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nini my baby🥰❤️
Mon, Jan 27, 3:21 PM

hey nins
i miss you

Tues, Jan 28, 7:32 AM

goodmorning !
you know, last night, I had a weird dream.
We were married and we had two kids and a pet cat.
Not that being married to you would be weird, never.
i gtg now

Fri, Jan 31, 9:01 PM

lol are u ignoring me?
im sorry if i did anything to make you mad.
please say something back.
did you hear about the winter musical?
miss jenn announced that it was going to be camp rock.
i don't know if i want to audition, but you should definitely audition.
i can see you as the role of Mitchie.
you'd be amazing :)

Wed, Feb 5, 5:55 PM

i miss u

Fri, Feb 7, 1:30 PM

yeah, ur ignoring me
pls tell me what i did wrong

Sun, Feb 19, 2:44 AM

i wish u could respond
life's so much boring and sadder without u.

Thurs, Feb 20, 12:00 AM

happy birthday my love

Ricky was by the lake at the park closest to his house. He was sitting on a bench with his guitar and a notebook.

The past week wasn't the greatest for him. He just found out that his mom and Todd were engaged.

Sure, he finally accepted that they're together, but to be engaged? That's a little too soon.

It's just different seeing your parents fall out of love, and now in love with different people.

But at least his dad was happy for them.

And then Nini. He didn't even want to think about her right now.

He just continued to play a soft melody on his guitar as he wrote song lyrics that came to mind.

He was almost finished writing his song when he felt the vibration of his phone in his pocket. He took it out to see what the notification was.


nini my baby🥰❤️
Sun, Feb 23, 4:45 PM

hi !
sorry i couldn't respond, my phone had broke and i had to leave out of town for a family reunion.
no idea why it was a month long but 🤷🏻‍♀️
i miss you too tho, snookums🥺

holy shit nins
yay u finally responded
im coming over rn

haha ok
fine with me


one of my shorter one shots !

As always, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot, and vote and comment !

-Malexity xox

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