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The long-awaited day had finally arrived : in the new National Theater in Beijing , we were going to give Turandot !

Violet , Nicky , Colette , Paulina and Xiao (who had lost the memory of his meeting with Apotre Luna and Madame Hu) were very emotional watching the show , except Pamela who had fallen asleep for the entire duration . The opera was a success . A real explosion of applause for Violet's parents . Later , Xiao was waiting for them in the car . Violet had wanted to talk with her parents , but already they were no longer there . Violet thought they were still avoiding her , terribly disappointed , she returned to the hotel with her friends . But at the exit of the Theater , Nicky stopped Violet .

Nicky : Hey , Vi ! Look !

When her friend turned , with great surprise , she saw her parents far away . As Queen Motherland Asia said , Lu and Li wanted to see her . Violet came over to her parents . Her parents did the same . For the first time ever , Violet found herself in front her father and mother .

Violet : Mom...Dad...

Her mother Li hugged her .

Li : My baby...

Lu : Violet ... your mother and I are sincerely sorry .

Li : We know that you have suffered a lot during all these years . We should have been there every day and at important moments in your life .

Violet was unable to talk .

Li : Oh Violet...We love you so much .

Violet's freezing heart warms . It was these words that Violet had so wanted to hear from her parents . She threw herself into her parents' arms again , crying . Her dark thoughts that she had had since childhood were now gone . The other Thea Sisters watched this moving scene .

Pamela : *snif*

Paulina : Don't cry , Pam .

Pamela : Okay .

Her tears come back up in her eyes .

Paulina : *whisper* what..? O_O

The little family got free and Violet introduced her friends to her father and mother .

Thea Sisters Fanserie episode 3 - The transformation part 2Where stories live. Discover now