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Narrator: Elizabeth Afton/ Scrap Baby

I was now being held in the Capernaus. It was a high tech prison designed for worst-case scenarios. The prison was overcrowded due to a lack of staffing in the Vault, a sister prison. Due to this, I was stuck with the obnoxious Queen Bee. she wouldn't stop complaining and I wanted to strangle her.

Three hours later, I heard something creeping around. My cellmate was sound asleep as the sound grew closer. A man with a black cloak and a scorpion tail showed himself. The look in his glazed eyes gave me fear. He gave me an evil smile.

"My friend needs a host and you will fill the position," he said calmly.

Queen Bee woke up and began pestering him. The man simply slashed his tail and killed her.

"Oops," he giggled.

I was going to make a run for it but he released a pink substance from a tube.

"Be free," he told it as it headed towards me.

There was nothing I could do as I lost control of my body to the symbiote...

To be continued in Offenders

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