The five queens

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The Thea Sisters meet .

Hu : This time it's too much !! I have enough of all of you ! I damn you !

Harmonia : Hu ... you kidnapped my friends ... you used Xiao like a puppet ... and you kidnapped poor people with Apotre Luna ... and that , I would never forgive you !

Girls launch their attack with their combined power .

Thea Sisters : Beautiful Continental ! Burst !

Hu : AAAaaaahh !!

Madame Hu and the three Daimons were hit and reduced to dust . The three Stones Sacred are purified , Harmonia , Dynamic and Glitter delicately catch the Stones Sacred . Apotre Luna appears above the Thea Sisters , she is very angry .

Luna : Thea Sisters ! If you still mix our business , I warn you that if you keep putting us in the way , this is the war between us the Solar System Apotre and you five ! Know that we are many than you ! Be very careful with us !

Five lights appeared behind the Thea Sisters . It's still Queen Motherland Asia , with four other goddesses . Luna leaves immediately , leaving the girls with the goddesses . The Thea Sisters returned to their normal appearance . Seeing them at last in detail , Nicky , Colette , Pamela and Paulina are very surprised that they and these five goddesses are very much alike . The goddess with light blond curly hair , wears a dress in medieval European style , a gold crown decorated with precious stones including rose quartz . She looks so much like Colette . The third with a long braid , her dress is like a traditional outfit from North , Central and South America with a veil covering her shoulders . On her head she wears a gold crown decorated with moonstones and other gold jewelry . She looks a lot like Paulina . The fourth is wearing an African style dress . Her hair is short and curly . A gold crown on the head decorated with precious stones including turquoise and African jewelry . And the fifth in the Oceanian dress , she is the only one who does not wear a crown . On its fur is tattooed symbols and traditional patterns of the Oceanian in color white . She looks like Nicky when she doesn't tie the hair . All are very beautiful .

Paulina : Who are you ?

Asia : I'm Queen Motherland Asia , the queen of Asia . I'm the Mother of all asians peoples and i'm Violet'm mom .

The other Thea Sisters immediately look at Violet . The other four goddesses presented themselves .

Europa : I'm Queen Motherland Europa , the queen of Europe . I'm the Mother of all europeans peoples . And i am your mother , Colette .

Afrika : I'm Queen Motherland Afrika , the queen of Africa and the Mother of africans peoples . I'm your mom , Pamela .

Oceania : I am Queen Motherland Oceania , the queen of Oceania . I'm Mother of all peoples of oceanians islands . And i'm Nicky's mother .

America : And me , i'm Queen Motherland America , the queen of America . Paulina , i am your mom .

Asia : We are all five sisters . We are the queens of the kingdoms of the Olumpos world , a world where all the deities of the different beliefs of the Earth live in harmony .

Europa : We are here to give you a mission . But before explaining it to you , you must give the Stones Sacred to the victims . Pamela and Paulina you will go to the body of Kim and Len to put their Stones Sacred back where it was .

Pamela : Who ?

Europa : Hu's bodyguards .

Pamela : Oh yes ! Ok !

Afrika : America and i , we coming with you .

While Paulina , Pamela with Queen America and Queen Afrika left . Violet takes care of Xiao's Stone Sacred .

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