The presentation of the characters - Paulina Bernaldez

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Hola ! I'm Paulina Bernaldez , I'm 16 ! I was born on March 8 , under the sign of Pisces ! I live in Cuzco , the ancient capital of the Inca Empire in Peru ! So yes ... I am Peruvian and I have a little sister Maria . I lost my parents when I was 12 and Maria was 4 at the time . The investigation made little progress and it was very difficult for me and my little sister . So my uncle and aunt raised us . I am religious , I grew up with the Catholic religion , the religion most practiced in Peru .

I have a predilection for technology like computers , laptops , PDAs , GPS and other devices .

Besides my little sister , what I love most in the world is nature . I think if we all put it together we can make a difference , for the better . Everyone , on their own small scale , can do a lot ! For example , to save water , just turn off the tap every time you brush your teeth .

I know that , on my own , I cannot change the world , but I can leave a mark , an imprint ... something that new generations can grow over time ... and one day ... may be !

Let's think about it , all together . Okay ?

That's all for me . I like you very much !

See you later !

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