Cheshire IV

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Narrator: Aurora Matthews/Stormy Weather

Chapter 31

I woke up to Blair having a catnap on the damp floor. She was in a haze of sorts. Blair opened her eyes and began yowling with immense hatred. She reminded me of Scourge.

"Shut up Blair!" I snarled.

As a response, she just started doing it louder. She then stopped and grinned at me.

"You said I was ugly, now look at me!" Blair smiled.

Blair now had purple cat ears and hair. She wore a short black dress and her signature silver kitty face necklace. Blair had always been a cat lover and the defiant look in her eyes reminded me of my own cat. Wait a minute...

"How did you get my cat's collar!?" I asked her.

"I was posing as your pet cat" Blair responded.

"Why do you hate me!?" I asked her.

"You said I was ugly and abused me" she responded.

"I was just teasing you!" I told Blair.

"Tell that to Charlotte," she grumbled.

I had heard from Henry that Blair didn't get along with her sister. However, Charlotte had been murdered ages ago by William Afton. Just then, Druman and Jackhammer approached us with a giant withered animatronic following behind them. It was a Chica model with no hands.

"Druman-" I began looking at the animatronic.

"It's okay, she's with us!" he told me about Withered Chica.

"Hello Susie, long time, no see," Blair cooed looking at her.

"Save your stupid insults," Chica snarled.

Susie and Blair began arguing about how to get out of the safe room. While they fought, I found the door and tried the handle. There was a barrier spell on the door preventing us from leaving. When I tried to inform the others, they were still arguing on how to get out except for Druman. I had trained him well.

"Hey guys, I found the door," I said.

"Is it open?" Jackhammer asked.

"It's blocked by a spell," I told him.

At that moment, the loudspeakers turned on. An extremely feminine voice echoed through the pipes.

"Hi guys, I'm sorry about this," the girl said.

"Hi!" a childlike voice added.

"What did BB say about my weight!?" Susie snarled.

Before the robot could say more, the girl managed to push him away from the Mic.

"Anyway,I am Nightmarroine and you people are my prisoners," the girl said.

"Fiore, is that you!?" Druman shouted.

After he said that, the door opened.

It was time to meet our tormentor...

Narrator: Blair

Chapter 32

I couldn't believe my eyes! There stood my dead sister, all grown up. She was wearing a white shirt and black pants. I was surprised at how plain she was. Her blue eyes flooded with tears. Charlie was definitely alive!

"I'm so sorry for locking you in the safe room!" she cried trying to hug me.

"Don't touch me, Charlie!" I hissed at my sister.

"I've been calling myself Charlotte for a while now," she glared.

Looks like our relationship wasn't fixed all the way. Her personality hadn't evolved past the time she had supposedly died. Then again, neither had I and we both still hated each other. There were still plenty of questions to ask. Aurora asked the obvious one.

"Did you possess the Puppet and Nightmarroine?" she asked.

"I'll explain everything thing right now, starting with our childhood" Charlotte noted.

"Just be truthful," Susie said.

That's when Charlotte began explaining everything about her past...

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