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"Ricard!" Nini called out to her boyfriend as she was laying spread out on the couch.

"What! What's wrong? Are you okay? You only call me Richard when something's wrong." Ricky spat out quickly as he ran to where she was.

"You're okay?" Ricky said as he saw Nini. "You scared me, Nins!"

"But i'm not okay! I'm bored!"

Ricky laughed as he sat next to her, moving her legs out of the way first, "Well, what do you want to do then?"

Nini thought for a second and responded, "let's go to the grocery store! We need to buy stuff anyway, our fridge is practically empty."

"Okay, then let's go" Ricky said as he got up and got his car keys. Nini stood up as well and made her way to Ricky's car.

Ricky unlocked the car and entered in the driver's seat as Nini entered on the passenger's side. He then turned the engine on.

Nini immediately turned the radio on and At Seventeen by Janis Ian started playing.

Nini sang happily during the whole song, which Ricky smiled joyfully at listening to her.

"But you're not seventeen, yet Nins." Ricky joked.

"Ok hush, i'm turning seventeen in like a month, okay?" Nini said as she rolled her eyes playfully.

"And you're not ugly."

"Yes, I am."

"Call yourself ugly again, and I won't take you to the store."

Nini gasped, "Wait no! Okay, fine i'm not, uGly." Nini said as made her voice when she said ugly. Ricky rolled his eyes and continued to focus on the road as Nini started singing to the next song on the radio, which was Baby by Justin Bieber. They both ended up singing the lyrics out. Actually, more like shouting.

Ricky arrived at the Walmart closest to them and parked in one of the available spots.

They both got out of the car and walked inside. Nini got a cart and started making her way to get snacks. Once she got there, she started grabbing a bunch of random snacks and placing them in the cart.

Ricky, who first stopped by at the toy aisle to just look at all the stuff there, walked to where Nini was and noticed all the different items there.

"Uh, Nini, aren't you overdoing yourself?" He asked. They both looked at each other, then laughed.

"Ceos of being healthy." Nini joked as she grabbed some eggs from the fridge.

"Damn right we are!" Ricky said as he high-fived Nini. Unfortunately, Nini wasn't holding the eggs securely, and dropped them.

"Oh no." She said as she looked at them on the ground.

Ricky stared at them too. Luckily, no one was around, so he grabbed the cart and walked away with it as if nothing happen.

As he was walking away, he turned to Nini, "Just walk away." He said calmly.

"Yeah no, see ya!" She said as she ran leaving Ricky behind. Ricky's eyes widened, and soon he too was running with the cart.

They both ran to self-checkout. Once they got there, they were catching their breath, while laughing.

"Oh my god, we're basically criminals now!" Nini said as she checked out all the items. Ricky laughed as he helped her out.

"Hopefully, we won't get arrested." Ricky joked back. The two finished checking their items out and saw that the price was $70.39.

Nini was about to swipe her card, but Ricky beat her to it.

"Hey! I was going to pay for it!" Nini pouted as she got the receipt.

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I don't pay for all my girlfriend's snacks." Ricky said as they walked to his car.

"You are so right." Nini replied as Ricky unlocked his car and opened the trunk. They both then start loading in their stuff in the trunk.

Ricky laughed, "Wow Nini, I expected a response like 'a good boyfriend' or something."

"Oh well." Nini said as she smirked at him. Once they finished loading in their groceries, they sat back in the front as Ricky started to drive.

"Hey, Ricks?" Nini asked as she looked out the window.

Ricky looked over at Nini to see if there was something wrong, "Yea?"

Nini looked back at him and smiled, "I love you."

"I love you more." Ricky responded as they rode back home in a comfortable silence.


Happy Sunday all!

As always, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, and vote and comment !

-Malexity xox

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