mornings with you

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"hmm?" Nini stirred as she felt weird pecks all over her face.

It stopped, but then continued.

Nini was getting annoyed and got a pillow and placed it on top of her face. Unfortunately, it soon was thrown away.

"Ugh, Ricky! I'm trying to sleep!" Nini finally said as she turned to her stomach. Ricky laughed as he stopped.

"Come on, baby." He whined, "It's almost twelve, and i'm getting bored."

"What time did you get up?" Nini asked, although it came out muffled since her face was still face down on the bed.

"Six." Ricky responded.

Nini groaned and responded, "You're fault."

"But Nins.. i'm so bored! Plus, it's almost noon."

"Hmph, fine. Just five more minutes." Nini said.

"Fine. But just five, okay?"

"Yeah, whatever."

Ricky just continued lying down on the bed with Nini until five minutes had passed.

"Nini, it's been five minutes." Ricky said, but didn't get a response back.

He knew that Nini probably fell back asleep. It was time for his next plan.

Ricky bent over and leaned down to where Nini's ear was.

"Hey baby." Ricky whispered in a lower tone than his voice. Nini jolted up right away, almost hitting Ricky's head.

"What was that?!" She asked. Ricky just laughed at her reaction.

"Yay! You're up!" Ricky said as he hugged her. Nini looked beyond pissed.

"Ricky! You're acting like a child." She said as she tried to push Ricky away, except Ricky's grip on her was too strong for her.

But she melted in the hug anyway.

"Ugh,  you better make breakfast now that i'm up if you don't want me falling asleep again."

"Lunch, you mean." Ricky corrected. Nini rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Now shoo so I can get ready." Nini said as she pushed Ricky out of their bedroom.

Nini woke up at seven o'clock in the morning. She looked over and saw that Ricky was still asleep, and so she quietly got out of bed and exited the room.

She decided to make breakfast for the two of them this time.

She made pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon as well.

Once she finished, she checked the time and saw that it was 7:30. Ricky was still asleep, which was weird since he's always the one who's up first.

Nini had then decided to get ready for the day and took a quick shower.

Once she was done with all that, it was around 8:15, and Ricky was still not awake.

Nini decided to try and wake him up.

"Ricky, Ricky hey." She said softly as she gently nudged Ricky.

"No mommy, I don't want to get up." Ricky said as if he were seven years old still. Nini stifled a laugh and continued to nudge him.

"Ricky, it's like 8:20, you never really wake up at this time."

"Five more minutes.." He said as he pulled the covers up more.

"Okay, fine." Nini responded as she exited the room and entered in five minutes later only to see Ricky still asleep.

"Ricky, it's been five minutes." Nini said. Ricky didn't respond.

Nini thought of an idea and left the room. Payback time.

Nini went to the kitchen and grabbed a pan and spatula. She then walked back.

"Ricky, are you going to get up now?" She asked, but Ricky was still asleep.

"Okay, here goes then." Nini said as she began to bang the spatula on the pan. Ricky had then instantly got up and fell off the bed, startled by the noise making Nini laugh hysterically.

Ricky groaned as he stood up. "Nini." He whined.

"You're-you're face" Nini said in-between laughs. Ricky pouted like a child.

"Awe, don't be so salty, Richard. Paybacks a bitch." Nini said as she left the room. "Also, get ready! Breakfast is getting cold."


Hey guys! Please check out the conversations tab on my profile! I posted a message and want to see what you guys think.

As always, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, and vote and comment !

-Malexity :)

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