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Narrator: Mebd

Chapter 43

My job was extremely simple and important. I dialed up the number and a bored girl answered the call.

"How did you get this number?' the girl asked me.

"Susie gave me it," I told her.

"What's your name?" she asked me.

"I'm Mebd," I told her.

"My name is Millie, I'm Susie's subordinate," the girl told me.

"By the way, where is she?" Millie asked.

"Coney Island, Henry was captured," I told her.

"Do-" I began.

"I am aware of who he is," Millie told me.

"we'll be there as soon as possible," she said.

She hung up and I began to head out. Who knew what the others were going to deal with...

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