The first fight

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Hu : Thea Sisters...

The five girls had almost forgotten Madame Hu , who stared at them with a look of fury . The Thea Sisters are preparing to fight against Madame Hu .

Dynamic : What , Hu ?! You want fight ?! Come on ! We ready !

Hu : GRRR ! Thea Sisters ! I'm going to kill you all !!!

Madame Hu teleports Xiao .

Hyper : Xiao ?!

Hu : You are useless now ! Give me your Stone Sacred !

Madame Hu tears off the Stone Sacred from Xiao .

Harmonia : Xiao ! No !

The Stone Sacred of Xiao is a Unakite . Two other Stones Sacred appear . One Aventurine , and the other a Lapis-Lazuli .

Jolie : Who is the owners of these two Stones Sacred ?

Hu : My two bodyguard !

Three small black balls appear on Madame Hu's other paw .

Hu : Now ! Come here ! Daimon !

The three Stones Sacred and the three black balls merge and then deform . Three giant Daimons in different forms are invoked , one which resembles a monkey , the second resembles a snake , and finally the third an ox .

Hu : Attack them !

The three Daimons rush towards the Thea Sisters.

Jolie : Let's go Thea Sisters !

Harmonia/Hyper/Glitter/Dynamic : Ok !!

Glitter , Hyper , Dynamic take care of the Daimons , while Jolie and Harmonia take care of fighting against Madame Hu .

Hu : I've waiting this moment !

Jolie : For us too ! Yaah !

While Harmonia Violet and Jolie Colette confront Madame Hu . The other three Thea Sisters discover for themselves what power they had , the first was Dynamic Pamela , who was chasing the Daimon who looks like a monkey .

Dynamic : Hey ! Come back here ! Stupid monkey !

Dynamic grabs the tail of the Daimon .

Dynamic : When i say come back ! IS COME BACK !

Dynamic raises the Daimon and throws it to the ground like a vulgar doll . She immediately realizes herself .

Dynamic : Wow ! My power is the force ?

The Daimon is recovering .

Dynamic : You wanna more ? So bring you dirty primate ass !

The fight of the Daimon monkey and Dynamic continues .

Glitter : Aah !

Meanwhile , Glitter is hit with the whip by the snake Daimon . Glitter get up .

Glitter : I should found something for beat him , but how...

The snake Daimon rushes towards her , he wraps it around her body and squeezes it to suffocate her . Glitter couldn't move and couldn't breathe . The Daimon was about to devour it , but Glitter did not let himself be .

Glitter : Don't think about it !

The girl gives the Daimon an electric blow . The Daimon all roasted by electrocution releases Glitter Paulina . Glitter discovers that it is his power .

Glitter : My power is the thunder ?

Meanwhile , Hyper Nicky takes care of the Daimon which looks like an beef . The beef tries to kick her with his head , but faster than him , Hyper dodges . With incredible speed , Hyper bypasses him , slides under the Daimon and she kicks him . Daimon beef is thrown in the air . Hyper understood what her power was .

Hyper : Amazing ! My power is the speed !

Harmonia also discovers its power . In the air , Madame Hu hit Jolie . Jolie falls and land on the ground . It's Harmonia's turn to confront her, she appears behind Hu . Harmonia brings up a bright violin and begins to play with it . When she was playing , the musical notes appeared through the melodies of the violin and struck the opponent . Like the others , Harmonia is surprised .

Harmonia : What is just happening ? It's that my power ?

And finally Jolie Colette . Madame Hu fell to the ground . Immediately after , she straightens up and faces Jolie . She heads straight for it .

Hu : Let's finished with you !!

Harmonia : Jolie ! Look out !

Jolie then produces light without realizing herself . Light blinds Madame Hu .

Hu : Aah ! My eyes ! I can't see anything anymore ! I'm blind !

Jolie realizes .

Jolie : How i did it ? So that's my power ?

Thea Sisters Fanserie episode 3 - The transformation part 2Where stories live. Discover now