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tw: teen pregnancy

Nini was speechless.

She couldn't move at all. All she could do was stare at the two lines that were before her.

She was only sixteen for crying out loud! What would her moms think if they found out? What were her friends going to say?

How is Ricky going to react?

Would he leave her? Would he stay?

Nini started crying in the bathroom. Luckily, both her moms were at work, and everyone else was at school.

She didn't want to deal with it. Everyone was going to be disappointed in her... She knew it.

So, she got up, and began packing her things. Nini then put all her things in her car and drove to someone she hasn't seen in a while, but knew she could trust. Luckily, she still remembered her address.

Nini parked her car and exited. She checked the time and saw that she drove around nine hours just to get to Los Angeles. She then made her way to the front door and rang the doorbell, tears still dropping from her eyes as she waited. The door soon opened.

There before her was her cousin, Amelia, who was eight years older than her. Amelia was a few inches taller than Nini, had tan skin, and shoulder-length brown hair with blonde highlights.

Amelia gasped as she saw Nini's face and hugged her, "Nini!"

Nini calmed down a bit as she pulled away.

"Here, come in." Amelia said as she moved out of the way, letting Nini enter in. Nini then sat down on the couch, Amelia doing the same as she locked the door.

"Does Aunt Carol and Dana know you're here?" Amelia asked as Nini then shook her head no.

"What?! Nini! You drove all the way here from Salt Lake without telling your moms! They must be worried right now!" Amelia said as she went to get her phone, but Nini grabbed her wrist to prevent her from leaving the room.

"Wait, Meels, don't." She said. Amelia looked at her and noticed fear behind her eyes. She slowly then sat back down, "What's going on?"

Nini looked down as she fiddled with her fingers, "..i'm pregnant." she mumbled. Amelia furrowed her brows, not hearing her.

"I'm pregnant." She repeated again.

"What? Nins, I can't hear you. Speak up, hon-"

"i'm pregnant!" She burst as Amelia's eyes widened, "No one knows, and i'm scared Amelia!" she said as tears began to fall again.

Amelia immediately comforted her younger cousin as she was still shocked. "Nins.. you can't just hide this from your moms. Especially your boyfriend.. Ricky, right?"

"Probably not my boyfriend anymore after he finds out.. Please, please, don't tell anyone Meels. You're the only one who knows."

Amelia looked torn, but nodded her head, "Fine. But you need  to tell your moms soon. Do you have a place to stay?"

"I was kind of hoping I could stay with you..? But if I can't that's okay!"

"Nonsense, you're staying here."

Ricky was at Big Red's house having their usual hangout in his basement playing video games. At the moment they were playing fortnite.

"Ricky! There's a duo headed for tilted!" Red announced as he began to launch grenades at them.

Ricky's phone began to ring. Ricky ignored it for now since it was an online game, and if it was important, then it would constantly ring.

And it did.

"Got them!" Red said happily.

"Okay, cover me then. Someone keeps calling me." Ricky said as he got up, finally answering the phone.


"Ricky! Have you seen Nini?" Ricky heard Carol's voice on the other end of the phone. Ricky looked at the time and noticed that it was around nine in the evening.

"No, I haven't. She wasn't at school yesterday, and she hasn't called or texted me today. Isn't she sick?"

"Oh honey, Dana and I were out since five in the morning yesterday, and just got home. Do me a favor and please text your groupchat. Nini isn't answering her phone."

"Of course. I'll call you if we find her." Ricky said as Carol replied thanks back and ended the call. He then began to text their groupchat.

Big Red looked at Ricky in concern, "Everything alright?"

Ricky let out a huge sigh, "No. Apparently Nini's gone. Her moms are worried. I'm headed to the park to meet everybody else, you coming?"

"Is that even a question?" Big Red said as he got up and turned off the xbox. He and Ricky then headed upstairs and outside to Ricky's car.

Ricky then drove him and Big Red to the park, which wasn't so far from Big Red's house. It was only a five minute drive.

Once they got there, Ricky parked in one of the available spots. He and Big Red then exited and walked and waited for everyone else.

Soon, their friends arrived, but no one talked until everyone was there already.

Ashlyn was the first to talk, "Nini's gone, since yesterday? And no one's talked her since?"

Everyone shook their heads no.

"Her location is turned off too!" Carlos then said who had his phone out.

"Oh my god, I want to cry.." Kourtney said as Seb just put his arm around her shoulder, comfortingly.

"Guys, let's just all split up and try looking for her! Text in the group chat if you find her!" Ricky said everyone nodded and split up.

He hoped that she was okay.


Splitting this up into two parts.

Sorry, I haven't really been active much. Writer's block hit me hard.

As always, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, and vote and comment !

-Malexity xox

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