calm down (3)

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I forgot to mention what month it is, and so it's the end of May.

"What?!" Nini asked loudly in shock. "Where does it say that?! I don't remember getting or seeing anything that says 'Nini, will you be my maid of honor?!"

Kourtney handed her the other card that was inside of the envelope. Nini took it quickly and read it.

"But why would she want me to he her maid of honor? I haven't spoken to her since we all graduated!" Nini asked in frustration.

"Beats me. Look, you can't just not go now and leave her without a maid of honor."

"Guess I can't do that then." Nini said as she sighed and placed the two cards down on her coffee table. "Who else is going?"

"I'm pretty sure the whole group's going. A sort of high school reunion, I guess."

"High school reunion, my ass." Nini said as Kourtney just chuckled.

"It's still weird hearing you cuss, Nins."

"Well things change, so. I guess I should call Audrey and tell her that i'll be there." Nini said as Kourtney nodded. She then got her phone and clicked on Audrey's contact. She called and put her phone on speaker and waited for her to answer.

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Hey Audrey, it's me, Nini. I'm calling to tell you that i'll be there for your wedding."

"Nini! Oh my goodness, it's been so long! I'm so glad to know that you can make it! I hope you've been doing well lately?"

"Yeah, I have. I hope you and Ricky are great, as well? After all you're getting married..." Nini said as her voice almost cracked saying married.

"Yeah! Anyways, we're having a rehearsal dinner next week on the third."

Nini was confused as to why they needed a rehearsal dinner and looked over at Kourtney, who just shrugged in response.

"Um, okay. Time and place?"

"My house at three. Can you make it?"

Nini sighed as she responded, "yeah."

"Yay! Can't wait to see you again, Nini! Bye!"

"Bye." Nini said as she ended the call. "Well, looks like we're going to that wedding."

"Ah, home sweet home!" Kourtney said as she and Nini entered her house back in Utah. Nini chuckled as she placed her bags down.

"How much time do we have until we have to go to that dinner thing?" Kourtney then asked as Nini checked her phone.

"Three hours." Nini said, "Now if you don't mind, I will be taking a nap."

"Same here girl, same here."

They both went and took a nap. Kourtney woke up after an hour to get ready. Once she finished, she waited for Nini to wake up and get ready so they could leave.

Kourtney checked the time and noticed it was almost three.

"Nini! Are you almost ready?" She called out, but got no answer. She hoped that she wasn't asleep still. She then went upstairs and knocked on Nini's door.

"Nini, it's almost three, come on." Still no answer.

"Alright, i'm going in." Kourtney said as she turned the knob. "Please be decent for the love of God."

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