and come back in the late evening. Whenever i ask her where she goes, she says that rather she is going for a coffe with Wendy, or is making everything ready for our marriage day. I offered her to make plans together about that, but she insist that she Can do it alone, and that i should keep working on my mixtape I'm planning to post out for my birthday, if i finish it."
It was quiet on the other line for a while, it's like Jimin was trying to process everything i just said, so i let him.
"I'm sorry to ask you this but, have you ever..." With each second pasing, i became more anxious. "...considered her... cheating on you?"
I felt like my body stopped working. And i was sitting there, looking like a statue until my brows furrowed and my face made a frown.
"Are you freaking joking?" In that moment that looked so... Absurd. There was absolute no way of that being true.
"Dude, i just asked. It just looked like it to me when you said she Is avoiding going out and making plans about your marriage, which you should deffinately do together. You are telling me that you never even though about it?"
"I didn't." My voice came out cold. From some reason i felt anger boiling inside of me. It can't be true. It's ridicilous.
But a glimmer of doubt was there.
And was growing with every second i thought about it.

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