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"So, I hear our little girl's getting married, "Bob said as I walked down the stairs. I glared at Frankie who just giggled like a little kid.

"Yeah, she is, "Gerard said, walking past me. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Well, I think it's great, "Bob said, hugging me tightly. I was slightly taken aback. I had never taken Bob for the touchy type.

"Yeah, I know! Bob, did you know her birthday is in February?" Frankie asked.

"No way, is it really?" He asked, looking at me. I nodded slowly. He smiled at me. The front door opened and Ray came in, followed by Mikey.

"Hey, baby, "Mikey said, walking over to me. I kissed him and while Frankie and Bob cooed, Ray scoffed and went to find Gerard. I pulled away and looked at Frankie.

"Do we really need an audience?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, you do! It's just too cute, bitch!" Frankie laughed.

"Well, maybe you would like an audience when the girl who stabbed you comes back, "I laughed.

"Holy shit, where is she?!" He cried.

"Dude, she's just fucking with you, "Mikey said, laughing.

"Oh, well, that wasn't nice..."Frankie said, regaining his cool.

"Dude, go away, "Bob said, shoving him into the kitchen. Mikey rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"Well, just think about it. In a little over a week, we're going to have a whole room of idiots like him, "I smirked.

"Whatever do you mean?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well, of course the other guys are invited to the wedding, right? The Panic and Fall Out Boy guys and Phil?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, and point taken, "he said, kissing me. I smiled.

"Well, what about the details?" I asked, suddenly remembering movies about weddings.

"You don't have to worry. I'll take care of it all. Mom's taking you out to get a dress tomorrow, "he said, smiling at me. My eyes widened.

"You're going to leave me with your mom for a day..."I muttered quietly.

"Oh, come on. She's not that bad, babe, "he said, kissing my neck. I nodded slowly. "It'll be fine."

After Nancy got back from running errands, we all had dinner and discussed the wedding. I could tell that Gerard was less than thrilled, but I didn't really have to time to talk to him. Everyone was asking me questions about what I'd like at the wedding. I was thankful when Mikey told everyone to go home. At the end of the day, I crawled into the bed and lied down on the bed next to Mikey. He leaned over and kissed me as he ran his hands across my skin. I shivered slightly and smiled as he turned off the lights.

The next morning, I snuck out of the bed and found a pair of shorts and a shirt. I threw them on and stumbled out of the room to the bathroom. As I was coming out of the bathroom, I crashed into Gerard. He looked me over and smirked.

"Well, looks like you were up late, "he commented. I blinked and pushed him lightly. "Hey, I'm just saying... These walls aren't sound proof, although, after last night, I wish they were. Next time, could you keep it down a little? We normal folk do this crazy little thing called sleep." I laughed and nodded slowly.

"Well, I'll do my best, just for you, "I laughed quietly. I went back to our room and found an outfit to wear. Today was going to be a long day full of time spent with Nancy.

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