The mission

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Later , the Thea Sisters and the five queens meet at the place where Violet learned that she was the daughter of Queen Asia . The girls were ready to listen to what the queens entrusted them with a mission .

Europa : Thea Sisters , we came from the Olumpos world to entrust you with a mission . Your mission is to protect the Earth ... but for that , you must find allies , with whom , will help you protect it .

Colette : Protect the Earth ? But why us ? And how can we find allies ? Real allies ?

Africa : You have a purer and more noble soul than any normal mortal , other people also have a pure soul like you . Only true friends are your allies .

America : Listen , a malicious goddess wants to take over the Earth and all the inhabitants and make it change into an obscure world .

Oceania : She also feeds on the energies of the people and their Stone Sacred , to procure it , she sent her followers to Earth to make an offering by making a ritual sacrifice .

Nicky : And one of her followers is Apotre Luna , right ?

Asia : It is for this reason that you must protect the Earth . You can do it .

Colette , Paulina , Pamela and Nicky understood that this mission is of the utmost importance .... but a huge responsibility ! Even if they're just teenage girls , they want to be up to the task . But one of them did not seem to be listened to ; Violet .

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