Chapter XIX: Locks

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As I walk into Sarah's office, I notice the doorknob creaking. I begin to examine the lock, but Sarah's voice interrupts me:

-It's broken. -She says and I diverge my vision to her. -It's rust, or something, has been like that all morning. -Sarah continues as she gathers a huge pile of papers and walks in my direction. -What are you doing here? We're supposed to go study in the library and then come up for a session.

-I came here to help you. -I say gesturing to the papers.

She tries to dodge my hands at first, but I manage to get half of it. We walk down a few sets of stairs to the library and set our things on the table we use every time.

-So... Did you do the homework? -She asks jokingly.

-Yeah. -I slam the book on the table. -Thank you for making me read this crap, by the way. -I roll my eyes playfully.

-You're very welcome. -She smiles. -Okay, so... Next up, psychological analysis.

-Yes! Finally! -I say in a whisper.

-Don't be too excited, I'm about to tell you some lies.

-Such as?

She clears her throat, reading a sheet of paper.

- "Sexual interaction between the same gender has been and always will be unnatural, to humans and animals.". See? That is so ridiculous, humans are animals. And animals that aren't human have same-sex intercourse just as much as we do.

- "We" as in humans, or "we" as in us? Because homosexuality be might be natural, but I don't think the animal kingdom can keep up with us. -I joke under my breath so only Sarah hears it.

She smirks and keeps going through sheets of paper.

-You have to read... This book. -She points at a book title.

-True Nature... -I read out loud. -Sounds dumb.

-Yeah. Now go find it. -She smiles and gives me a little push.

I get up from the chair and start searching around the library. Where the fuck is this fucker? Eventually, I stumble upon a green book with a matching title. I bring it to the table and open it to start reading, but Sarah places her hand on top of it.

-We'll read together.

-Seriously? I think I know how to read just fine. -I sigh mockingly.

-I already filled all my daily forms. And I'm not offering a chance to help you read, I just want to guide you on interpretation. -She gives my leg a little kick under the table and I give in.

-Sure. Lead the way, teach.

-Fine. -She chuckles. – "It is a well-known fact that sexual intercourse or interest between two individuals belonging to the same gender is an unnatural behavior to any species of the animal kingdom.". Take notes, Ro, this is some real good writing here. -Sarah comments and try my best not to laugh. – "The very purpose of intercourse is reproduction, which logically goes against homosexuality.". -She keeps reading with her professional voice. Which is hot as fuck, by the way.

-That makes so much sense... I mean, it's not like having sex feels good or anything. People fuck exclusively to get pregnant. -I say ironically.

-Yeah, I hate it too. -She jokes and I kick her ankle under the table, playfully. She bites her lip with a smile, trying to hold back the small and sharp pain I inflicted. -For real now, I need to teach you this stuff so you'll pass your exam. No irony from now on, okay?

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