The presentation of the characters - Nicky Adrianson

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Hello there ! My name is Nicky Adrianson , I'm 17 years old ! I was born on December 4 , under the sign of the Sagittarius ! I was born and raised on a farm several kilometers from Sydney to the southeast and Canberra , the capital of my country Australia to the south . So yes ! I am Australian !

I'll tell you a secret ... well , not very secret ... but good ! Let's start right away !

By the way , I have always lived in the great outdoors . Can you imagine what it is ? Australia is a huge country and , by comparison , it does not have many inhabitants . So .... yeah !

That's why , every time I find myself in a closed place , I feel like I'm suffocating . It is my only weak point . That's why I always open the windows wide , even when it's very cold .

Even when my friends and I went down to the forbidden ground together during the first episode , I was so tense that my hands were trembling and I was in a hurry to get out . But I pretended nothing was wrong ! I haven't been bad, have I?

There , that was my secret ! You can understand that , although I am very sporty , I will never do scuba diving and stay long . Just thinking about it , I miss the air ! Even if I swim like a fish .

That's all for my subject ! And see you all soon !

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