The queen of Asia

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In an empty place where everything is only white , Violet wakes up slowly . She was surprised she was there .

Violet : W-where i am..? How i do for cominf here ? The last time that i remember was...That's right...That was happening....Oh no...I'm leaving without them...! I don't want leave them...! Colette...Nicky...Paulina...Pamela....Forgive me...

??? : Violet...get up...

Violet : Huh ?

Violet gets up . It was again the goddess in the Asian dress , she stood a few yards from her . Unlike the first one , it was shiny , this time it did not shine . Violet could finally see in detail her appearance . The dress she wore looks like traditional Chinese attire , mixed with Korean , Japanese and Vietnamese . Her smooth hair , midnight blue in color like the night sky , was very long , almost reaching the ground . On her head , she wears a gold crown decorated with precious stones including amethyst and jade with flowers on each side . A small amethyst stone in the shape of a drop in the center of the eyebrows like the Indians . This mysterious woman is really very beautiful than all the women that exist on Earth . Her face expresses itself soft , full of wisdom and very kind . Violet was amazed . Because the most incredible thing is that , this lady and Violet ... look like each other . Violet could also feel the love she gave off like a mom .

??? : My child...

Violet : You again ? Who are you ? And how you know who i am ?

The goddess laughs . Her laugh was melodious . She smiles .

Asia : I am Queen Motherland Asia , the queen of Asia . I am the Mother of all asians peoples , and...i'm your mom , Violet .

Violet : What...?! You ? My mom ?

Asia : Yes , my little sweatheart . Everyone you know in this country , where you were born , are your brothers and sisters . Your ancestors , your parents , your old classmates and everyone you do not know , are also your brothers and sister .

Violet didn't know what to say anymore , she is so shocked that she can hardly believe . Even Queen Asia could feel the doubt that invaded Violet's thoughts .

Violet : How know...If you really know about me...

Asia : My daughter , i'm a goddess , it's normal that i know all peoples .Violet Yang , born in Hangzhou on August 25 , 2002 at 10:22 a.m . Born from the union of Li and Lu Yang . You did not have a happy childhood , Lu and Li work every day without even having a minute of spending time with you . The only person you trusted was Chen . After his death , you felt lonely and none of your siblings cared about you . Until you met Xiao , your brother . With him , you spend time together . And then you signed up for Mouseford , and during the trip for a new life , you met Colette Mirabeau , Pamela Tangu , Paulina Bernaldez and Nicky Adrianson . So did Thea Stilton , Octavius , Bartholomew Sparkle and others at the academy .

Violet is paralyzed , Queen Asia knew everyone well .

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