The treasure

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Queen Asia , Europa , Afrika , Oceania and America have indicated the exact location of the lost treasure . Their divine powers allowed the Thea Sisters to access everything ; the good weather , the transformation , the less traffic and less tourists . The Thea Sisters have come a long way through the Great Wall to the fairy tower . From there , they found a staircase . Then they walked a path in the forest . In a very short time , they arrive in front of a river . The sun made the water shine , while further down in the valleys the branches of the weeping willows quivered , agitated by a light breeze . It was as if Queen Asia had used the wind and the trees to get their attention . The Thea Sisters pushed aside the long branches and saw a small river cove where the still and still water reflected the surrounding vegetation . It formed a wonderful natural aquarium , where the fish wriggled among the water lilies.

Paulina : It's beautiful !

Violet : Yeah...

But she couldn't finish her sentence because she had seen something shine in the middle of the water . She came closer to get a better look . Her friends crowded around her . A motagne of small jade stones sparkled under the transparent water ! Over time , the river had polished them . And the sun now , reflecting in the water, made them shine with all the colors of the rainbow . At this spectacle , the Thea Sisters , moved , looked at each other without speaking . They could never touch such a treasure ! Because his place was there , in this place . The place where the legend became reality .

Thea Sisters Fanserie episode 3 - The transformation part 2Where stories live. Discover now