The presentation of the characters - Colette Mirabeau

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Bonjour ! My name is Colette Mirabeau , I am 16 years old! I was born on July 29 , under the sign of the Leo ! I live in Arles , a city in the south of France ! I have lots of things to tell you ! Something personal for example ...! What to start with...? well , first of all , you have understood that i love pink ! It's been my favorite color since I was a little girl! It is a feminine color and whose fashion will never pass! I wanted everything to be pink : my clothes , the ribbons for my hair , my satchel ! All !

(Pamela : Do want sometime in your life others colors like orange ? green ? Or black ? Colette : Nope ! But the blue sky , yes ! )

I take care of my look . In my opinion , accessories are very important : bags , belts , hats , etc ... all pink , of course !

My beauty secret ? The hair . They should always be flawless , wispy and rose scented . And then ... then ... ah yes ! When I'm nervous , I do a brushing or a hand care : it makes everything pass ! You too must try .

I'll tell you something else about me . If you want make me happy , give me a gift! ( obligatory pink ! ) or a pretty fan-art of me ! Or come with me to the hairdresser , to do a good brushing . When I get out of there , head full of vapors , I'm overjoyed !

What also makes me feel good is to look in the mirror and see that everything is in order and that I am pretty .

One last thing before greeting you , I wanted to tell you that all those who imagine that orange will replace pink as the fashionable color do not know what they are talking about .

Well! It is time that I leave you and let my friends speak !

A big kiss for you , reader ! * Smack *!

See you later .

P-S: Another secret ... I often read manga and I love to read fanfictions . My favorite type of manga is romance and magical girls . And above all , I am a fan of Boys Love ! Finally ... you understand what I mean ...

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