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Few days later

Lona stood behind Jayceone and played with his dreads while he focused on Sunday night football. His hands rubbed together as he watched his team closely.

"Can I retwist your dreads?" She asked.

"So you can fuck up my hair? No" he chuckled. His eyes grew wide as he seen his team getting closer and closer to the touch down line. "Yes yes yes" he cheered. His team scored a touchdown and he shot up to his feet while Lona stepped back "Let's go" he yelled.

Lona giggled "Sit down Jay"

He turned and smiled wide, walking closer to her "Come Gimmie a kiss"

"What? Boy sit down so I can keep playing in your hair" He slumped back down on the couch and the couch dipped.

"You really don't like football huh?"

Lona shook her head, taking a seat beside him "Nope, I'm a basketball girl" she smiled "Football confusing"

"Naw, you just stupid" Jayceone laughed. Lona slapped his arm and laughed a little "You book smart but dumb everything else"

"Really? Coming from the guy that thought a egg could be boiled in the microwave?"

Jayceone stopped laughed "Aye, chill. I ain't know the microwave was gon blow the fuck up"

"Common sense says use the stove dummy"

Xavier walked into Imani's room from the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bed. Sky was sleeping in the corner of the bed and Imani was sleeping next to her.

He leaned over and kissed her cheek, then watched her eyes open. "Wake up" he chuckled.

"No" she mumbled, closing her eyes. Xavier grabbed her arm gently and pulled her into his lap. She laid her head on his shoulder. "Stay with me tonight"

He smiled "You know I can't do that Imani."

"Ask please"

"Alright I will but only if you wake up and talk to me"

"But I'm so sleepy" she whined "But fine. Talk"

He chuckled "Can I take you out to dinner tonight?"

"Can't. I have so much work due tomorrow, I'm tired and I have to babysit Sky. And I have work tomorrow"

"Jayceone and Lona can watch her for tonight. I'll help u with your work when we get back and I'll even let you sleep late tomorrow"

Imani laughed "Yea ok dad. I'll think about it" The doorbell rang "Jay got it" she mumbled wrapping her arms around his neck and holding Xavier tighter.

Xavier smiled to himself and kissed Imani on her forehead. Things have changed between him and Imani and he loved it. He was finally able to hold her and soon would be able to kiss her and be her man.


Jayceone opened the door and in front of him stood 2 police officers. "Are you Jayceone Taylor?"

He nodded slightly as they walked inside "Yea, why?"

"You are under arrest for the aggravated assault of Robert. You have the right to remain silent..." The officer continued with the Miranda rights and Lona ran upstairs into Imani room.

She bust into the room "Jayceone's getting arrested" she said, tears running down her face. Imani and Xavier rushed downstairs and they saw Jayceone being hauled off to the police car.

An officer looked back and recognized Xavier, matching the description Robert gave, and he to was arrested and read his Miranda rights. "Wait Xavier" Imani called out. She pulled him into a hug as the officer tried to pull Xavier away

"I'm ok baby." He reassured her "I'm ok" she let go and the tears started to fall as she watched her brother and soon to be boyfriend being out into a police car.

Not sure on what else to do, she called her parents.

"Jay and Xavier were arrested" she cried into the phone.

"What?!" Sydney yelled "What the hell happened?"

"They went after Robert because he was hitting Lona and they got arrested"

"Shit. Alright we're on our way home" Sydney hung up and rushed over to her bags. "Jay and Xavier were arrested. They must have beat up Robert cause he was hitting Lona" she said quickly to Damian, who was laid out in bed.

He quickly shot up "what the fuck? Why ain't nobody call?"

"Maybe they thought they could handle it but we need to go now"

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