The presentation of the characters - Violet Yang

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Nihao ! I'm Violet Yang , I'm 16 years old . I was born on August 25 , under the sign of the Virgo ! I was born in Hangzhou , China .

It's my turn to speak ! But I start with what .. ah yes !

As you can understand , I had an unhappy childhood . It was my grandfather who raised me , and taught me a lot of things , like the music that fascinates me today . I play the violin to calm my depression and come back to myself . And every time I play , it thrills me with passion .

What else ... oh ! I love listening to classical music , I have a record collection in my bedroom . I also like tea , it is a relaxing drink , I can drink it in large quantities at any time .

Sometimes , I happen to be annoyed by my new friends ... like for example Colette , who always gives nicknames to others without embarrassment , applying makeup and her personnality . Pamela who was screaming all the time every time when she sees Frilly my domestic cricket , her annoying music and she laughs too loud . Nicky who opens the windows wide . And Paulina , who does nothing but sit in front of her computer screen when she has free time .

I have to leave you now . Sorry if it's too short , because I'm shy !

But next time it will be better , okay ?

See you next time !

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